
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




A New Bridge Shanghai - Italy, Feb 24th, Shanghai

02 三月 2011
活动安排: 5:30pm-6:00pm:签到及酒会时间 6:00pm: 主持人江羚小姐欢迎并介绍意大利驻沪总领事和单传博经理 6:00pm-6:10pm:中国东方航空客运营销委员会总经理单传博演讲 6:10pm-6:20pm: 中国东方航空客运营销委员会大客户经理顾瑞漪小姐,介绍中国东方航空上海到罗马新航线 6:20pm-6:30pm:意大利驻沪总领事Vincenzo De Luca演讲 6:30pm-6:50pm: 意大利贸易委员会Maurizio Forte先生,中国意大利商会Claudio D’Agostino先生, 领事Marcella Zaccagnino小姐, 世博意大利馆Ernesto Miraglia先生演讲 6:50pm-7:05pm:问答环节 7:05pm-7:10pm: 抽奖时间 7:10pm-7:40pm: 自助餐 7:40pm: 尾声 Vincenzo De Luca简介 毕业于意大利那不勒斯大学政治学专业。他曾就职于意大利驻喀土穆和突尼斯大使馆,任驻巴黎经济合作与发展组织常务代表团参赞。曾任工业和能源问题国际事务副参赞。现自2010年12月起任意大利驻沪总领事。 Location: Equatorial Hotel, 2F, Imperial Hall, No.65 Yan`an West Road 延安西路65号,上海国际贵都大饭店2楼,帝王厅 Event Sponsor:  

A New Bridge Shanghai - Italy, Feb 24th, Shanghai

02 三月 2011
Programma: 17:30 registrazione e aperitivo 18:00  Shan Chuanbo, Direttore della Commissione di Marketing e Vendita della China Eastern Airlines 18:10 Gu Ruiyi, Key Account Manager della Commissione Marketing e Vendita della China Eastern Airlines 18:20 Vincenzo De Luca, Console Generale d’Italia a Shanghai 18:30 Claudio D’Agostino, Vice Presidente Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina   Maurizio Forte, Direttore ICE Shanghai   Marcella Zaccagnino, Console d`Italia a Shanghai   Ernesto Miraglia, Commissariato Generale di Governo per Expo Shanghai 2010 18:50 Q&A 19:05 sorteggio dei premi 19:10 buffet reception e networking 19:40 fine  Biografia del Dott. Vincenzo De Luca Laureato in Scienze Politiche all’Universita di Napoli, ha lavorato alle Ambasciate di Khartoum e Tunisi e alla Rappresentanza Italiana Permanente dell’ OCSE (Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico) a Parigi. E’ stato inoltre Consigliere per gli Affari Internazionali presso il Ministero dei Trasporti e della Navigazione ed il Ministero per l’Industria e il Commercio; Consigliere Diplomatico del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e Vice Presidente per le Relazioni Internazionali della ENI S.p.a. e’ adesso Console Generale d’Italia a Shanghai dal dicembre del 2010. Location: Equatorial Hotel, 2F, Imperial Hall, No.65 Yan`an West Road 延安西路65号,上海国际贵都大饭店2楼,帝王厅 Event Sponsor:  

A New Bridge Shanghai - Italy, Feb 24th, Shanghai

02 三月 2011
Program: 17:30 Registration and cocktail time 18:00 Mr. Shan Chuanbo, Director of the Marketing and Sales Committee of China Eastern, presents a speech 18:10 Ms. Gu Ruiyi, Key Account Manager of the Marketing and Sales Committee of China Eastern 18:20 Mr. Vincenzo De Luca, Consul General of Italy, presents a speech (please click here to download the presentatation)  18:30 Mr. Claudio D’Agostino, Vice President of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (please click here to download the presentation)   Mr. Maurizio Forte, Director of Italian Trade Commission (please click here to download the presentation)   Ms. Marcella Zaccagnino, Consul (please click here to download the presentation)   Mr. Ernesto Miraglia, Italy`s Pavilion (please click here to download the presentation) 18:50 Q&A 19:05 Lucky draw Time 19:10 Buffet reception & networking 19:45 Ending   CICC also has the pleasure to share with its members and friends, an article from Shanghai Daily, an interview with Mr. Vincenzo De Luca, Consul General of Italy (please click here for a quick view).   Following the principal of providing better service to all customers, the Consulate General of Italy would like to gain your views and feedbacks regarding your recent experience when making a visa application at the Consulate. Please kindly fill in the survey (please click here to download) and send it back to CICC by March 31st, 2011. Please be assured that your information wil be strickly confidential and for Consulate`s reference only.   Event Sponsor:  

Enhancing Email Communication, Shanghai, Feb 24th-25th

24 二月 2011
  Email is the one of the most basic communication tools in daily business practice. Have you found difficulty in expressing yourself sometimes? Have you misunderstood other parties because of misreading his words? Effective email communication will help your operations in business easier and more efficient and to impress the other party. Ms. Hannahlise Barlow, who is professional in HR and secretary skills training, will help you enhance your email communication skills in following steps: - Brainstorm session - Changing your mindset for effective& modern communication - Tips for Effective Writing - Language Style Differences - Structuring - Standard Phrases - Understanding differences in “Tone” - Preparing for difficult Situations - Standard Templates Trainer: Hannahlise Barlow: Hannahlise Barlow is a professional with expertise in HR Training. Born in England, she moved to Italy in 2003, and set-up her own business providing in-company training to some of the biggest multinationals in Northern Italy. Today Hannahlise lives and works in Shanghai. Being a linguist and a passionate follower of all things HR and training, Hannahlise continues to study the latest training techniques and subjects to develop herself and her skills as a Business Soft Skills & Language trainer. Hannahlise has recently given lectures at Jiao Tong University on CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for the MBA-C course, teaching top international managers from many different industries. Location: Meeting room 3, 2F, No.188, Han Zhong Road(close to Heng Feng Road, Metro Line 1 Han Zhong Station) 汉中路188号,上海市青少年活动中心,2楼,3号会议室(近恒丰路,地铁一号线汉中路站)  

Enhancing Email Communication, Shanghai, Feb 24th-25th

24 二月 2011
  Email is the one of the most basic communication tools in daily business practice. Have you found difficulty in expressing yourself sometimes? Have you misunderstood other parties because of misreading his words? Effective email communication will help your operations in business easier and more efficient and to impress the other party. Ms. Hannahlise Barlow, who is professional in HR and secretary skills training, will help you enhance your email communication skills in following steps: - Brainstorm session - Changing your mindset for effective& modern communication - Tips for Effective Writing - Language Style Differences - Structuring - Standard Phrases - Understanding differences in “Tone” - Preparing for difficult Situations - Standard Templates Trainer: Hannahlise Barlow: Hannahlise Barlow is a professional with expertise in HR Training. Born in England, she moved to Italy in 2003, and set-up her own business providing in-company training to some of the biggest multinationals in Northern Italy. Today Hannahlise lives and works in Shanghai. Being a linguist and a passionate follower of all things HR and training, Hannahlise continues to study the latest training techniques and subjects to develop herself and her skills as a Business Soft Skills & Language trainer. Hannahlise has recently given lectures at Jiao Tong University on CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for the MBA-C course, teaching top international managers from many different industries. Location: Meeting room 3, 2F, No.188, Han Zhong Road(close to Heng Feng Road, Metro Line 1 Han Zhong Station) 汉中路188号,上海市青少年活动中心,2楼,3号会议室(近恒丰路,地铁一号线汉中路站)  

Enhancing Email Communication, Shanghai, Feb 24th-25th

24 二月 2011
  Email is the one of the most basic communication tools in daily business practice. Have you found difficulty in expressing yourself sometimes? Have you misunderstood other parties because of misreading his words? Effective email communication will help your operations in business easier and more efficient and to impress the other party. Ms. Hannahlise Barlow, who is professional in HR and secretary skills training, will help you enhance your email communication skills in following steps: - Brainstorm session - Changing your mindset for effective& modern communication - Tips for Effective Writing - Language Style Differences - Structuring - Standard Phrases - Understanding differences in “Tone” - Preparing for difficult Situations - Standard Templates Trainer: Hannahlise Barlow: Hannahlise Barlow is a professional with expertise in HR Training. Born in England, she moved to Italy in 2003, and set-up her own business providing in-company training to some of the biggest multinationals in Northern Italy. Today Hannahlise lives and works in Shanghai. Being a linguist and a passionate follower of all things HR and training, Hannahlise continues to study the latest training techniques and subjects to develop herself and her skills as a Business Soft Skills & Language trainer. Hannahlise has recently given lectures at Jiao Tong University on CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for the MBA-C course, teaching top international managers from many different industries. Location: Meeting room 3, 2F, No.188, Han Zhong Road(close to Heng Feng Road, Metro Line 1 Han Zhong Station) 汉中路188号,上海市青少年活动中心,2楼,3号会议室(近恒丰路,地铁一号线汉中路站)  

Seminar on "PRC Tax update from June to December 2010", Shanghai, Feb 17th

17 二月 2011
With rapid changes in business environment in China, tax rules and regulations have also been changed frequently in the second half of 2010. Recently the SAT released the Circular 75 which provides detailed interpretation of the provisions of the DTA between China and Singapore. It would be taken as a reference for interpreting provisions of other DTA that China entered into with other countries. In addition, from December 2010, Foreign-invested Enterprises (FIE), Foreign Enterprises (FE), and foreign individuals in China will be required to pay Urban Maintenance and Construction Taxes (UMCT) and Education Surcharge (ES) according to a recent announcement made by the State Council. The new rules and regulations have had significant impacts on enterprises in the PRC. The presentation will examine changes with a special focus on those aspects affecting the foreign invested enterprises. Speaker Mr. Peter Law - Tax Manager Peter has been with Mazars for 10 years. His professional knowledge covers all types of PRC taxes. He is responsible for provision of PRC and Hong Kong tax and business consulting services to both corporations and individuals. His areas of expertise include advising foreign investors on optimal investment holding structures and proposed foreign investment enterprises in China. He is actively involved in structuring PRC and HK/overseas cross border transactions such as performing PRC transfer pricing review between related parties, due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and group restructuring exercises.   Location: Mazars Office One Lujiazui, 68 Yin Cheng Road (M), 8 Floor 浦东新区银城中路68号时代金融中心8楼 *Please be noted that the security at the lobby will require your ID/passport when entering the building. Seats are limited! If you are interested, please subscribe now!

Seminar on "PRC Tax update from June to December 2010", Shanghai, Feb 17th

17 二月 2011
With rapid changes in business environment in China, tax rules and regulations have also been changed frequently in the second half of 2010. Recently the SAT released the Circular 75 which provides detailed interpretation of the provisions of the DTA between China and Singapore. It would be taken as a reference for interpreting provisions of other DTA that China entered into with other countries. In addition, from December 2010, Foreign-invested Enterprises (FIE), Foreign Enterprises (FE), and foreign individuals in China will be required to pay Urban Maintenance and Construction Taxes (UMCT) and Education Surcharge (ES) according to a recent announcement made by the State Council. The new rules and regulations have had significant impacts on enterprises in the PRC. The presentation will examine changes with a special focus on those aspects affecting the foreign invested enterprises. Speaker Mr. Peter Law - Tax Manager Peter has been with Mazars for 10 years. His professional knowledge covers all types of PRC taxes. He is responsible for provision of PRC and Hong Kong tax and business consulting services to both corporations and individuals. His areas of expertise include advising foreign investors on optimal investment holding structures and proposed foreign investment enterprises in China. He is actively involved in structuring PRC and HK/overseas cross border transactions such as performing PRC transfer pricing review between related parties, due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and group restructuring exercises.   Location: Mazars Office One Lujiazui, 68 Yin Cheng Road (M), 8 Floor 浦东新区银城中路68号时代金融中心8楼 *Please be noted that the security at the lobby will require your ID/passport when entering the building. Seats are limited! If you are interested, please subscribe now!

Seminar on "PRC Tax update from June to December 2010", Shanghai, Feb 17th

17 二月 2011
  With rapid changes in business environment in China, tax rules and regulations have also been changed frequently in the second half of 2010. Recently the SAT released the Circular 75 which provides detailed interpretation of the provisions of the DTA between China and Singapore. It would be taken as a reference for interpreting provisions of other DTA that China entered into with other countries. In addition, from December 2010, Foreign-invested Enterprises (FIE), Foreign Enterprises (FE), and foreign individuals in China will be required to pay Urban Maintenance and Construction Taxes (UMCT) and Education Surcharge (ES) according to a recent announcement made by the State Council. The new rules and regulations have had significant impacts on enterprises in the PRC. The presentation will examine changes with a special focus on those aspects affecting the foreign invested enterprises. Speaker     Mr. Peter Law - Tax Manager   Peter has been with Mazars for 10 years. His professional knowledge covers all types of PRC taxes. He is responsible for provision of PRC and Hong Kong tax and business consulting services to both corporations and individuals. His areas of expertise include advising foreign investors on optimal investment holding structures and proposed foreign investment enterprises in China. He is actively involved in structuring PRC and HK/overseas cross border transactions such as performing PRC transfer pricing review between related parties, due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and group restructuring exercises. Location: Mazars Office One Lujiazui, 68 Yin Cheng Road (M), 8 Floor 浦东新区银城中路68号时代金融中心8楼 *Please be noted that the security at the lobby will require your ID/passport when entering the building. Seats are limited! If you are interested, please subscribe now!

Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights Protection”, Shanghai, Jan. 24th

24 一月 2011
China is the source of most counterfeit products. Due to the growing numbers of overseas investments, companies, and foreign technologies that enter into China, the subject of Intellectual Property rights tends to take a place that cannot be ignored in the daily business of foreign companies. This lecture would particularly interest companies that want to protect their brands, designs and patents during their various activities in China, lawyers and people who are curious and interested to discover and know more about IPR.   During the seminar, IP regulations, the judicial system in Shanghai, settling IP disputes will be reviewed, and with analysis of typical cases and how to control risks related to IPR. The seminar would help you to have a better understanding of how to protect your IP rights and combine your strategy with knowledge of the technological and business factors involved in this area of law in China.   Agenda: 6:30pm – 6:45pm Registration 6:45pm – 8:15pm Speech 1. Protection Status of International Intellectual Property –Practice in People’s Court in Shanghai – Speaker: Judge Yuan Xiuting - senior judge at the Intellectual Property Court in Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People`s Court 1.1. The features and trends of cases relating to international intellectual property 1.2. The key & tough issues of the cases relating to international intellectual property 1.3. Analysis of Classic Cases 2. Control of the Risk of Intellectual Property Rights – Speaker: Wang Zhengyang, senior partner of JunZeJun Law Offices 2.1. Risks and common misunderstandings of Intellectual Property Rights in China 2.2. Strategic planning of intellectual property 2.3. remedies for infringement against intellectual property rights 8:15pm – 8:45pm Q&A sessions *please click here to download detailed biography of the speakers.   About Junzejun Law Offices: Founded in Beijing in 1995, JunZeJun is one of the earliest and largest private partnership law firms in China. Our team consists of two hundred and forty legal professionals working from three offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Our Chinese and foreign lawyers work in Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Turkish languages. JunZeJun Law Offices are well experienced in providing all-round legal services for foreign and domestic clients in all areas of Chinese commercial law. In the last 10 or more years, we have provided high quality and efficient legal advising services to dozens of groups of national and multinational companies. Through many years of practice, we have built close working relationship with government departments and companies in Yangtze River Delta. In the past 2 years we have provided successful services to Chinese companies which wanted to invest overseas.


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