Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
If you wish to promote your company through CICC channels, here you can find all the advertising services that we offer: from customized ADV packages on social media to offline promotion during our events. It’s our goal to provide our Members and Friends with the most effective services, tailored to their needs.
Service list:
1. Advertisement on CICC Channels
Advertisement on CICC We Chat Account: WeChat Post
Promotional Banner on CICC WeChat
Account Email Direct Marketing (EDM) to CICC Members
Advertisement on CICC website
Advertisement on CICC e-Newsletter
2. Advertisement on media outlets
Promote your company or event through media platforms both online and offline.
3. Advertisement on CICC Report
The Business Sentiment Report is the main report of CICC and it is dispatched through a series of initiatives and events in collaboration with the diplomatic network and commercial institutes: add your logo in it and increase your visibility.
4. Advertisement during CICC Events
CICC events are an important stage to promote your business and make your company known to our network.
If you want to know more about each service, please download the service catalogue by clicking the button below, or please contact us at