
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Premio Panda d’Oro – 2011 Edition, Shanghai

28 三月 2011
Organized in partnership with Fondazione Italia Cina, the event will award 5 prizes, in 4 different categories: Panda d’Oro Category (2 prizes): 1. Panda d’Oro Cina Award Italian Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Chinese market in 2010 and plans further investments in 2011 2. Panda d’Oro Italia Award Chinese Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Italian market in 2010 and plans further investments in 2011 MADE IN ITALY Category (1 prize) 3. The Best Project Panda Award Italian Company which has implemented the best project for the promotion of the “Made in Italy” in China DISCOVERY Category (1 prize) 4. The Voyager Panda Award Chinese or Italian Company which has most identified itself for helping Chinese tourists discover Italy and Italian tourists to discover China, by offering attractive and service-oriented travel packages. THE 150th ITALIAN ANNIVERSARY Category (1 prize) 5. The 150th Italian Anniversary Life Recognition Award “壹佰伍拾岁如意” Company which celebrates the longest successful cooperation with China. This award is dedicated to the celebration of the Italian Unification. To apply for Premio Panda d’Oro, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating for which prize category you are running for. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai in June 2011. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we count on your support to send us your feedback and referrals, by filling in and within March 28th, 2011 the participation questionnaire, and sending it back to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com. Premio Panda d’Oro offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 2,500.00 contacts among Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our mailings, website and publication, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Benefits: Company logo to be included into each and every communication of the event, through mailings, e-news, website and CCICInforma.              One dedicated interview by Media Partner. Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Details about Sponsorship Levels will be made available as soon as Gala Dinner date is finalized. For more information and assistance, please contact Ms Ottavia Curcuraci, at 021.54075181. Help us award who brought more Italy to China and more China to Italy. Make your nomination, now!

Little Italy Party, Shanghai, Feb. 25th

25 二月 2011
The best Italian music will be keeping until 12:30am, followed by the best Italian disco and International electro music! A secret password will be provided to CICC Members and friends who confirm their participation by return email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by February 25th, 2011 noon time. Location: 7/F, Bund 18, No. 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing East Road 中山东一路18号7楼, 近南京东路                   

Little Italy Party, Shanghai, Feb. 25th

25 二月 2011
The best Italian music will be keeping until 12:30am, followed by the best Italian disco and International electro music! A secret password will be provided to CICC Members and friends who confirm their participation by return email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by February 25th, 2011 noon time. Location: 7/F, Bund 18, No. 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing East Road 中山东一路18号7楼, 近南京东路                   

Little Italy Party, Shanghai, Feb. 25th

25 二月 2011
The best Italian music will be keeping until 12:30am, followed by the best Italian disco and International electro music! A secret password will be provided to CICC Members and friends who confirm their participation by return email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by February 25th, 2011 noon time. Location: 7/F, Bund 18, No. 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing East Road 中山东一路18号7楼, 近南京东路                   

A New Bridge Shanghai - Italy, Feb 24th, Shanghai

02 三月 2011
活动安排: 5:30pm-6:00pm:签到及酒会时间 6:00pm: 主持人江羚小姐欢迎并介绍意大利驻沪总领事和单传博经理 6:00pm-6:10pm:中国东方航空客运营销委员会总经理单传博演讲 6:10pm-6:20pm: 中国东方航空客运营销委员会大客户经理顾瑞漪小姐,介绍中国东方航空上海到罗马新航线 6:20pm-6:30pm:意大利驻沪总领事Vincenzo De Luca演讲 6:30pm-6:50pm: 意大利贸易委员会Maurizio Forte先生,中国意大利商会Claudio D’Agostino先生, 领事Marcella Zaccagnino小姐, 世博意大利馆Ernesto Miraglia先生演讲 6:50pm-7:05pm:问答环节 7:05pm-7:10pm: 抽奖时间 7:10pm-7:40pm: 自助餐 7:40pm: 尾声 Vincenzo De Luca简介 毕业于意大利那不勒斯大学政治学专业。他曾就职于意大利驻喀土穆和突尼斯大使馆,任驻巴黎经济合作与发展组织常务代表团参赞。曾任工业和能源问题国际事务副参赞。现自2010年12月起任意大利驻沪总领事。 Location: Equatorial Hotel, 2F, Imperial Hall, No.65 Yan`an West Road 延安西路65号,上海国际贵都大饭店2楼,帝王厅 Event Sponsor:  


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