
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室





29 十一月 2011
                                        尊敬的会员及各界朋友: 中国意大利商会诚邀您报名参加即将于11月29日开课的商务意大利语班与时尚设计方向语言班。 此次意大利语言课程将由具有大学水平,专业知识和经验丰富的意大利籍语言老师授课。 您可以通过以下信息了解到更多关于11月29日开课的意大利语言课程。中国意大利商会会员以及他们的员工、家属均可以享受10%的优惠折扣。 商务意大利语班 本课程适合就职于意大利企业、并有志于提高在专业领域中语言技能运用的职员、技师及专业人士。课程将以A1水平为基础(建议先参加周末强化班或晚班的学习);在随后的级别中将着重于语言技能的培训,以及在商务、商业中所涉及的专业术语的运用。 课程框架 课 程: 5课时,2.5课时 2次/周,每课时45分钟 周 期: 至少20周 人 数: 最少8人,最多12人 上课时间: 周二、周四 19:00-21:00 级 别: A2,B1,B2 开课日期: 2011-11-29 时尚设计方向语言班 本课程适合就职于意大利企业、并有志于提高在专业领域中语言技能运用的职员、技师及专业人士。课程将以A1水平为基础(建议先参加周末强化班或晚班的学习);在随后的级别中将着重于语言技能的培训,以及在时尚与设计领域中所涉及的专业术语的运用。 课程框架 课 程: 5课时,2.5课时 2次/周,每课时45分钟 周 期: 至少20周 人 数: 最少8人,最多12人 上课时间: 周二、周四 19:00-21:00 级 别: A2,B1,B2 开课日期: 2011-11-29 如果您想更多了解意大利语言课程,麻烦请点击这里(意大利语言课程报名指南与报名注册表)参考更多详细的信息。如果您想报名参加我们的语言课程,麻烦请填写好请报名注册表,并于2011年11月24日前将其发送至infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com。 同时,您也可以点击这里下载意大利语言课程时间表。 意大利语言课程学校地址: 上海交大继续教育学院 加华校区F501室 上海徐汇区凯旋路1726号(塘子泾路) 电话:0086 021 64471266  

Business Italian and Italian for Fashion and Design Courses, Shanghai, 29th November, 2011

29 十一月 2011
                                   Dear Members and Friends, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Italian language courses: Business Italian and Italian for Fashion and Design Courses will begin on 29th, November, 2011 (Tuesday). The courses are run by Italian native speakers, with University degree, high professional level and very experienced in teaching to Chinese students. Please find below the details of the course starting on 29th November 2011. CICC Members will enjoy 10% discount on all fees for themselves, their employees and family members! Business Italian and Italian for Fashion and Design Courses These courses are suitable for staff, technicians and professionals working for Italian companies requiring a language training focused on business and language skills related to their field of work. The courses foresee a learning programme at A1 level (suggested: Weekend Intensive Course or Twice a Week Course) and in the following levels the courses will focus on developing language skills and terminology for a wide range of professional backgrounds in commerce, business, fashion and design. Course Structure Lessons: 5 hours per week, 2.5 lessons twice-a-week, each lesson lasts 45 minutes Duration: Min. 20 weeks Group size: Min. 8 – Max. 12 students Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Levels: A2, B1, B2 Starting date: November 29th 2011 For Terms and conditions please click here (booking guide and application form both in English and Chinese) and send your application form to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by 24th November 2011. You can also click here to download the Course Schedule. Location: Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Continuing Education Jia Hua Campus, room F501 Kai Xuan Road 1726, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030 Tel: 0086 021 64471266 上海交大继续教育学院 加华校区F501室 上海徐汇区凯旋路1726号(塘子泾路)  

Intellectual Property Rights for the Manufacturing Industry, Taicang, 22nd November, 2011

22 十一月 2011
          Event Description: Fast growth, low costs as well as an increasingly skilled workforce and improving infrastructure have attracted many European companies to open manufacturing plants in China, gaining it the label: "World`s Factory". However China also remains one of the world`s largest sources of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) infringement. How can small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) take advantage of the manufacturing and sales opportunities in China while minimizing their risk of intellectual property loss? What essential steps should be taken to be protected? How can infringement be fought on a limited budget? The workshop will tackle these questions. It will cover all you need to know about the IPR landscape in China, its advantages and pitfalls. It will provide you with practical tools to prevent IP leaks and put an IPR strategy in place.   Speaker Biography: FABIO GIACOPELLO is partner at HFG Law Firm & IP Agency (China). He is a lawyer admitted to Italian Bar and specialized in Intellectual Property with substantive experience in litigation, anti-counterfeiting and IPRs acquisition and management.   Registration and Cancellation: China IPR SME Helpdesk training events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises ONLY. If you are a European SME and would like to attend please register by emailing rsvp-china@china-iprhelpdesk.eu with the name and date of the event in the subject line. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible via the link in your confirmation email.   About the China IPR Helpdesk: The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at www.china-iprhelpdesk.eu and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website.       Location: Four Points by Sheraton Taicang 288 Shanghai East Road 215400 Taicang Tel. (86) (512) 8201 1111 太仓宝龙福朋喜来登酒店 江苏省太仓市上海东路288号 

IP Strategy for European SMEs at Trade Fairs in China

15 十一月 2011
  Thousands of European SMEs based in Europe and China participate in trade fairs and exhibitions in China each year. Trade fairs offer the opportunity for European companies to showcase their products and identify new clients. Many companies, however, witness their intellectual property (IP) being infringed at events in China. It can be a challenging issue to resolve but there are processes that can be put in place to minimise the risk of being infringed and to maximise the chance of a successful outcome if you do experience infringement. This webinar will explain comprehensive measures you can take before, during, and after a trade fair in order to enforce your intellectual property rights should you discover counterfeiting. This free, 45-minute webinar presentation and 30 minute Q&A session on Tuesday 15 November 2011 at 10.30am Brussels time time (9.30am London, 5.30pm China) will take you through a range of simple, cost-effective measures to protect your intellectual property and your business at trade fairs in China. Get valuable insights from our expert who has years of experience of IP enforcement in China, and ask him live questions during the webinar.   To register to the webinar, please follow the instructions given in the official event page on the EU SME IPR Helpdesk website, here.   The China IPR SME Helpdesk is an EU funded project providing EU SMEs with free training, materials, online resources and first-line, confidential advice on intellectual property in China. Visit our website for more information: www.china-iprhelpdesk.eu

IP Strategy for European SMEs at Trade Fairs in China

15 十一月 2011
  Thousands of European SMEs based in Europe and China participate in trade fairs and exhibitions in China each year. Trade fairs offer the opportunity for European companies to showcase their products and identify new clients. Many companies, however, witness their intellectual property (IP) being infringed at events in China. It can be a challenging issue to resolve but there are processes that can be put in place to minimise the risk of being infringed and to maximise the chance of a successful outcome if you do experience infringement. This webinar will explain comprehensive measures you can take before, during, and after a trade fair in order to enforce your intellectual property rights should you discover counterfeiting. This free, 45-minute webinar presentation and 30 minute Q&A session on Tuesday 15 November 2011 at 10.30am Brussels time time (9.30am London, 5.30pm China) will take you through a range of simple, cost-effective measures to protect your intellectual property and your business at trade fairs in China. Get valuable insights from our expert who has years of experience of IP enforcement in China, and ask him live questions during the webinar.   To register to the webinar, please follow the instructions given in the official event page on the EU SME IPR Helpdesk website, here.   The China IPR SME Helpdesk is an EU funded project providing EU SMEs with free training, materials, online resources and first-line, confidential advice on intellectual property in China. Visit our website for more information: www.china-iprhelpdesk.eu

IP Strategy for European SMEs at Trade Fairs in China

15 十一月 2011
  Thousands of European SMEs based in Europe and China participate in trade fairs and exhibitions in China each year. Trade fairs offer the opportunity for European companies to showcase their products and identify new clients. Many companies, however, witness their intellectual property (IP) being infringed at events in China. It can be a challenging issue to resolve but there are processes that can be put in place to minimise the risk of being infringed and to maximise the chance of a successful outcome if you do experience infringement. This webinar will explain comprehensive measures you can take before, during, and after a trade fair in order to enforce your intellectual property rights should you discover counterfeiting. This free, 45-minute webinar presentation and 30 minute Q&A session on Tuesday 15 November 2011 at 10.30am Brussels time time (9.30am London, 5.30pm China) will take you through a range of simple, cost-effective measures to protect your intellectual property and your business at trade fairs in China. Get valuable insights from our expert who has years of experience of IP enforcement in China, and ask him live questions during the webinar.   To register to the webinar, please follow the instructions given in the official event page on the EU SME IPR Helpdesk website, here.   The China IPR SME Helpdesk is an EU funded project providing EU SMEs with free training, materials, online resources and first-line, confidential advice on intellectual property in China. Visit our website for more information: www.china-iprhelpdesk.eu


26 十一月 2011
                             尊敬的会员及各界朋友: 中国意大利商会诚邀您报名参加即将于11月开课的意大利语言课程。具体课程如下: 周末强化班即将于2011年11月26日开课(星期六) 晚班即将与2011年11月29日开课(星期二) 此次意大利语言课程将由具有大学水平,专业知识和经验丰富的意大利籍语言老师授课。 您可以通过以下信息了解到更多关于11月26日和29日开课的意大利语言课程。中国意大利商会会员以及他们的员工、家属均可以享受10%的优惠折扣。 周末强化班 本课程特别为需要学习和提高意大利语水平的学生及有意赴意大利进行职业学习与商务访问与各方人士开设。每周六、周日上课,以满足学生平时自主学习的需求。 课程框架 课 程: 每周16课时,每天8课时,周六、周日,每课时45分钟 周 期: 至少6周 人 数: 最少8人,最多12人开课 上课时间: 上午&下午 级 别: A1(零基础),A2,B1,B2 开始日期: 2011-11-26   晚班 本课程适合因平时工作、学习忙碌,无法参加全日制强化班学习的学生。课程周期跨度长,学生可进行扎实稳固的慢速学习。 课程框架 课 程: 每周4课时,2课时 2次/周,每课时45分钟 周 期: 至少25周 人 数: 最少8人,最多12人开课 上课时间: 周二、周四 19:00-20:30 级 别: A1(零基础),A2,B1,B2 开始日期: 2011-11-29 如果您想更多了解意大利语言课程,麻烦请点击这里(意大利语言课程报名指南与报名注册表)参考更多详细的信息。如果您想报名参加我们的语言课程,麻烦请填写好请报名注册表,并于2011年11月24日前将其发送至infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com。 同时,您也可以点击这里下载意大利语言课程时间表。 意大利语言课程学校地址: 上海交大继续教育学院 加华校区F501室 上海徐汇区凯旋路1726号(塘子泾路) 电话:0086 021 64471266


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