
Giro d'Italia - Guests' Registration - 12 October 2019

12 十月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Cultural Institute, is delighted to invite you to the third edition of “Giro d’Italia” on Saturday, October 12th, from 10am to 6pm at the Embassy of Italy, in Beijing. "Giro D’Italia" offers to the local and international audience an "Italian" experience, a journey through the excellencies that make Italy a global benchmark in several sectors, such as F&B, Fashion, advanced technologies, art, music, culture, tourism, design, innovation, just to mention some of the distinctive Italian traits. Throughout the day, the Italian Cultural Institute will offer to the participants cultural entertaining activities.   Agenda 10:00 Welcome 11:00 Projection of Italian film “Pazze di me”, by Fausto Brizzi (with Chinese subtitles) 14:00 Projection of Italian documentary “Quando l’Italia mangiava in bianco e nero”, by Andrea Gopplero di Troppenburg (with Chinese subtitles) 15:45 Institutional greetings 15:50 Simona De Rosa quartet concert 18:00 Conclusion   Register online scanning the QR Code below, before October 11th.   You must bring the registration confirmation with you, together with your ID at the entrance of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing on the 12th of October. Please note: if you do not show the registration confirmation, you will not be able to enter. The entrance is free of charge. We look forward to welcoming you, your friends, and your business partners! Best regards, CICC Team

POST EVENT - Breakfast Seminar 'A look at China digital world: mastering social media platforms for your business' - Sept. 25th

25 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that the Breakfast Seminar focused on “A look at China digital world: mastering the Chinese social media platforms” was successfully held on September 25th, in Beijing. Angela Tabak, co-founder and COO of WebshopinChina, shared her expertise on how to leverage social media platforms, focusing on WeChat, Red (XHS/Little Red Book), Douyin, other smaller platforms and private traffic. Chinese social media are a driving force for cross-border e-commerce and some of their crucial characteristics are often not fully exploited by companies. For each of these apps, Angela Tabak gave an introductory overview and explained key features useful in business expansion, for example WeChat miniprograms, account options, ads and KOL (Key Opinion Leaders) engagement; XHS tactics of search and of comments writing; Douyin ads and business tactics; and the emerging expansion of private traffic, like WeChat groups.  Since the Chinese Social ecosystem is changing at a very fast pace, brands need to learn constantly how to effectively use social networks, so that they can spread their marketing efforts wisely on different apps. The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the speaker and all the participants who joined the event. Kind Regards, CICC Team

Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey Results - October 15th, Beijing

23 九月 2019
Cari Amici e Soci, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di annunciare che il 15 Ottobre pv. si terrà a Pechino la Presentazione dei risultati del Business Survey 2019. Il Business Survey è stato elaborato dalla CCIC in collaborazione con l'azienda di strategic consulting In3act, con l'obbiettivo di conoscere approfonditamente la comunità imprenditoriale sino-italiana e di investigarne l'approccio al mercato cinese e alle prospettive future. Il Business Survey è stato condotto nel periodo fra maggio e giugno 2019, su un campione di 206 membri della business community. Nella seconda parte dell'evento, l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura presenterà il suo Piano di Attività per il 2020.    Time: 15.30 - 16.00 Registrazione 16.00 - 16.10 Saluti Istituzionali da parte di un rappresentante dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Pechino 16.10 - 16.20 Presentazione dei risultati della CICC Business Survey parte 1, Davide Cucino Presidente CCIC 16.20 - 16.40 Presentazione dei risultati della CICC Business Survey parte 2, Guido Giacconi Vice Presidente della CCIC e Presidente Int3act 16.40 - 17.20 Panel Discussion: Massimo Bagnasco, Vice Presidente EUCCC, Partner e GM - Progetto CMR​ Sergio Bertasi, Chief Representative Officer - Intesa Sanpaolo a Pechino  Antonio Farese, CICC Board Member, CEO - Shanghai MEC Industries Services Co., Ltd Francesco Lorenzini, Fondatore e MD Cina - Tech Silu e Vice Coordinatore di IDTWG 17.20 - 17.30 Q&A 17.30 - 18.00 Presentazione del Piano Attività 2020 dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura IIC, 18.00 - 18.15 Q&A  L'evento si terrà presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura, San Li Tun Dong Er Jie 2, Beijing  (意大利驻华使馆文化中心三里屯,东二街2号,北京)   Biglietto d'ingresso:  Soci CCIC: gratuito Non-Soci CCIC: 300 RMB/persona   RSVP: Per partecipare registrarsi al seguente  link o scannerizzare il codice QR.   Cordialmente, CCIC Team

Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey Results - October 15th, Beijing

23 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey results on October 15th, 2019 in Beijing. The survey was carried out by CICC in collaboration with the strategic consulting firm In3Act, with the main purpose to deepen the knowledge on the Sino-Italian business community and to investigate its attitude towards the future perspectives on the business activities in China. The survey was conducted during the period May-June 2019 on a sample of 206 Members of the business community. In the second part of the event, the Italian Cultural Institute will present the 2020 Activities Plan and leave the floor to the audience for Q&A. Time: 15.30 - 16.00 Registration 16.00 - 16.10 Institutional Greetings from a representative of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing 16.10 - 16.20 Presentation of CICC Business Survey results part 1, Davide Cucino CICC Chairman 16.20 - 16.40 Presentation of CICC Business Survey results part 2, Guido Giacconi Vice Chairman of CICC and Chairman of Int3act 16.40 - 17.10 Panel Discussion: Massimo Bagnasco, Vice President in EUCCC and Partner and Managing Director of Progetto CMR Antonio Farese, CICC Board Member, GM at CEMAS (Shanghai) Welding Technology Co.,Ltd, CEO Shanghai MEC Industries Services Co., Ltd. Sergio Bertasi, Chief Representative Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo in Beijing  Francesco Lorenzini, Founder and Managing Director China at Tech Silu and CICC Vice Coordinator IDTWG 17.10 - 17.30 Q&A 17.30 - 18.00 Presentation of Italian Cultural Institute 2020 Activities plan 18.00 - 18.15 Q&A    Venue: Italian Cultural Institute, San Li Tun Dong Er Jie 2, Beijing  (意大利驻华使馆文化中心,三里屯东二街2号,北京)   Fee:  CICC Members Free CICC Non-Members 300 RMB/PAX   RSVP: To participate please register at the following link or scan the QR code below.   Best Regards, CICC Team

Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey Results - October 15th, Beijing

23 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Presentation of the 2019 Business Survey results on October 15th, 2019 in Beijing. The survey was carried out by CICC in collaboration with the strategic consulting firm In3Act, with the main purpose to deepen the knowledge on the Sino-Italian business community and to investigate its attitude towards the future perspectives on the business activities in China. The survey was conducted during the period May-June 2019 on a sample of 206 Members of the business community. In the second part of the event, the Italian Cultural Institute will present the 2020 Activities Plan and leave the floor to the audience for Q&A.  Time: 15.30 - 16.00 Registration 16.00 - 16.10 Institutional Greetings from a representative of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing 16.10 - 16.20 Presentation of CICC Business Survey results part 1, Davide Cucino CICC Chairman 16.20 - 16.40 Presentation of CICC Business Survey results part 2, Guido Giacconi Vice Chairman of CICC and Chairman of Int3act 16.40 - 17.10 Panel Discussion: Massimo Bagnasco, Vice President in EUCCC and Partner and Managing Director of Progetto CMR Antonio Farese, CICC Board Member, GM at CEMAS (Shanghai) Welding Technology Co.,Ltd, CEO Shanghai MEC Industries Services Co., Ltd. Sergio Bertasi, Chief Representative Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo in Beijing  Francesco Lorenzini, Founder and Managing Director China at Tech Silu and CICC Vice Coordinator IDTWG 17.10 - 17.30 Q&A 17.30 - 18.00 Presentation of Italian Cultural Institute 2020 Activities plan 18.00 - 18.15 Q&A    Venue: Italian Cultural Institute, San Li Tun Dong Er Jie 2, Beijing  (意大利驻华使馆文化中心三里屯,东二街2号,北京)   Fee:  CICC Members Free CICC Non-Members 300 RMB/PAX   RSVP: To participate please register at the following link or scan the QR code below. Please note: the event will be held in English. Best Regards, CICC Team

Breakfast Seminar: "A look at China digital world: mastering Chinese social media platforms for your business" - September 25th, Beijing

25 九月 2019
亲爱的会员们和朋友们: 中国意大利商会很高兴邀请您参加于9月25日上午举办的早餐研讨会,此次研讨会将重点关注 聚焦中国的数字世界:为您的企业掌握中国社交媒体平台 中国人口约占世界人口的20%,并且近年来,中国消费者的购买力不断增强。跟随着这一趋势,外资企业的业务范围已重新定位,纷纷争相进入中国国内市场。为了扩大消费者基础,数字战略已变得至关重要,但是也在不断发生变化。  因此,对外国企业来说,跟上当地数字大环境的发展步伐是至关重要的。 中国意大利商会希望提供一个指导研讨会,集中讨论一些最有用的平台以及一些新的平台,以便促进您的业务开展并且扩大您的消费群体。 本讲座适合服务行业以及零售行业人士参加。   时间: 8:45-10:30 议程: 8:45 登记注册 9:00 - 10.00 研讨会 10.00 - 10.30 Q&A   地点:中国意大利商会的北京办事处 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100600   费用: 中国意大利商会会员:150元/人 中国意大利商会非会员:250元/人   RSVP: 请通过链接登记或扫描下方的二维码,参与此次早餐研讨会活动。     中国意大利商会很高兴邀请到WebshopinChina的联合创始人兼首席运营官安吉拉·塔巴克(Angela Tabak),分享她对中国数字环境的看法,以及外国公司面临的机遇和挑战。 关于演讲者:安吉拉·塔巴克(Angela Tabak) "中国电子商务和数字营销专家,强烈希望为中国电子商务领域的公司制定成功战略。接下来,我热衷于在中国建立一个围绕电子商务的社区并建立有价值的联系,所以来和我交谈吧!我既建立了电子商务公司,又建立了中国的科技公司,我知道在这个快节奏的经济中取得成功需要什么。我很乐意帮助你在中国取得成功"。 将讨论以下主题: 对微信,微博,抖音深入了解:如何以最大限度地利用这些应用程序 如何为您的企业赢得”私人流量”业务 展望未来:考虑应用程序的增长价值   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

Breakfast Seminar: "A look at China digital world: mastering Chinese social media platforms for your business" - September 25th, Beijing

25 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on September 25th focused on A look at China digital world: mastering Chinese social media platforms for your business China contains about 20% of the world's population and in recent years it has been witnessing an increase in consumers’ spending power. Following this trend, the scope of foreign-owned enterprises has been re-oriented towards having a presence in the internal Chinese market. Digital strategies have become essential – yet ever-changing - to expand the consumer’s base. It is therefore pivotal for foreign businesses to keep up to date with the local digital landscape. The CICC would like to provide a guidance workshop to focus on some of the most useful platforms – and a few new ones - to promote your business and increase your consumer base. This seminar is suitable for businesses in the service and retail sectors.    Time: 8:45-10:30 Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00 - 10.00 Seminar 10.00 - 10.30 Q&A   Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100600   Fee:  CICC Members 150 RMB/PAX CICC Non-Members 250 RMB/PAX RSVP: To participate please register at the following link or scan the QR code below.     The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite Angela Tabak, co-founder and COO of WebshopinChina, to share her insights on the China digital environment, as well as related opportunities and challenges for foreign companies. About the speaker: Angela Tabak - "China eCommerce and digital marketing specialist with a strong desire to formulate successful strategies for companies to grow in the China eCommerce space. Next to that I'm passionate about building a community around eCommerce in China and making valuable connections, so come and talk to me!  Having both built an eCommerce company as well as a tech company in China, I know what it takes to succeed in this fast-paced economy. I am happy to help you succeed in China too".  Angela Tabak will discuss the following topics: Key tactics to leverage WeChat, Douyin and Weibo for your business  How to leverage ‘private traffic’ for your business A look to the future: growing apps worth considering   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Breakfast Seminar: "A look at China digital world: mastering Chinese social media platforms for your business" - September 25th, Beijing

25 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on September 25th focused on A look at China digital world: mastering Chinese social media platforms for your business China contains about 20% of the world's population and in recent years it has been witnessing an increase in consumers’ spending power. Following this trend, the scope of foreign-owned enterprises has been re-oriented towards having a presence in the internal Chinese market. Digital strategies have become essential – yet ever-changing - to expand the consumer’s base. It is therefore pivotal for foreign businesses to keep up to date with the local digital landscape. The CICC would like to provide a guidance workshop to focus on some of the most useful platforms – and a few new ones - to promote your business and increase your consumer base. This seminar is suitable for businesses in the service and retail sectors.    Time: 8:45-10:30 Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00 - 10.00 Seminar 10.00 - 10.30 Q&A   Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100600   Fee:  CICC Members 150 RMB/PAX CICC Non-Members 250 RMB/PAX RSVP: To participate please register at the following link or scan the QR code below.     The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite Angela Tabak, co-founder and COO of WebshopinChina, to share her insights on the China digital environment, as well as related opportunities and challenges for foreign companies. About the speaker: Angela Tabak- "China eCommerce and digital marketing specialist with a strong desire to formulate successful strategies for companies to grow in the China eCommerce space. Next to that I'm passionate about building a community around eCommerce in China and making valuable connections, so come and talk to me! Having both built an eCommerce company as well as a tech company in China, I know what it takes to succeed in this fast-paced economy. I am happy to help you succeed in China too".  Angela Tabak will discuss the following topics: Key tactics to leverage WeChat, Douyin and Weibo for your business  How to leverage ‘private traffic’ for your business A look to the future: growing apps worth considering   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Giro d'Italia - Guests' Registration - 12 October 2019

12 十月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of  Commerce in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Cultural Institute, is delighted to invite you to the third edition of “Giro d’Italia” on Saturday,  October 12th,  from 10am to 6pm at the Embassy of Italy, in Beijing. "Giro D’Italia" offers to the local and international audience an "Italian" experience, a journey through the excellencies that make Italy a global benchmark in several sectors, such as F&B, Fashion, advanced technologies, art, music, culture, tourism, design, innovation, just to mention some of the distinctive Italian traits. Throughout the day, the Italian Cultural Institute will offer to the participants cultural entertaining activities.   Agenda 10:00 Welcome 11:00 Projection of Italian film “Pazze di me”, by Fausto Brizzi (with Chinese subtitles) 14:00 Projection of Italian documentary “Quando l’Italia mangiava in bianco e nero”, by Andrea Gopplero di Troppenburg (with Chinese subtitles) 15:45 Institutional greetings 15:50 Simona De Rosa quartet concert 18:00 Conclusion   Register online scanning the QR Code below, before October 11th.   You must bring the registration confirmation with you, together with your ID at the entrance of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing on the 12th of October. Please note: if you do not show the registration confirmation, you will not be able to enter. The entrance is free of charge. The booth fee will be donated to the China Foundation for the Alleviation of Poverty. This NGO will use the donation, together with what will be collected at the Diplomatic Bazaar (held on October 27), to build sport fields in disadvantaged district of Yunnan Province. We look forward to welcoming you, your friends, and your business partners! Best regards, CICC Team

Giro d'Italia, October 12th 2019 - Companies' Application

12 十月 2019
Dear Members and Friends,  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Cultural Institute, is organizing the third edition of "Giro d'Italia" on 12th October 2019.    "Giro d'Italia" will be held from 10 am to 6 pm at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing and it will be an "open day" event where Italian companies will display their products and services in a really lively environment focusing on different fields such as food and beverage, art, music, culture, tourism, design, innovation, technology, and other Italian distinctive traits. Please click here to find more information about the event and the price to book one stand. Please note that the booth fee will be donated to an Italian NGO in China. According to the available space, this event welcomes the participation of all the Italian enterprises operating in China. The participants will be selected on a "first come, first served" basis.    Participation shall be confirmed by Monday, 8th October 2019, scanning the QR code below and filling in the online registration form: For more information, please contact:   Best Regards, CICC Team


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