
NOTTE ITALIANA - Pechino 16 Novembre 2019

16 十一月 2019
Cari Soci e cari Amici, La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di annunciare che il 16 Novembre, al Park Hyett di Pechino, si terrà la serata di gala Notte Italiana 2019, l'evento organizzato dalla CCIC è patrocinato da: Ambasciata d'Italia nella RPC, CONI Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano, Comune di Milano, Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo e Fondazione Cortina 2021. L'edizione di quest'anno si ispira alla nomina di Milano-Cortina ai Giochi olimpici invernali del 2026 e al passaggio della torcia con 'Beijing-Chongli 2022'. Notte Italiana mira a promuovere le eccellenze dell'industria italiana nel settore invernale, spaziando dallo sport a  settori affini, quali turismo, lifestyle e salute. Notte Italiana è parte di un progetto promosso dal governo italiano dal nome la Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel mondo che si terrà nella sua quarta edizione dal 18 al 24 settmbre 2019. L'obiettivo di questo evento è la sensibilizzazione riguardo ai valori e tratti distintivi del Made in Italy e una migliore comprensione dei prodotti enogastronomici italiani. In questa occasione importante, la Camera di Commercio (CCIC) è lieta di avere come ospite lo chef stellato Luigi Nastri, il quale guiderà gli ospiti in percorsi culinari caratterizzati da sapori e profumi tipici italiani.  Il suo è un approccio minimalista: una chiara matrice mediterranea, ancor più che italiana, con grandi influenze internazionali derivanti dai numerosi viaggi tra Giappone, Nord Europa e Stati Uniti. Il risultato è una cucina personale, che affonda le sue radici nei pranzi di famiglia, con il suo carico olfattivo ricchissimo e, che, partendo da qui, sperimenta tecniche, cotture, accostamenti.  Nastri ha ottenuto la sua prima stella Michelain nel 2016 a "La Stazione di Posta" in Rome. La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta inoltre di ospitare il Campione Mondiale di Sci Kristian Ghedina. Kristian è nato e cresciuto a Cortina d’Ampezzo, nel cuore della Dolomiti, dove fin da giovane età ha coltivato la passione dello sci.            Con 166 discese libere disputate nella Coppa del Mondo, 29 podi, 13 vittorie, 2 medaglie d’argento e una di bronzo ai Campionati Mondiali, l’ampezzano Kristian Ghedina si colloca ai vertici del discesismo di tutti i tempi, ed è indiscutibilmente il più importante atleta delle discipline veloci nella storia dello sci azzurro dell’era contemporanea. Kristian è anche conosciuto per il famoso salto con spaccata a quasi 140 all’ora durante la gara di Hahnenkamm in Kitzbuhel (tenutasi il 24 gennaio 2004).   Come partecipare all'evento: 1. DIVENTA SPONSOR (entro il 2 novembre) - SPONSOR ARGENTO 30,000 CNY - SPONSOR ORO 45,000 CNY - SPONSOR DIAMANTE 60,000 CNY - SPONSOR PLATINO 88,000 CNY 2. SPONSOR LOTTERIA (entro il 2 novembre) 3. SONSOR BORSE REGALO (entro il 2 novembre) 4. ANGOLO F&B  (entro il 2 novembre) Scarica qui il modulo per partecipare come sponsor!   Scopri i benefici che avrai partecipando a Notte Italiana 2019.    BIGLIETTI SINGOLI E TAVOLI AZIENDALI: Entro il 9 novembre : - Tavolo aziendale (Soci), 12 posti: 15,400 CNY - Tavolo aziendale (Non-Soci), 12 posti: 16,500 CNY - Biglietto singolo (Soci): 1,400 CNY - Biglietto singolo (Non-Soci): 1,500 CNY I biglietti verranno venduti fino ad esaurimento posti, sarà data priorità agli sponsor. Per prenotare un tavolo aziendale o un biglietto singolo, scrivi a Metodi di pagamento. Per informazioni, scrivi a   Cordiali Saluti,  CCIC​

NOTTE ITALIANA - Beijing 16th November 2019

16 十一月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that its annual dinner in Beijing will be held on 16th of November 2019 at Park Hyatt Beijing, the event is organised by CICC with the patronage of the Embassy of Italy in the PRC, The Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), Comune di Milano, Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo and Fondazione Cortina 2021. Notte Italiana is part of a project promoted by the Italian government called the Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World for its 4th Edition  held on November 18th - 24th, 2019. The aim is to raise awareness about values and distinctive traits of the Made in Italy Cuisine and to ensure a better understanding of Italian F&B products. Notte Italiana 2019 will be inspired by “Milano-Cortina 2026” Winter Olympic Games and the passing of the torch from “Beijing-Chongli 2022”. While promoting the major international sports' event, the evening aims at celebrating the Italian winter industries innovation, know-how, expertise, and lifestyle. On this important occasion, CICC is glad to host Michelin-starred Chef Luigi Nastri as guest chef. He will lead the guests through captivating tasting itineraries, characterized by traditional Italian flavors and aromas. Chef Luigi Nastri is a minimalist. Trained in his parents' cooking school on the Amalfi coast, he has combined the classic Mediterranean setting, with an international influence derived from numerous journeys to Japan, Northern Europe and the United States. The result is a personal cuisine; rooted in family lunches with its rich olfactory load; and starting from here, experiments with techniques, ways of cooking and combinations. Nastri obtained his first Michelin star in 2016 at "La Stazione di Posta" in Rome. On this occasion, CICC is also glad to host another important guest: the World Ski Champion Kristian Ghedina. Kristian was raised and born in Cortina d’Ampezzo in the heart of Dolomiti mountains, where since from a young age he grew his passion for skiing.    With 166 freeridings played in the World Cup, 29 podiums, 13 victories, 2 silver medals and a bronze medal at the World Championships, he is the top and most important downhill specialist in the history of the Italian ski racing.  Kristian is also known for his famous straddle in the air (spread eagle) that he performed at speed of 140 km/h on the last jump during the Hahnenkamm race in Kitzbuhel (held on January 24th, 2004). How to get involved in the event:  1. SPONSOR THE EVENT (deadline November 2nd) - SILVER SPONSOR 30,000 CNY - GOLD SPONSOR 45,000 CNY - DIAMOND SPONSOR 60,000 CNY - PLATINUM SPONSOR 88,000 CNY 2. LUCKY DRAW SPONSORSHIP (deadline November 2nd) 3. GOODIE BAGS SPONSORSHIP (deadline November 2nd) 4. F&B TASTING CORNER (deadline November 2nd) Please download the application form here.  Discover the benefits of getting involved in the 2019 Gala Dinner!    INDIVIDUAL/CORPORATE TICKETS: Within November 9th: - Corporate Table (Member), 12 seats: 15,400 RMB - Corporate Table (Non-Member), 12 seats: 16,500 RMB - Individual Ticket (Member): 1,400 RMB - Individual Ticket (Non-Member): 1,500 RMB First come, first served base. Priority given to Sponsors. To book your table or single tickets, please send an e-mail to: Payment Methods For any questions, please send an e-mail to:   Kind Regards,  CICC Team  

NOTTE ITALIANA - Beijing 16th November 2019

16 十一月 2019
亲爱的会员们与朋友们: 中国意大利商会高兴地宣布,将于2019年11月16日在北京柏悦举行一年一度的晚宴。本次活动是中国意大利商会与意大利驻华大使馆 , the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) 意大利国家奥委会, Comune di Milano 米兰市镇, Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo 科尔蒂纳丹佩佐市镇, Fondazione Cortina 2021的赞助举办的。 “意大利之夜”是“全球意大利美食周”第四周(2019年11月18日至24日)的一部分,此活动由意大利政府推动,旨在推广意大利美食的价值和特色,并促进人们及对意大利餐饮产品的理解。 2019年意大利之夜的灵感来自于“米兰-科尔蒂纳2026”冬季奥运会,并受到北京-崇礼火炬传递的启发。在推广重大国际体育赛事的同时,晚会旨在庆祝意大利冬季产业的创新、技术、专业知识和生活方式。 在此重要场合,中国意大利商会很高兴邀请到了米其林星级厨师路易吉·纳斯特里担任客座厨师。他将以传统意大利风味和香味为特色,带领您体验迷人的品鉴之旅。 路易吉·纳斯特里是位极简主义者。在他父母位于阿马尔菲海岸的烹饪学校接受了专业培训,他将经典的地中海特色,与其在日本、北欧和美国之间的多次旅行所获环球体验结合起来,形成了极富个人特色的舌尖之旅;他的菜肴始于家庭特色,口味浓郁,以精湛的烹饪手艺,给人们带一场强烈的视觉、嗅觉、味觉饕餮盛宴。 2016年,纳斯特里在罗马的“邮报(La Stazione di Posta)”上获得了他的第一颗米其林之星。 值此之际,中国意大利商会还荣幸介绍另一位重要嘉宾:世界杯​滑雪冠军克里斯蒂安·哥迪那(Kristian Ghedina)。克里斯蒂安在多洛米蒂(Dolomiti)山脉中心的科尔蒂纳丹佩佐(Cortina d'Ampezzo)出生并长大,从小他就对滑雪产生了浓厚兴趣。               他曾参见166次世界杯自由竞技,29次登上领奖台,取得了13次夺冠、2枚银牌和1枚世锦赛铜牌的优异成绩,是意大利滑雪比赛史上最顶尖、最重要的滑降高手。克里斯蒂安也因在2014年1月24日举行的哈嫩卡姆(Hahnenkamm)大赛上的最著名表演,被称为“展翅雄鹰”,他该在比赛中以140 km / h的最后跳速在空中分腿飞跃。 活动参与方式: 1. 赞助活动(截至日期:11月2日) - 银牌赞助商 30,000元人民币 - 金牌赞助商 45,000元人民币 - 钻石赞助商 60,000元人民币 - 铂金赞助商 88,000元人民币 2. 幸运抽奖赞助(截至日期:11月2日) 3. 伴手礼赞助(截至日期:11月2日) 4. 食品饮料品尝角(截至日期:11月2日) 请单击 这里下载申请表。   探索参与2019年晚宴的 好处 ! 个人/企业门票: 在11月9日内: - 企业桌(会员), 12座:15,400元人民币 - 企业桌(非会员), 12座:16,500元人民币 - 个人票(会员):1,400元人民币 - 个人票(非会员):1,500元人民币   坐席有限,先到先得。赞助商优先。   若需预订桌子或单人票,请发送电子邮件至: 付款方式 如有任何问题,请发送电子邮件至:   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队  

POST EVENT - Cattolica Assicurazioni Delegation in Beijing

30 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that an information session addressed to a Delegation of Cattolica Assicurazioni was successfully held on September 28th, at the Italian Cultural Institute, in Beijing. In the framework of an incentive travel to China, designed for 20 agencies rewarded for their excellent achievements in terms of productivity, the Delegation of Cattolica Assicurazioni took part to an event organized by the CICC, focused on China's economic, industrial and financial environment, as well as the opportunities for Italian companies on the Chinese market.   The session saw the intervention of the Minister Counselor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy in Beijing, Emanuele De Maigret, the Vice-Chairman of the CICC, Guido Giacconi and Elisa Sales, Financial Attaché and Representative of Bank of Italy at the Italian Embassy. It was a pleasure to have the presence of some of the top managers of Cattolica Assicurazioni to this inspiring event, such as the Chairman Paolo Bedoni, the CEO Alberto Minali, the General Manager Carlo Ferraresi, the Communication and Institutional Relations Manager, Emanuela Vecchiet and the Distribution Channels Manager, Marco Lamola.  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the speakers and all the participants who joined the event. Kind Regards, CICC Team  

POST EVENT - Cattolica Assicurazioni Delegation in Beijing

30 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that an information session addressed to a Delegation of Cattolica Assicurazioni was successfully held on September 28th, at the Italian Cultural Institute, in Beijing. In the framework of an incentive travel to China, designed for 20 agencies rewarded for their excellent achievements in terms of productivity, the Delegation of Cattolica Assicurazioni took part to an event organized by the CICC, focused on China's economic, industrial and financial environment, as well as the opportunities for Italian companies on the Chinese market.   The session saw the intervention of the Minister Counselor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy in Beijing, Emanuele De Maigret, the Vice-Chairman of the CICC, Guido Giacconi and Elisa Sales, Financial Attaché and Representative of Bank of Italy at the Italian Embassy. It was a pleasure to have the presence of some of the top managers of Cattolica Assicurazioni to this inspiring event, such as the Chairman Paolo Bedoni, the CEO Alberto Minali, the General Manager Carlo Ferraresi, the Communication and Institutional Relations Manager, Emanuela Vecchiet and the Distribution Channels Manager, Marco Lamola.  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the speakers and all the participants who joined the event. Kind Regards, CICC Team  

POST EVENT - Cattolica Assicurazioni Delegation in Beijing

30 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that an information session addressed to a Delegation of Cattolica Assicurazioni was successfully held on September 28th, at the Italian Cultural Institute, in Beijing. In the framework of an incentive travel to China, designed for 20 agencies rewarded for their excellent achievements in terms of productivity, the Delegation of Cattolica Assicurazioni took part to an event organized by the CICC, focused on China's economic, industrial and financial environment, as well as the opportunities for Italian companies on the Chinese market.   The session saw the intervention of the Minister Counselor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy in Beijing, Emanuele De Maigret, the Vice-Chairman of the CICC, Guido Giacconi and Elisa Sales, Financial Attaché and Representative of Bank of Italy at the Italian Embassy. It was a pleasure to have the presence of some of the top managers of Cattolica Assicurazioni to this inspiring event, such as the Chairman Paolo Bedoni, the CEO Alberto Minali, the General Manager Carlo Ferraresi, the Communication and Institutional Relations Manager, Emanuela Vecchiet and the Distribution Channels Manager, Marco Lamola.  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the speakers and all the participants who joined the event. Kind Regards, CICC Team  

Giro d'Italia, October 12th 2019 - Companies' Application

12 十月 2019
Dear Members and Friends,  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Cultural Institute, is organizing the third edition of "Giro d'Italia" on 12th October 2019.    "Giro d'Italia" will be held from 10 am to 6 pm at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing and it will be an "open day" event where Italian companies will display their products and services in a really lively environment focusing on different fields such as food and beverage, art, music, culture, tourism, design, innovation, technology, and other Italian distinctive traits. Please click here to find more information about the event and the price to book one stand. Please note that the booth fee will be donated to an Italian NGO in China. According to the available space, this event welcomes the participation of all the Italian enterprises operating in China. The participants will be selected on a "first come, first served" basis.    Participation shall be confirmed by Monday, 8th October 2019, scanning the QR code below and filling in the online registration form: For more information, please contact:   Best Regards, CICC Team

POST EVENT - Breakfast Seminar 'A look at China digital world: mastering social media platforms for your business' - Sept. 25th

25 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that the Breakfast Seminar focused on “A look at China digital world: mastering the Chinese social media platforms” was successfully held on September 25th, in Beijing. Angela Tabak, co-founder and COO of WebshopinChina, shared her expertise on how to leverage social media platforms, focusing on WeChat, Red (XHS/Little Red Book), Douyin, other smaller platforms and private traffic. Chinese social media are a driving force for cross-border e-commerce and some of their crucial characteristics are often not fully exploited by companies. For each of these apps, Angela Tabak gave an introductory overview and explained key features useful in business expansion, for example WeChat miniprograms, account options, ads and KOL (Key Opinion Leaders) engagement; XHS tactics of search and of comments writing; Douyin ads and business tactics; and the emerging expansion of private traffic, like WeChat groups.  Since the Chinese Social ecosystem is changing at a very fast pace, brands need to learn constantly how to effectively use social networks, so that they can spread their marketing efforts wisely on different apps. The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the speaker and all the participants who joined the event. Kind Regards, CICC Team

POST EVENT - Breakfast Seminar 'A look at China digital world: mastering social media platforms for your business' - Sept. 25th

25 九月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that the Breakfast Seminar focused on “A look at China digital world: mastering the Chinese social media platforms” was successfully held on September 25th, in Beijing. Angela Tabak, co-founder and COO of WebshopinChina, shared her expertise on how to leverage social media platforms, focusing on WeChat, Red (XHS/Little Red Book), Douyin, other smaller platforms and private traffic. Chinese social media are a driving force for cross-border e-commerce and some of their crucial characteristics are often not fully exploited by companies. For each of these apps, Angela Tabak gave an introductory overview and explained key features useful in business expansion, for example WeChat miniprograms, account options, ads and KOL (Key Opinion Leaders) engagement; XHS tactics of search and of comments writing; Douyin ads and business tactics; and the emerging expansion of private traffic, like WeChat groups.  Since the Chinese Social ecosystem is changing at a very fast pace, brands need to learn constantly how to effectively use social networks, so that they can spread their marketing efforts wisely on different apps. The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the speaker and all the participants who joined the event. Kind Regards, CICC Team

Giro d'Italia - Guests' Registration - 12 October 2019

12 十月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of  Commerce in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Cultural Institute, is delighted to invite you to the third edition of “Giro d’Italia” on Saturday, October 12th, from 10am to 6pm at the Embassy of Italy, in Beijing. "Giro D’Italia" offers to the local and international audience an "Italian" experience, a journey through the excellencies that make Italy a global benchmark in several sectors, such as F&B, Fashion, advanced technologies, art, music, culture, tourism, design, innovation, just to mention some of the distinctive Italian traits. Throughout the day, the Italian Cultural Institute will offer to the participants cultural entertaining activities.   Agenda 10:00 Welcome 11:00 Projection of Italian film “Pazze di me”, by Fausto Brizzi (with Chinese subtitles) 14:00 Projection of Italian documentary “Quando l’Italia mangiava in bianco e nero”, by Andrea Gopplero di Troppenburg (with Chinese subtitles) 15:45 Institutional greetings 15:50 Simona De Rosa quartet concert 18:00 Conclusion   Register online scanning the QR Code below, before October 11th.   You must bring the registration confirmation with you, together with your ID at the entrance of the Embassy of Italy in Beijing on the 12th of October. Please note: if you do not show the registration confirmation, you will not be able to enter. The entrance is free of charge. The booth fee will be donated to the China Foundation for the Alleviation of Poverty. This NGO will use the donation, together with what will be collected at the Diplomatic Bazaar (held on October 27), to build sport fields in disadvantaged district of Yunnan Province. We look forward to welcoming you, your friends, and your business partners! Best regards, CICC Team


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