
Giro d'Italia, 12 ottobre 2019 - Companies' Application

12 十月 2019
Cari Soci, Cari Amici, La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina in collaborazione con l'Ambasciata d'Italia nella RPC e l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura, sta organizzando per il prossimo 12 ottobre 2019 la terza edizione di “Giro d’Italia”, evento promozionale che si propone di valorizzare presso il pubblico italiano e cinese l’immagine dell’Italia nei suoi poliedrici aspetti.     Il “Giro d’Italia” si configurerà come un “open day” ospitato nell' Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino dove, tra le ore 10.00 e le ore 18.00, le imprese italiane potranno mostrare i propri prodotti o servizi in una cornice conviviale nella quale troveranno spazio anche l’eno-gastronomia, l’arte, la musica, la cultura, il turismo, il design, l'innovazione, la tecnologia e altri tratti distintivi del nostro Paese. Maggiori informazioni sull'evento e i prezzi per prenotare uno stand sono disponibili qui. Si prega di notare che il ricavato relativo all'affitto dello stand sarà donato ad una NGO Italiana presente in Cina.   Nei limiti degli spazi disponibili, la manifestazione è aperta alla partecipazione di tutte le società italiane presenti in Cina che vorranno aderire. Le imprese partecipanti saranno selezionate sulla base del principio "first come, first served". Si prega di far pervenire la richiesta di partecipazione, entro e non oltre il prossimo 8 ottobre 2019, scannerizzando il codice QR sottostante e completando la registrazione online: Per maggiori informazioni contattare:   Cordiali saluti, CCIC Team

Beijing Breakfast Seminar: New Opportunities Within China's Consumer Market - 28th August 2019, Beijing

19 八月 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on August 28th, focused on:  New Opportunities Within China’s Consumer Market Time: 8:45-10:30   Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00 - 10.30 Seminar   Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100600   Fee:  CICC Members 150 RMB/PAX CICC Non-Members 250 RMB/PAX   RSVP: To participate please send an e-mail to or scan the QR code below. The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite Chris Wang, senior research analyst and operations manager of ChemLinked platform with REACH24H Consulting Group, to share her insights on the China’s changing consumer market, as well as the related opportunities and challenges for foreign companies. About the speaker:  Chris Wang is a senior research analyst and operations manager of ChemLinked platform with REACH24H Consulting Group, a leading market access service provider in China. With over 5 years in the industry, she focuses on market and regulatory intelligence in China, especially for imported consumer goods like foods and cosmetics. She has extensive experience in helping international companies learn about the trends to better develop market entry strategies for China.   Presentation Theme:  1. Overview of consumer goods market in China Analysis of imported Consumer Goods Market Macro environment Tariff Reductions to Contribute to Development of Imports 2. Market and Consumer trends New trends in product development New Consumer Power Great prospects in the cross-border e-commerce market Future trends of imported consumer goods 3. How to optimize your market strategies     Kind Regards, CICC Team

Beijing Breakfast Seminar: New Opportunities Within China's Consumer Market - 28th August 2019, Beijing

19 八月 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on August 28th, focused on:  New Opportunities Within China’s Consumer Market Time: 8:45-10:30   Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00 - 10.30 Seminar   Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100600   Fee:  CICC Members 150 RMB/PAX CICC Non-Members 250 RMB/PAX   RSVP: To participate please send an e-mail to or scan the QR code below. The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite Chris Wang, senior research analyst and operations manager of ChemLinked platform with REACH24H Consulting Group, to share her insights on the China’s changing consumer market, as well as the related opportunities and challenges for foreign companies. About the speaker:  Chris Wang is a senior research analyst and operations manager of ChemLinked platform with REACH24H Consulting Group, a leading market access service provider in China. With over 5 years in the industry, she focuses on market and regulatory intelligence in China, especially for imported consumer goods like foods and cosmetics. She has extensive experience in helping international companies learn about the trends to better develop market entry strategies for China.   Presentation Theme:  1. Overview of consumer goods market in China Analysis of imported Consumer Goods Market Macro environment Tariff Reductions to Contribute to Development of Imports 2. Market and Consumer trends New trends in product development New Consumer Power Great prospects in the cross-border e-commerce market Future trends of imported consumer goods 3. How to optimize your market strategies     Kind Regards, CICC Team

Beijing Breakfast Seminar: New Opportunities Within China's Consumer Market - 28th August 2019, Beijing

19 八月 2019
亲爱的会员们与朋友们:   2019年8月28日,中国意大利商会荣幸地邀请您参加“the Morning Talk Seminar”早间研讨会:  "中国消费市场的新机遇".   时间: 8:45-10:30   议程: 8:45 注册 9:00 -10:30 研讨会   地址: 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路2单元– 100600   费用: 会员150元/人 非会员250元/人   登记: 登记注册请发送电子邮件至 或请扫描的二维码。 中国意大利商会邀请王萍女士,ChemLinked 资讯平台的运营经理&市场研究主管, 分享有关中国消费市场的见解以及外国公司的相关机会和挑战。 主讲人:  王萍女士是瑞欧科技旗下ChemLinked资讯平台的运营经理&市场研究主管,有超过5年的市场及市场准入政策研究经验。王女士活跃于LinkedIn平台,致力于帮助海外企业了解最新的中国消费品市场资讯,如消费趋势、产品创新、营销策略等,尤其是在食品和饮料和化妆品领域。   演讲主题: 1.中国消费品市场概况 进口消费品市场分析 宏观环境 降低关税有助于进口的发展 2.市场和消费者趋势 产品开发的新趋势 新消费者权力 跨境电子商务市场前景广阔 进口消费品的未来趋势 3.如何优化您的市场策略     顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking - August 29th, Beijing

29 八月 2019
亲爱的会员与朋友们 ,    中国意大利商会与16家其他牵头商会很高兴的邀请您参加将于8月29日星期四在北京NUO酒店召开的全商会欢迎回来网络。 本次聚会是本年度最大规模的网络活动,预计将有来自不同行业的600多名参与者参加这场有趣又充满活力的活动。这次活动是一个很好的机会,可以结识新的业务联系人,并与同事和其他对您的持续成功很重要的人重新认识。   门票价格:   会员价150元人民币; 非会员250元人民币   (包括两杯饮料和精选的手指食物)   地址: 北京市朝阳区将台路甲2号北京诺金酒店 登记: 点击阅读原文, 请扫描的二维码 现在就预订机票,不要错过与来自所有商业部门的商业专业人士会面的绝佳机会!   顺颂商祺, 中国意大利商会团队

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking - August 29th, Beijing

29 八月 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with 16 other leading foreign Chambers in Beijing, is glad to invite you to our traditional All Chamber Welcome Back Networking, that will be held at NUO Hotel Beijing on Thursday, August 29th at 18:00pm. This gathering is one of our largest networking events of the year with more than 600 attendees from a wide variety of industries. It's an excellent opportunity to network, meet new business contacts, and be re-acquainted with peers and others important to your ongoing success.   Participation Fee:  CICC Members: 150 RMB/PAX Non-Members: 250 RMB/PAX (including two drinks and a selection of finger food)   Venue: O'Bar at NUO Hotel Beijing - 2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016 北京市朝阳区将台路甲2号北京诺金酒店   Book your ticket now and do not miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet with business professionals from a wide range of industries and sectors!   Kind Regards, CICC Team

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking - August 29th, Beijing

29 八月 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with 16 other leading foreign Chambers in Beijing, is glad to invite you to our traditional All Chamber Welcome Back Networking, that will be held at NUO Hotel Beijing on Thursday, August 29th at 18:00pm. This gathering is one of our largest networking events of the year with more than 600 attendees from a wide variety of industries. It's an excellent opportunity to network, meet new business contacts, and be re-acquainted with peers and others important to your ongoing success.   Participation Fee:  CICC Members: 150 RMB/PAX Non-Members: 250 RMB/PAX (including two drinks and a selection of finger food)   Venue: O'Bar at NUO Hotel Beijing - 2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016 北京市朝阳区将台路甲2号北京诺金酒店   Book your ticket now and do not miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet with business professionals from a wide range of industries and sectors!   Kind Regards, CICC Team

SAVE THE DATE – NOTTE ITALIANA Beijing 16th November 2019

18 七月 2019
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that its annual dinner in Beijing will be held in 16th of November 2019. Notte Italiana 2019 will be inspired by “Milano-Cortina 2026” Winter Olympic Games and the passing of the torch from Beijing-Chongli 2022. While promoting the major international sports’ event, the evening aims at celebrating the Italian winter industry’s innovation, know-how, expertise, and lifestyle. Following, more information regarding the sponsorships available: EVENT SPONSORSHIP  SILVER SPONSOR - CNY 30,000  GOLD SPONSOR - CNY 45,000 DIAMOND SPONSOR - CNY 60,000 PLATINUM SPONSOR - CNY 88,000 LUCKY DRAW SPONSORSHIP  GOODIE BAGS SPONSORSHIP  F&B SPONSOR (Tasting corner and/or dinner)  To have a look at the presentation of the event, please click here. Please download the application form here.  For any questions, please email:   Kind regards, CICC Team

SAVE THE DATE – NOTTE ITALIANA Beijing 16th November 2019

18 七月 2019
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that its annual dinner in Beijing will be held in 16th of November 2019. Notte Italiana 2019 will be inspired by “Milano-Cortina 2026” Winter Olympic Games and the passing of the torch from Beijing-Chongli 2022. While promoting the major international sports' event, the evening aims at celebrating the Italian winter industries innovation, know-how, expertise, and lifestyle. Following, more information regarding the sponsorships available: EVENT SPONSORSHIP  SILVER SPONSOR - CNY 30,000  GOLD SPONSOR - CNY 45,000 DIAMOND SPONSOR - CNY 60,000 PLATINUM SPONSOR - CNY 88,000 LUCKY DRAW SPONSORSHIP  GOODIE BAGS SPONSORSHIP  F&B SPONSOR (Tasting corner and/or dinner) To have a look at the presentation of the event, please click here. Please download the application form here. For any questions, please email:   Kind regards, CICC Team

SAVE THE DATE – NOTTE ITALIANA Beijing 16th November 2019

18 七月 2019
亲爱的会员们与朋友们: 中国意大利商会高兴地宣布,将于2019年11月16日在北京举行一年一度的晚宴。 2019年意大利之夜的灵感来自于“米兰-科尔蒂纳2026”冬季奥运会,并受到北京-崇礼火炬传递的启发。在推广重大国际体育赛事的同时,晚会旨在庆祝意大利冬季产业的创新、技术、专业知识和生活方式。 如何参与晚宴: 赞助本次活动  银牌赞助 - CNY 30,000  金牌赞助 - CNY 45,000 钻石赞助 - CNY 60,000 支持赞助 - CNY 88,000 抽奖赞助 伴手礼袋 食品和饮品品尝区域 您想了解活动的介绍, 请点击这里。 请在这里下载申请表。 如有任何问题,请发邮件至   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队


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