
Seminar - Individual Income Tax (No. 35 Announcement) with National and Beijing Tax Authorities, Beijing 30th May 2019

15 五月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The CICC, in cooperation with the German Chamber of Commerce – North China and Swiss Chamber of Commerce, together with the State Administration of Taxation China and the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau, is glad to invite you to an afternoon seminar on Thursday, May 30th, to interpret and share case studies regarding the No. 35 Announcement, covering the tax treatment of nonresidents and individuals who are not domiciled in China. The Announcement was issued on 14th March and supplements the amended Individual Income Tax law. It is our honor to invite officers from both authorities to share with us: No. 35 Announcement interpretation - focus on nonresident individuals and individuals who are not domiciled in China, and other related documents. Case Studies relating to No. 35 Announcement - focus on tax agreement related issues. The event will be held in Chinese.   We look forward to welcoming our members and other foreign companies to participate in this event! Please note that it is necessary to register to this event in order to attend.   Date: Thursday, May 30th, 2019 Time: 2PM - 4:40PM Venue: Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu 北京希尔顿酒店, 东三环北路东方路 1号   Agenda 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Registration 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Welcome Speeches by German Chamber and the State Administration of Taxation China 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM Announcement Interpretation by the Director of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau Individual Income Tax Office 3:35 PM - 4:15 PM Case study by the Director of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau International Office 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Finishing remarks   Who should attend? Financial professionals and financial departments heads.   Fee:  Price for Members: 250 RMB Price for non-Members: 500 RMB   To register, please click here.   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Seminar - Individual Income Tax (No. 35 Announcement) with National and Beijing Tax Authorities, Beijing 30th May 2019

15 五月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The CICC, in cooperation with the German Chamber of Commerce – North China and Swiss Chamber of Commerce, together with the State Administration of Taxation China and the Beijing Local Taxation Bureau, is glad to invite you to an afternoon seminar on Thursday, May 30th, to interpret and share case studies regarding the No. 35 Announcement, covering the tax treatment of nonresidents and individuals who are not domiciled in China. The Announcement was issued on 14th March and supplements the amended Individual Income Tax law. It is our honor to invite officers from both authorities to share with us: No. 35 Announcement interpretation - focus on nonresident individuals and individuals who are not domiciled in China, and other related documents. Case Studies relating to No. 35 Announcement - focus on tax agreement related issues. The event will be held in Chinese.   We look forward to welcoming our members and other foreign companies to participate in this event! Please note that it is necessary to register to this event in order to attend.   Date: Thursday, May 30th, 2019 Time: 2PM - 4:40PM Venue: Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu 北京希尔顿酒店, 东三环北路东方路 1号   Agenda 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Registration 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Welcome Speeches by German Chamber and the State Administration of Taxation China 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM Announcement Interpretation by the Director of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau Individual Income Tax Office 3:35 PM - 4:15 PM Case study by the Director of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau International Office 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Finishing remarks   Who should attend? Financial professionals and financial departments heads.   Fee:  Price for Members: 250 RMB Price for non-Members: 500 RMB   To register, please click here.   Kind Regards, CICC Team

研讨会 - 中国国家税务总局及北京市税务局关于非居民个人和无住所居民个人有关个人所得税政策权威解读, 北京2019年5月30日

15 五月 2019
尊敬的中国意大利商会会员: 2019年5月30日,为帮助在华外国企业提高对的非居民个人和无住所居民个人有关个人所得税政策的了解,中国意大利商会联合举办中国德国商会和中国瑞士商会荣幸地邀请到中国国家税务总局、北京市税务局的相关领导,作为文件起草机关,权威解读财政部税务总局2019年35号公告。 政策说明会主题 主题1: 解读35号公告---关于非居民个人和无住所居民个人有关个人所得税政策的公告并介绍国税总局其他新出台相关文件 主题2: 以具体实例解读35号公告中涉及协定的部分   诚邀会员企业及其他在华外国企业相关人员积极报名参加! 注:为了参加此座谈会,请点击此链接报名。 活动语言:中文   活动议程 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM 参加人员登记 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM 商会负责人、总局国际司司领导致辞 2:45 PM - 3:35 PM 北京市税务局个人所得税处处长解读35号公告 3:35 PM - 4:15 PM 北京市税务局国际处处长以具体实例解读35号公告中涉及协定的部分 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 座谈会总结和结束   地点:北京希尔顿酒店, 东三环北路东方路 1号   谁应该参加?  财务专业人员和财务部门负责人。   费用: 会员 250元/人 非会员 500元/人   注:为了参加此座谈会,请点击此链接报名。   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

Beijing Breakfast Seminar - Cross border e-commerce, Beijing 24th May 2019

14 五月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on May 24th, focused on:  "Cross border e-commerce: Benefits and challenges to enter the Chinese market through CBEC".   Time: 8:45-10:30 Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00-10:30 Seminar Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing  100027, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100027 Fee: 150 CICC Members / 250 CICC Non Members RSVP: please scan the QR code on the flyer The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite John Piao, Co-Founder and CEO of Digiant Global and Tia Tu, BD manager of JD Worldwide to share their insights on the best strategies and solutions to succeed in the CBEC market in China.  About the speakers:  Mr. Piao is Co-Founder and CEO of Digiant Global, he has 13 years of eCommerce Operations and Digital Marketing experience. He has led several cross-border transactions between Europe and Asia while at BetterLlife Group, Parkland Group and Lenovo. In the past 8 years, Mr. Piao has promoted Food & Beverage, Personal Care and Fashion brands from Europe in the Chinese Market. Presentation theme: how to enter Chinese market via cross-border e-commerce (CBEC): 1.Overview of Chinese CBEC Market, its size and the growing trends 2.Major CBEC Logistics Mode: order fulfillment & customs clearance management 3.Starting EC operations in China: strategies, consumers' journey and preparation from brands Tia Tu is the BD manager of JD Worldwide, in charge of Home & Lifestyle category. During the last 2 years, she helped hundreds of brands launch on JDW, not limited to cosmetics, skincare, home, health, and retail marketplace. JDW is the leading cross border ecommerce business platform in China, plays a key role in JD.COM's strategic route to internationalization. While among all CBEC platforms, JDW's Home & Lifestyle gains the largest market share. Ms. Tu will present a case study.   The seminar is organised in cooperation with EU SME Centre.    Kind Regards, CICC Team

Beijing Breakfast Seminar - Cross border E-commerce, Beijing 24th May 2019

14 五月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar on May 24th, focused on:  "Cross border e-commerce: Benefits and challenges to enter the Chinese market through CBEC".     Time: 8:45-10:30 Agenda: 8:45 Registration 9:00 Opening remarks 9.10 Seminar 10:00 Q&A  Venue: CICC’s Beijing Office 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 Chaoyang District, Beijing  100027, P.R.C. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100027 Fee: 150 CICC Members / 250 CICC Non Members RSVP: please scan the QR code on the flyer The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite John Piao, Co-Founder and CEO of Digiant Global, and Tia Tu, BD Manager of JD Worldwide, to share their insights on the best strategies and solutions to succeed in the CBEC market in China.  About the speakers:  Mr. Piao is Co-Founder and CEO of Digiant Global, he has 13 years of eCommerce Operations and Digital Marketing experience. He has led several cross-border transactions between Europe and Asia while at BetterLlife Group, Parkland Group and Lenovo. In the past 8 years, Mr. Piao has promoted Food & Beverage, Personal Care and Fashion brands from Europe in the Chinese Market. Presentation theme: how to enter Chinese market via cross-border e-commerce (CBEC): 1.Overview of Chinese CBEC Market, its size and the growing trends 2.Major CBEC Logistics Mode: order fulfillment & customs clearance management 3.Starting EC operations in China: strategies, consumers' journey and preparation from brands Tia Tu is the BD manager of JD Worldwide, in charge of Home & Lifestyle category. During the last 2 years, she helped hundreds of brands launch on JDW, not limited to cosmetics, skincare, home, health, and retail marketplace. JDW is the leading cross border ecommerce business platform in China, plays a key role in JD.COM's strategic route to internationalization. While among all CBEC platforms, JDW's Home & Lifestyle gains the largest market share. Ms. Tu will present a case study.   The seminar is organised in cooperation with EU SME Centre.    Kind Regards, CICC Team

Beijing Breakfast Seminar - Cross border e-commerce, Beijing 24th May 2019

14 五月 2019
尊敬的中国意大利商会会员:   2019年5月24日,中国意大利商会荣幸地邀请您参加“the Morning Talk Seminar”早间研讨会:  如何通过跨境电子商务进入中国市场.   时间:8:45-10:30 议程: 8:45 登记 9:00 开场白 9.10 研讨会 10:00 Q&A  地点:北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路1号三里屯外交公寓3号楼2单元021号公寓 - 100027 费用:会员 150元/人,非会员 250元/人 RSVP:   中国意大利商会邀请朴正日先生,Digiant Global的共同创始人兼CEO,分享他对中国CBEC市场成功的最佳策略和解决方案的见解,还有女士涂欢瑞,京东海囤全球家居生活方式招商经理。 主讲人: 朴正日先生是Digiant Global的共同创始人兼CEO。朴先生有超过13年的数字营销和电子商务项目运营经验,在百得利集团、百年城集团和联想集团工作期间主导了多个跨境贸易和跨境电商项目。在过去8年里,朴先生致力于在中国市场推广和销售来自欧洲的消费品牌,如食品和饮料、化妆品和个护产品、时装配饰等产品。 涂欢瑞,京东海囤全球家居生活方式招商经理。在过去2年中为上百家海外品牌落地京东海囤全球进入中国市场,包括美妆个护、家居、健康及零售卖场等品牌。海囤全球(JD.HK)是京东集团国际化战略布局重点业务之一,国内领先的跨境购物平台,其中家居生活类目在跨境电商行业中排名第一。 涂小姐会展示一个案例分析。   活动尤中国意大利商会和欧盟中小企业中心联合举办。   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

Sixth Edition of the Beijing Career Day - Program and Job Offers

06 五月 2019
With reference to the event of the Beijing Career Day of Sunday May 12th 2019:     Agenda: 14.30-15.00 Registration 15.00-15.15 Welcome greetings 15.15-16.30 Seminars 16.30-17.00 Q&A 17.00-19.00 One-to-One interviews   - We kindly remind all participants to arrive at the Italian Institute of Culture at 14.30 for registration. - We kindly remind all participants to autonomously print their personal resume.                         - We kindly remind all participants to bring a proof of identity to show at the entrance.   Participating companies and Job Descriptions:   - Accredited Italian Embassy School in Beijing Insegnante Madrelingua Italiano - JD e info azienda Native Chinese Teacher - JD e info azienda Native English Teacher - JD e info azienda   - Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) Project assistant - JD e info azienda   - China National Tire & Rubber (CNRC) Commercial & ICT - JD e info azienda Commercial Intern - JD e info azienda Production and operations office intern - JD e info azienda   - Decathlon Logistic Department Manager - JD e info azienda   -Digiant Global Ecommerce  Social Media Marketing Intern - JD e info azienda   - EMW Wines Graphic Designer Greater China - JD e info azienda Sales/Marketing Executive - JD e info azienda   - Fondazione Italia-Cina  Office Coordinator - JD e info azienda    - Gi Group China (the company Gi Group will be responsible to held interviews for the following job positions)  Business Development Director - JD e info azienda EPC project manager - JD e info azienda Project Manager - JD e info azienda   - Huayitong International Education Insegnante di Italiano - JD e info azienda   - Joie de Vivre Hotels Sales Executive - JD e info azienda Senior Sales Manager - JD e info azienda   - La Sicilia International Trading  Supporto del business e relazioni con fornitori e partners in Italia - JD e info azienda   - Miele Food Sales Manager - JD e info azienda   - O’ciao Education Technology Beijing Assistant to General Manager - JD e info azienda Italian Study Consultant - JD e info azienda Italian Teacher - JD e info azienda   - Pacific Prime ​Sales Consultant - JD e info azienda   - Panda Consulting Ecommerce Media assistant (trainee) - JD e info azienda   - Venchi  Business Development Specialist (ASEAN Distributors & APAC Travel Retail) - JD e info azienda   - VM Fine Wines Area Manager Assistant - JD e info azienda   Aside of the above positions, resumes for the following positions will be collected at CICC desk (no interviews will be held on the day of the event): - Giuliano Automative Equipment After Sales and Quality Supervisor- JD e info azienda   - Saphire International Aviation & ATC Engineering Office Administration Assistant - JD e info azienda Accounting Assistant - JD e info azienda   On the day, you will also be able to get information about higher education courses or vocational courses introduced by companies and/or universities.  Please note that all resumes have to be sent to: For more information on the event please contact:   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Sesta Edizione del Beijing Career Day - Programma e Job Offers

06 五月 2019
Con riferimento all’evento del Beijing Career Day di Domenica 12 Maggio 2019:     Agenda: 14.30-15.00 Registrazione 15.00-15.15 Saluti di benvenuto 15.15-16.30 Seminari 16.30-17.00 Q&A 17.00-19.00 Incontri One-to-One   - Si prega tutti i partecipanti di arrivare all’Istituto italiano di Cultura alle ore 14.30 per la registrazione. - Si ricorda ai candidati di procedere autonomamente alla stampa del proprio CV.                            - Si ricorda ai partecipanti di portare un documento di identità da presentare all'ingresso.   Aziende partecipanti e Job Descriptions:   - Accredited Italian Embassy School in Beijing Insegnante Madrelingua Italiano - JD e info azienda Native Chinese Teacher - JD e info azienda Native English Teacher - JD e info azienda   - Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) Project assistant - JD e info azienda   - China National Tire & Rubber (CNRC) Commercial & ICT - JD e info azienda Commercial Intern - JD e info azienda Production and operations office intern - JD e info azienda   - Decathlon Logistic Department Manager - JD e info azienda   -Digiant Global Ecommerce  Social Media Marketing Intern - JD e info azienda   - EMW Wines Graphic Designer Greater China - JD e info azienda Sales/Marketing Executive - JD e info azienda   - Fondazione Italia-Cina  Office Coordinator - JD e info azienda    - Gi Group China (l'azienda Gi Group si occuperà dei colloqui per le seguenti posizioni)  Business Development Director - JD e info azienda  EPC project manager - JD e info azienda  Project Manager - JD e info azienda   - Huayitong International Education Insegnante di Italiano - JD e info azienda   - Joie de Vivre Hotels Sales Executive - JD e info azienda Senior Sales Manager - JD e info azienda   - La Sicilia International Trading  Supporto del business e relazioni con fornitori e partners in Italia - JD e info azienda   - Miele Food Sales Manager - JD e info azienda   - O’ciao Education Technology Beijing Assistant to General Manager - JD e info azienda Italian Study Consultant - JD e info azienda Italian Teacher - JD e info azienda   - Pacific Prime ​Sales Consultant - JD e info azienda   - Panda Consulting Ecommerce Media assistant (trainee) - JD e info azienda   - Venchi  Business Development Specialist (ASEAN Distributors & APAC Travel Retail) - JD e info azienda   -VM Fine Wines Area Manager Assistant - JD e info azienda   Segnaliamo, inoltre, che presso lo stand della CCIC verrà presentata la seguente posizione con la possibilità di consegnare e/o inviare il proprio CV (non vi saranno colloqui in loco):   - Giuliano Automative Equipment After Sales and Quality Supervisor- JD e info azienda   - Saphire International Aviation & ATC Engineering Office Administration Assistant - JD e info azienda Accounting Assistant - JD e info azienda   Quest'anno, i partecipanti avranno l'occasione di ricevere informazioni su corsi specializzanti o universitari. Si prega di notare che i CV dovranno essere inviati a: Per maggiori informazioni sull'evento si prega di contattare:   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team

Sesta Edizione del Beijing Career Day - Programma e Job Offers

06 五月 2019
Con riferimento all’evento del Beijing Career Day di Domenica 12 Maggio 2019:     Agenda: 14.30-15.00 Registrazione 15.00-15.15 Saluti di benvenuto 15.15-16.30 Seminari 16.30-17.00 Q&A 17.00-19.00 Incontri One-to-One   - Si prega tutti i partecipanti di arrivare all’Istituto italiano di Cultura alle ore 14.30 per la registrazione. - Si ricorda ai candidati di procedere autonomamente alla stampa del proprio CV.                            - Si ricorda ai partecipanti di portare un documento di identità da presentare all'ingresso.   Aziende partecipanti e Job Descriptions:   - Accredited Italian Embassy School in Beijing Insegnante Madrelingua Italiano - JD e info azienda Native Chinese Teacher - JD e info azienda Native English Teacher - JD e info azienda   - Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) Project assistant - JD e info azienda   - China National Tire & Rubber (CNRC) Commercial & ICT - JD e info azienda Commercial Intern - JD e info azienda Production and operations office intern - JD e info azienda   - Decathlon Logistic Department Manager - JD e info azienda   - Digiant Global Ecommerce  Social Media Marketing Intern - JD e info azienda   - EMW Wines Graphic Designer Greater China - JD e info azienda Sales/Marketing Executive - JD e info azienda   - Fondazione Italia-Cina  Office Coordinator - JD e info azienda    - Gi Group China (l'azienda Gi Group si occuperà dei colloqui per le seguenti posizioni)  Business Development Director - JD e info azienda  EPC project manager - JD e info azienda  Project Manager - JD e info azienda   - Huayitong International Education Insegnante di Italiano - JD e info azienda   - Joie de Vivre Hotels Sales Executive - JD e info azienda Senior Sales Manager - JD e info azienda   - La Sicilia International Trading  Supporto del business e relazioni con fornitori e partners in Italia - JD e info azienda   - Miele Food Sales Manager - JD e info azienda   - O’ciao Education Technology Beijing Assistant to General Manager - JD e info azienda Italian Study Consultant - JD e info azienda Italian Teacher - JD e info azienda   - Pacific Prime ​Sales Consultant - JD e info azienda   - Panda Consulting Ecommerce Media assistant (trainee) - JD e info azienda   - Venchi  Business Development Specialist (ASEAN Distributors & APAC Travel Retail) - JD e info azienda   - VM Fine Wines Area Manager Assistant - JD e info azienda   Segnaliamo, inoltre, che presso lo stand della CCIC verranno presentate le seguenti posizioni con la possibilità di consegnare e/o inviare il proprio CV (non vi saranno colloqui in loco):   - Giuliano Automative Equipment After Sales and Quality Supervisor- JD e info azienda   - Saphire International Aviation & ATC Engineering Office Administration Assistant - JD e info azienda Accounting Assistant - JD e info azienda   Quest'anno, i partecipanti avranno l'occasione di ricevere informazioni su corsi specializzanti o universitari. Si prega di notare che i CV dovranno essere inviati a: Per maggiori informazioni sull'evento si prega di contattare:   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team

SAVE THE DATE! – June 15th, 2019 – Authentic Italian Table

29 四月 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of the CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the “Authentic Italian Table”, an event to promote and taste authentic Italian food. When: Saturday June 15th Where: CHAO Hotel –  No. 4 Workers' Stadium East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing What time: approximately 10:30 – 19:00   We invite Chinese F&B sector’s experts (journalists, KOL/influencers, academics, nutritionists) and representative of the distribution network (buyers, importers, distributors) to take part in the event. Italian operators in the F&B sector will display their authentic Italian food products and prepare local dishes using authentic Italian products. During the day, there will be: masterclasses, explanations, interactive activities to gain an insight on authentic Italian food products, expand your network of contacts – and of course to taste the true Italian food and wine. The closing ceremony will be the occasion for awarding the authentic Italian restaurants in Beijing with the certificate “Italian Hospitality”. Other Italian food and wine lovers are also invited! The event will be open to the general public between 16:00 and 18:30.   “Authentic Italian Table” is part of the “True Italian Taste” project, promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.


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