
Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) - Relationship Awareness Theory ™

22 Agosto 2014
  Objectives:   People work together more effectively when they better understand their own and others` strengths. SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is a self-awareness tool that bridges the gap between motivation and behaviour by providing two integrated personality assessments that measure when things are going well and when in conflict.   Course Outline   Relationship awareness theory™ Relationship Awareness theory underpins SDI. It is a motivational typology that has proven to be very accurate in determining the motivations behind behaviour. The theory itself is founded on four simple, yet profound, premises: 1. Behaviour is driven by motivation to achieve or maintain self-worth 2. Motivation changes in conflict 3. Strengths, when overdone or misapplied, can be perceived as weaknesses and 4. Personal filters influence perceptions of self and of others.   How the Strength Deployment inventory® works When completing the SDI ® the learner responds to 20 statements that look at the following two dimensions:   1. When things are going well (in life, not just at work) 2. When things are not going well (in life, not just at work)   The first dimension of SDI helps people understand their motivations and relating styles.   SDI is non-judgemental - Each person`s set of scores will position them in two areas on a unique coloured triangle which is then explained in terms of their Motivational Value System™ and their Conflict Sequence™.   What makes SDI so easy to complete, remember and apply is that it uses colour and their blends to represent the following 7 Motivational Value Systems. This provides a common language that helps facilitate conversations about interpersonal issues.   Trainees will complete the SDI assessment and debrief their results during the training.   Relationship Awareness Theory and the psychometric inventories and other resources which are based on it, was developed by psychologist, clinical therapist, educator, and author Elias H. Porter, Ph.D. who was also a student and colleague of Dr Carl Rodgers, a leading psychologist and author.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) - Relationship Awareness Theory ™

22 Agosto 2014
  Objectives:   People work together more effectively when they better understand their own and others` strengths. SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is a self-awareness tool that bridges the gap between motivation and behaviour by providing two integrated personality assessments that measure when things are going well and when in conflict.   Course Outline   Relationship awareness theory™ Relationship Awareness theory underpins SDI. It is a motivational typology that has proven to be very accurate in determining the motivations behind behaviour. The theory itself is founded on four simple, yet profound, premises: 1. Behaviour is driven by motivation to achieve or maintain self-worth 2. Motivation changes in conflict 3. Strengths, when overdone or misapplied, can be perceived as weaknesses and 4. Personal filters influence perceptions of self and of others.   How the Strength Deployment inventory® works When completing the SDI ® the learner responds to 20 statements that look at the following two dimensions:   1. When things are going well (in life, not just at work) 2. When things are not going well (in life, not just at work)   The first dimension of SDI helps people understand their motivations and relating styles.   SDI is non-judgemental - Each person`s set of scores will position them in two areas on a unique coloured triangle which is then explained in terms of their Motivational Value System™ and their Conflict Sequence™.   What makes SDI so easy to complete, remember and apply is that it uses colour and their blends to represent the following 7 Motivational Value Systems. This provides a common language that helps facilitate conversations about interpersonal issues.   Trainees will complete the SDI assessment and debrief their results during the training.   Relationship Awareness Theory and the psychometric inventories and other resources which are based on it, was developed by psychologist, clinical therapist, educator, and author Elias H. Porter, Ph.D. who was also a student and colleague of Dr Carl Rodgers, a leading psychologist and author.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

PowerPoint Essentials

20 Agosto 2014
  Are you trying to make an impact in your presentations or training? Do you want to create a PowerPoint for you and notes for your attendees?   This course will introduce you to concepts to use PPT to your advantage to prepare not only great presentations but something people can meaningfully walk away with.   Objectives:   • Enhance current PPT capability • Use technology to your advantage • Learn to prepare great hand outs and use PowerPoint as a professional presenter • Planning your presentation   Who should attend?   • Managers required to give presentations with impact. • Training managers required to prepare materials for workshops. • Staff who are required to use PowerPoint to communicate ideas, trends and business updates.   Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS PowerPoint already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS PowerPoint for an additional fee of 300RMB.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

PowerPoint Essentials

20 Agosto 2014
  Are you trying to make an impact in your presentations or training? Do you want to create a PowerPoint for you and notes for your attendees?   This course will introduce you to concepts to use PPT to your advantage to prepare not only great presentations but something people can meaningfully walk away with.   Objectives:   • Enhance current PPT capability • Use technology to your advantage • Learn to prepare great hand outs and use PowerPoint as a professional presenter • Planning your presentation   Who should attend?   • Managers required to give presentations with impact. • Training managers required to prepare materials for workshops. • Staff who are required to use PowerPoint to communicate ideas, trends and business updates.   Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS PowerPoint already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS PowerPoint for an additional fee of 300RMB.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

PowerPoint Essentials

20 Agosto 2014
  Are you trying to make an impact in your presentations or training? Do you want to create a PowerPoint for you and notes for your attendees?   This course will introduce you to concepts to use PPT to your advantage to prepare not only great presentations but something people can meaningfully walk away with.   Objectives:   • Enhance current PPT capability • Use technology to your advantage • Learn to prepare great hand outs and use PowerPoint as a professional presenter • Planning your presentation   Who should attend?   • Managers required to give presentations with impact. • Training managers required to prepare materials for workshops. • Staff who are required to use PowerPoint to communicate ideas, trends and business updates.   Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS PowerPoint already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS PowerPoint for an additional fee of 300RMB.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

Excel: Database Management

11 Luglio 2014
  If you manage databases using Excel, you will want to attend this course.   We will walk you through the steps of working with multiple workbooks and merging them into one easily managed database. If you accumulate databases on a regular basis from your sales team, research or events, you will most likely want to update your master database with information while removing all duplicate information.   The full day course will provide you with the knowledge to start using Excel to manage your information more effectively, while saving your hours of frustration.   Objectives:   • Enhance Excel understanding and familiarise with common Excel tasks • Speed up tasks through knowing where to go for tips • Manage multiple workbooks and share information   Who should attend?   • Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounting - team members who regularly use Excel to manage databases.   Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS Excel already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS Excel for an additional fee of 300RMB.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

Excel: Database Management

11 Luglio 2014
  If you manage databases using Excel, you will want to attend this course.   We will walk you through the steps of working with multiple workbooks and merging them into one easily managed database. If you accumulate databases on a regular basis from your sales team, research or events, you will most likely want to update your master database with information while removing all duplicate information.   The full day course will provide you with the knowledge to start using Excel to manage your information more effectively, while saving your hours of frustration.   Objectives:   • Enhance Excel understanding and familiarise with common Excel tasks • Speed up tasks through knowing where to go for tips • Manage multiple workbooks and share information   Who should attend?   • Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounting - team members who regularly use Excel to manage databases.   Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS Excel already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS Excel for an additional fee of 300RMB.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to

Excel: Database Management

11 Luglio 2014
  If you manage databases using Excel, you will want to attend this course.   We will walk you through the steps of working with multiple workbooks and merging them into one easily managed database. If you accumulate databases on a regular basis from your sales team, research or events, you will most likely want to update your master database with information while removing all duplicate information.   The full day course will provide you with the knowledge to start using Excel to manage your information more effectively, while saving your hours of frustration.   Objectives:   • Enhance Excel understanding and familiarise with common Excel tasks • Speed up tasks through knowing where to go for tips • Manage multiple workbooks and share information   Who should attend?   • Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounting - team members who regularly use Excel to manage databases.   Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops with MS Excel already installed. We can arrange laptops with the MS Excel for an additional fee of 300RMB.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur   Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12  years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to


10 Giugno 2014
  知识产权在中国的实施   很多在华积极发展业务的企业都遭遇到过产品被仿冒,商标被抢注,专有技术被其他公司盗用而利益受损的情况。面对知识产权侵权现象,企业往往认为这是中国的商业环境造就,维权对他们来说困难重重且代价高昂。   围绕“知识产权在中国的实施”的话题,欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处和北京德意志工商中心特别安排了此次讲座,届时专家将为您解答以下问题: 侵权对企业造成的危害及如何制止侵权 多种维权渠道的比较及实际应用 获得务实建议并有机会与资深专家一对一单独交流 这里查询详情。   欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处举办的各类培训活动仅对欧洲的中小企业及中小企业组织,例如使领馆、商协会等开放。务请律师事务所或提供有关知识产权服务的咨询公司回避。如果贵企业符合条件并希望参加该活动请通过电子邮件注册,邮件地址,并在主题栏注明姓名,活动日期以及附上公司信息。我们会向符合条件的企业发送确认邮件。

Enforcing your Intellectual Property Rights in China

10 Giugno 2014
  Enforcing your Intellectual Property Rights in China   Many companies who are active on the Chinese market find that their product, trademark or know-how has been copied or used by another company for profit. Companies often believe that these infringements are part of the business environment in China, and that it would be too difficult and expensive to take actions to stop the infringers.   The China IPR SME Helpdesk and the German Centre for Industry and Trade invite you to a seminar on ‘Enforcing your Intellectual Property Rights in China’, which will address the following issues: Learn about the impact infringement can have on your business and how to spot infringement Gain insight in the different options available to stop infringement and learn how to protect your business Receive practical, business-focussed advice from a China IPR expert and have the opportunity to attend a one-on-one consultation session on your individual questions Find further details here.     China IPR SME Helpdesk events are only available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations, such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.


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