
All - Chamber Welcome Back Networking

22 Agosto 2014
  Getting prepared for the early revival of the business community in Beijing after the summer break, China - Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), along with other 15 leading Chambers are delighted to invite you to the All - Chamber Welcome Back Networking at Pine Garden in Summit Wing Hotel. Last year, our annual All - Chamber networking attracted more than 700 guests and this year we would expect more participants. Don`t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet with business professionals from a wide range of industries and sectors.   Come and join us to mingle with old and new business contacts. The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and to forward this invitation to your business partners. It is a great opportunity to network, exchange contacts and meet Chamber staff to learn more about the Chambers` services and activities. Fee: Members: RMB 100 | Non-Members: RMB 200 (includes two drinks and a selection of canapés) Event Terms & Conditions: In case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance, otherwise a no-show fee will be applied and you will be invoiced for the event. Event contact: Rossella Zinno +86 10 85910545-(615)   Best Regards, CICC  

All - Chamber Welcome Back Networking

22 Agosto 2014
  Getting prepared for the early revival of the business community in Beijing after the summer break, China - Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), along with other 15 leading Chambers are delighted to invite you to the All - Chamber Welcome Back Networking at Pine Garden in Summit Wing Hotel. Last year, our annual All - Chamber networking attracted more than 700 guests and this year we would expect more participants. Don`t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet with business professionals from a wide range of industries and sectors.   Come and join us to mingle with old and new business contacts. The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and to forward this invitation to your business partners. It is a great opportunity to network, exchange contacts and meet Chamber staff to learn more about the Chambers` services and activities. Fee: Members: RMB 100 | Non-Members: RMB 200 (includes two drinks and a selection of canapés) Event Terms & Conditions: In case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance, otherwise a no-show fee will be applied and you will be invoiced for the event. Event contact: Rossella Zinno +86 10 85910545-(615)   Best Regards, CICC  

All - Chamber Welcome Back Networking

22 Agosto 2014
  Getting prepared for the early revival of the business community in Beijing after the summer break, China - Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), along with other 15 leading Chambers are delighted to invite you to the All - Chamber Welcome Back Networking at Pine Garden in Summit Wing Hotel. Last year, our annual All - Chamber networking attracted more than 700 guests and this year we would expect more participants. Don`t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to meet with business professionals from a wide range of industries and sectors.   Come and join us to mingle with old and new business contacts. The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and to forward this invitation to your business partners. It is a great opportunity to network, exchange contacts and meet Chamber staff to learn more about the Chambers` services and activities. Fee: Members: RMB 100 | Non-Members: RMB 200 (includes two drinks and a selection of canapés) Event Terms & Conditions: In case you registered but cannot attend, please remember to cancel your reservation 24 hours in advance, otherwise a no-show fee will be applied and you will be invoiced for the event. Event contact: Rossella Zinno +86 10 85910545-(615)   Best Regards, CICC  


08 Luglio 2014
  7月8日星期二在意大利驻华大使馆将主办第二届中意食品安全对话会议,此次会议的目的是为中意两国政府机构和企业提供一个在农业食品质量和消费者健康保证领域开展信息和经验交流的平台。   此次会议由意大利驻华大使馆与国家食品药品监督管理总局联合主办。国家食药总局张勇局长以及意大利卫生部公共兽医卫生、营养和食品安全司的相关领导均将出席此次会议。   中国经济网、中国意大利商会和意大利对外贸易委员会(ICE 也参与了此次会议的组织工作。   本次会议日程中设定有一个环节用于介绍2015年米兰世博会,此次世博会的主题为“滋养地球,为生命加油”。   会议期间,来自意大利和中国的专家、乳制品领域主要协会代表将就下列领域的议题进行探讨:食品的可追溯性、意大利农业食品的中国市场准入、原产地保护标志和地理标志的保护、中国食品安全法规。   鉴于近期中国相关领域法规的变更,在此届会议召开当日的下午还专门安排了一个环节,与会人员将对乳制品进行探讨。   (会议日程草案)   愿意出席此次会谈的人员可以发送电子邮件至意大利驻华大使馆经济商务处,电邮地址如下, 电子邮件中应注明下列信息:   姓名: 单位: 职务: 邮件地址: 联系电话   祝好,   中国意大利商会


08 Luglio 2014
  Martedi’ 8 luglio prossimo l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino ospiterà la seconda edizione del dialogo sino italiano sulla sicurezza alimentare, luogo di scambio di esperienze ed informazioni sui temi della qualità delle produzioni agroalimentari e della tutela della salute dei consumatori sia a livello di istituzioni che di imprese cinesi e italiane.   L’evento è organizzato in collaborazione con la China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), principale autorità della RPC in materia di sicurezza alimentare.   Alla realizzazione dell’evento partecipano anche l’agenzia di stampa cinese China Economic Net, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e l’Agenzia ICE.   In apertura del convegno vi sarà una presentazione dell’Expo Milano 2015 “Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita”.   Esperti italiani e cinesi, rappresentanti delle principali associazioni di categoria ed imprese affronteranno i temi della tracciabilità dei prodotti, accesso al mercato cinese di prodotti agroalimentari italiani, protezione delle denominazioni DOP e IGP, normative cinesi in materia di sicurezza alimentare.   Nel pomeriggio è prevista una specifica sessione dedicata al settore lattiero-caseario, alla luce delle recenti evoluzioni normative avviate in Cina e dell’interesse dei produttori italiani per questo mercato.   (Bozza Programma)   Per conferma della partecipazione si prega di inviare una e-mail all’ufficio commerciale dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino all`indirizzo, con le seguenti informazion: Nome Cognome Azienda o Istituto di appartenenza Qualifica E-mail Telefono   Cordialmente,   CCIC


08 Luglio 2014
  Martedi’ 8 luglio prossimo l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino ospiterà la seconda edizione del dialogo sino italiano sulla sicurezza alimentare, luogo di scambio di esperienze ed informazioni sui temi della qualità delle produzioni agroalimentari e della tutela della salute dei consumatori sia a livello di istituzioni che di imprese cinesi e italiane.   L’evento è organizzato in collaborazione con la China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), principale autorità della RPC in materia di sicurezza alimentare.   Alla realizzazione dell’evento partecipano anche l’agenzia di stampa cinese China Economic Net, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e l’Agenzia ICE.   In apertura del convegno vi sarà una presentazione dell’Expo Milano 2015 “Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita”.   Esperti italiani e cinesi, rappresentanti delle principali associazioni di categoria ed imprese affronteranno i temi della tracciabilità dei prodotti, accesso al mercato cinese di prodotti agroalimentari italiani, protezione delle denominazioni DOP e IGP, normative cinesi in materia di sicurezza alimentare.   Nel pomeriggio è prevista una specifica sessione dedicata al settore lattiero-caseario, alla luce delle recenti evoluzioni normative avviate in Cina e dell’interesse dei produttori italiani per questo mercato.   (Bozza Programma)   Per conferma della partecipazione si prega di inviare una e-mail all’ufficio commerciale dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino all`indirizzo, con le seguenti informazion: Nome Cognome Azienda o Istituto di appartenenza Qualifica E-mail Telefono   Cordialmente,   CCIC

RDL—Identification and Amendment of the Commonly Faulty Clauses (Controversial) in Employers’ Rules and Regulations

13 Giugno 2014
  RDL —Identification and Amendment of the Commonly Faulty Clauses (Controversial) in Employers’ Rules and Regulations     The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with River Delta Law Firm, is glad to invite you to a one-day seminar aimed at presenting and analyzing the Identification and Amendment of the Commonly Faulty Clauses (Controversial) in Employers’ Rules and Regulations. The lecture is based on lawyers’ practical experience, systematically goes through the employer’s internal rules and regulations and intends to point out some common wrong (or controversial) provisions in light of the basic structure of the foregoing rules and regulations. At the same time, this lecture will especially focus on ‘practicability’; we will not only point out and step away from the mistakes, but also provide effective legal solutions to the problems, based on a legal analysis and risk assessment of the contrive rsial clauses. Therefore, this lecture will provide the newest foundation for legitimate and effective solution to common defective (controversial) clause via the analysis to the latest judicial guideline in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, etc., and the combination with typical labor dispute cases released recently. Course Objective: 1. Effective update of the latest judicial guideline and precedent cases as well as judicial trend; 2. Systematic grasp of a critical thinking for the identification of the frequent defective (controversial) clauses in employer’s internal the rules and regulations; 3. Proficiency in the basic skills for the amendment of the frequent defective (controversial) mistakes in employer’s rules and regulations. Subject of Participants: HR director, HR manager, legal counsel, trade union care and other senior management Speaker Introduction: Mr. Lu, managing partner of River Delta Law Firm. Mr. Lu is a pioneer of labor law service in Mainland China, and outstanding labor-law expert. Early in 2002, he established the first online labor law service platform- In 2004, River Delta Law Firm, the first law firm focusing on legal service in labor law area in China, was founded. Under the leadership of Mr. Lu, River Delta Law Firm has developed into an employment law service provider which has the largest employment legal service team, well-established service network in China mainland. For more information, please click here. Best wishes CICC SH Office  

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) - Relationship Awareness Theory ™

22 Agosto 2014
  Objectives:   People work together more effectively when they better understand their own and others` strengths. SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is a self-awareness tool that bridges the gap between motivation and behaviour by providing two integrated personality assessments that measure when things are going well and when in conflict.   Course Outline   Relationship awareness theory™ Relationship Awareness theory underpins SDI. It is a motivational typology that has proven to be very accurate in determining the motivations behind behaviour. The theory itself is founded on four simple, yet profound, premises: 1. Behaviour is driven by motivation to achieve or maintain self-worth 2. Motivation changes in conflict 3. Strengths, when overdone or misapplied, can be perceived as weaknesses and 4. Personal filters influence perceptions of self and of others.   How the Strength Deployment inventory® works When completing the SDI ® the learner responds to 20 statements that look at the following two dimensions:   1. When things are going well (in life, not just at work) 2. When things are not going well (in life, not just at work)   The first dimension of SDI helps people understand their motivations and relating styles.   SDI is non-judgemental - Each person`s set of scores will position them in two areas on a unique coloured triangle which is then explained in terms of their Motivational Value System™ and their Conflict Sequence™.   What makes SDI so easy to complete, remember and apply is that it uses colour and their blends to represent the following 7 Motivational Value Systems. This provides a common language that helps facilitate conversations about interpersonal issues.   Trainees will complete the SDI assessment and debrief their results during the training.   Relationship Awareness Theory and the psychometric inventories and other resources which are based on it, was developed by psychologist, clinical therapist, educator, and author Elias H. Porter, Ph.D. who was also a student and colleague of Dr Carl Rodgers, a leading psychologist and author.   Facilitator: Alistair McArthur Mr. Alistair McArthur has trained thousands of executives and staff around China and Asia. He has spent over 12 years based in China in both a business environment and facilitating professional development skills, interpersonal skills, and persuasive speaking, while also working with organizational leaders.     To register please fill in the form and send it back to


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