
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Lean Production Implementation & Human Asset Development

15 四月 2013
To confirm your attendance, please send an e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com. Please note that priority will be given to CICC Members. Best wishes CICC Team

Premio Panda d‘Oro–2013 Edition,Shanghai/1st round

15 六月 2013
The following 5 prizes will be awarded: 1. Panda d’Oro-Cina Award 2. Panda d’Oro-Italia Award 3. The Best Project Panda Award 4. The Sustainable Panda Award 5. The Best Italian SME in China Panda Award To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai On Saturday, June 15th , 2013. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we look forward to receiving the participation questionnaire. Please send the questionnaire to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before April, 5th, 2013, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded. “Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publications, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Become Partner of the Gala 2013! Please click here to know more about our Gala dinner and sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorships would better be confirmed before mid-May 2013.  For more information and assistance, please contact our Shanghai office: Add: Room 1604, Xincheng Mansion, No. 167 Jiangning Rd, Shanghai 200041 China Tel: +86-21-54075181 Email: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Web: www.cameraitacina.com Make your nomination, now!  

Premio Panda d‘Oro–2013 Edition,Shanghai/1st round

15 六月 2013
The following 5 prizes will be awarded: 1. Panda d’Oro-Cina Award 2. Panda d’Oro-Italia Award 3. The Best Project Panda Award 4. The Sustainable Panda Award 5. The Best Italian SME in China Panda Award To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai On Saturday, June 15th , 2013. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we look forward to receiving the participation questionnaire. Please send the questionnaire to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before April, 5th, 2013, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded. “Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publications, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Become Partner of the Gala 2013! Please click here to know more about our Gala dinner and sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorships would better be confirmed before mid-May 2013.  For more information and assistance, please contact our Shanghai office: Add: Room 1604, Xincheng Mansion, No. 167 Jiangning Rd, Shanghai 200041 China Tel: +86-21-54075181 Email: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Web: www.cameraitacina.com Make your nomination, now!  

Premio Panda d‘Oro–2013 Edition,Shanghai/1st round

15 六月 2013
The following 5 prizes will be awarded: 1. Panda d’Oro-Cina Award 2. Panda d’Oro-Italia Award 3. The Best Project Panda Award 4. The Sustainable Panda Award 5. The Best Italian SME in China Panda Award To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai On Saturday, June 15th , 2013. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we look forward to receiving the participation questionnaire. Please send the questionnaire to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before April, 5th, 2013, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded. “Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publications, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Become Partner of the Gala 2013! Please click here to know more about our Gala dinner and sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorships would better be confirmed before mid-May 2013.  For more information and assistance, please contact our Shanghai office: Add: Room 1604, Xincheng Mansion, No. 167 Jiangning Rd, Shanghai 200041 China Tel: +86-21-54075181 Email: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Web: www.cameraitacina.com Make your nomination, now!  

Meet the Chamber - Shanghai 2014

14 十月 2014
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di presentare ai propri associati Meet the Chamber un servizio di consulenza volto ad offrire ad operatori interessati al mercato cinese l’opportunità di approfondire le problematiche legate allo svolgimento della propria attività commerciale in Cina grazie all’esperienza di professionisti selezionati dalla Camera.     Colloqui di consulenza individuale gratuita per privati e imprenditori soci della Camera: Volete avviare un’attività e non sapete da dove iniziare? Siete un`impresa italiana interessata ad esportare ed investire in Cina? Avete difficoltà di accesso al mercato cinese? Altri quesiti?   Le risposte le trovate in Camera! Ecco come: Invia la tua richiesta di partecipazione al servizio indicando il tuo Membership ID Prenota una delle seguenti date indicate nel calendario sottostante Indica il tema su cui desideri programmare il tuo colloquio di consulenza individuale con una settimana di anticipo Specifica se desideri un incontro a Shanghai o tramite conference call   Calendario: Ottobre: martedì 14, venerdì 24 Novembre: martedì 11, martedì 25 Dicembre: giovedì 4, giovedì 18   Prenota il tuo colloquio individuale scrivendo a meetthechamber@cameraitacina.com   Non sei ancora socio? Scarica il modulo di iscrizione al seguente link   Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC), riconosciuta dal Governo italiano ed dal Governo cinese, è l`associazione che da più di 20 anni riunisce e rappresenta la comunità d`affari italiana, promuovendo attività d`interesse generale per il sistema delle imprese italiane presenti in Cina. Gli oltre 550 soci che partecipano alla CCIC sono composti dai principali gruppi industriali italiani, medie e piccole imprese produttive o commerciali, banche, società di servizi e consulenza. Per le aziende già localizzate sul territorio cinese o comunque con attività commerciali già avviate, la CCIC offre opportunità di formazione, informazione e scambio tra operatori ed una autorevole piattaforma di rappresentatività in relazione a tematiche comuni. Per gli operatori interessati ad espandere il proprio business alla Cina, la CICC offre servizi di assistenza alla localizzazione e alla promozione del proprio "Made in Italy".   Contatti CICC: CHINA - ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Shanghai) 6-401, 4th floor, Block 6, Crea-Infinity, No. 600 North Shaanxi Road, Jing`an District, Shanghai Tel: +86-21-61351313 Email: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Web: www.cameraitacina.com   Click here to see the English Version.


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