
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Italian Way China

21 十一月 2013
  ITALIAN WAY CHINA - SANYA   CNBO EXPO and UNIMPRESA, are pleased to announce the organization of “ITALIAN WAY CHINA”, a unique showcase for Italian Lifestyle and Made in Italy products from different industries, namely Fashion, Accessories, Jewelry, Antiques, Home & Design, Tourism together with a specially dedicated area to Gastronomy.   The Event will take place from 21 to 24 November 2013, in conjunction with the Hainan International Yachting Exhibition at the Sanya Serenity Marina, Sanya.   With over 11,000 business persons and affluent Chinese visitors at the 2012 addition of the Yacht Exhibition, we believe that the Event is an ideal venue for the promotion of not only luxury brands from Italy but also the very high quality brands that Italy is famous for but unfortunately not known to a great part of the Chinese consumer.   A great deal of interest has been shown from both Italian and Chinese based Italian companies to participate in a Made in Italy Event that promotes the best that Italy has to offer in Fashion, Jewelry, Home & Design and Tourism, all presented under a 4,000 m2 tented area dedicated to Italian Lifestyle.   With the support of CICC, we are confident of holding a successful promotion of Made in Italy.   We are pleased to offer a “special Event package” to members of the CICC China. It includes: - a 5% discount on total rental costs for exhibition space; - a gift voucher per room for a beauty/massage treatment at the hotel where exhibitors will be staying.   Venue: Sanya Serenity Marina, Sanya 三亚半山半岛帆船港   Price: The company is requesting rental of: 15 m2   Shell scheme module:  CICC MEMBERS’ PRICE: Euro 280.25/m2 NON-MEMBERS’ PRICE: Euro 295/m2 Raw space only: CICC MEMBERS’ PRICE: Euro 261.25/m2 NON-MEMBERS’ PRICE: Euro 275/m2   Registration Fee: Euro 250 per company  Chinese Business Tax: 6%    Terms and Conditions:   If interested in booking a booth, it is necessary to submit the forms 1, 2 & 3 (the general regulations and the application form), together with a company profile and a detailed description of products (including photos) that will be exhibited at the Event, must be sent by email to the following address: - info@cameraitacina.com (Beijing); - infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com (Shanghai); - infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com (Guangdong).   A copy of the bank transfer for 30% of the total amount due as indicated on the Application Form 1 must be sent to the following email info@cameraitacina.com, infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com and infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com before 31 July 2013 (as indicated as in Art. 7 and 8 of the General Rules). Balance payment of the amount due on or before and not later than 31 August 2013.   Payment of the deposit from Italy to be made to the following: CONSORTIUM INTERNATIONAL TRADE & BUSINESS – HITECH GENERAL CONTRACTING (ITB-Hitech GC) Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Ag.6 Via Cesare Cocchi, Firenze IBAN IT 02 P 01030 02806 000 00 1431649 When making the payment, it is necessary to indicate exactly the same company details on the bank transfer as are indicated on the the Application Form 1 "Registration".   Payment of the deposit from China to be made to the following: FLORENZA FERRI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ADD:ROOM 905 WANGJIAO PLAZA YAN`AN (E) ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA 200002 BANK: CHINA MERCHANTS BANK BANK ADDRESS: NO. 569, JINLING ROAD(E) SHANGHAI CHINA 200021 ACCOUNT NO:121-909-556-810-601 SWIFT CODE: CMBCCNBS   The last date for receipt of Application Forms is 31 July 2013.   More information: - Contact us at info@cameraitacina.com, infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com. - Visit the web-site www.italianwaychina.it and see the presentations of the event.   Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC Shanghai

Can You Keep a Secret? – Using Trade Secrets to Protect your Business in China

28 六月 2013
  Registration and cancellation China IPR SME Helpdesk events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing rsvp-china@china-iprhelpdesk.eu with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.   About the China IPR Helpdesk The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at www.china-iprhelpdesk.eu and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website.   Best wishes CICC Team  

Drafting Contracts in China: Dos & Don’ts to Ensure Smooth Running for SMEs

27 六月 2013
  Registration and cancellation China IPR SME Helpdesk events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing rsvp-china@china-iprhelpdesk.eu with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.   About the China IPR Helpdesk The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at www.china-iprhelpdesk.eu and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website.   Best wishes CICC Team  

Roman Feast Party at Bar Rouge

01 六月 2013
  Summer Palace and Little Italy present: Roman Feast. Bar Rouge turns into Ancient Rome atmosphere on June 1st for celebrating the Italian National day! Every year we celebrate this day together, and we hope for many others to come. Bar Rouge and MVP Shanghai invite you one more time to join the Italian community to dance all night long on your favorite Italo-disco hits and discover a new ambiance marked by the Italian relic of the past such Bacco’s status or the Colosseo’s columns! Dress up in your best toga and come share with us this moment. Free entrance if Email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Otherwise entrance fee 100 RMB. So mark your agenda and let’s enjoy together the Anniversary of the Italian Extravaganza on the Bund!  


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