
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Italian Hospitality

23 三月 2015
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform that the 2014-2015 edition of the project “ITALIAN HOSPITALITY, ITALIAN RESTAURANTS IN THE WORLD” has now officially started!   The project is supported by Unioncamere, in collaboration with 5 Italian Ministries, ENIT, FIPE, Assocamerestero, Federalimentare, Coldiretti, CIA, Confragricoltura and IS. NA.R.T.   Its aim is to promote the Italian restaurants abroad and Italian food, ensuring compliance with quality standards typical of Italian hospitality. In order to obtain the label “Italian Hospitality”, Italian Restaurants in the World”, the restaurants abroad must meet defined requirements concerning the menu, products, chef experience, wines, reception and so on.   We kindly invite Italian restaurants in China to participate to the project! Applying is very easy and completely free of charge. All you have to do is: fill in the application form and send it to the contacts below;   schedule an appointment to visit your restaurant and collect all the required documents. Thereafter, a specific Committee will examine documents and give the 2014-2015 certificate to those restaurants which will suit the required standards. Once awarded with Italian Hospitality Certificate, restaurants will also benefit from a series of promotional activities on media, TV, mass and web media, social networks etc., thus enhancing their visibility in Italy and abroad.   During the 2013-2014 awards ceremony , which took place within the exhibition Food Hospitality China, the CICC also introduced and distribute the guide "Authentic Italian Food Quality Experience", including a dedicated page to each restaurant awarded. This guide has been distributed during this and other events organized by the CCIC.   SUBMIT THE APPLICATION OF YOUR RESTAURANT TO THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS:   Beijing: ospitalita.bj@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-10-85910545   Shanghai: ospitalita.sh@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-21-61351313   Guangzhou: ospitalita.gz@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-20-83652682 For more information about the initiative: Italian Hospitality  

Italian Hospitality

23 三月 2015
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform that the 2014-2015 edition of the project “ITALIAN HOSPITALITY, ITALIAN RESTAURANTS IN THE WORLD” has now officially started!   The project is supported by Unioncamere, in collaboration with 5 Italian Ministries, ENIT, FIPE, Assocamerestero, Federalimentare, Coldiretti, CIA, Confragricoltura and IS. NA.R.T.   Its aim is to promote the Italian restaurants abroad and Italian food, ensuring compliance with quality standards typical of Italian hospitality. In order to obtain the label “Italian Hospitality”, Italian Restaurants in the World”, the restaurants abroad must meet defined requirements concerning the menu, products, chef experience, wines, reception and so on.   We kindly invite Italian restaurants in China to participate to the project! Applying is very easy and completely free of charge. All you have to do is: fill in the application form and send it to the contacts below;   schedule an appointment to visit your restaurant and collect all the required documents. Thereafter, a specific Committee will examine documents and give the 2014-2015 certificate to those restaurants which will suit the required standards. Once awarded with Italian Hospitality Certificate, restaurants will also benefit from a series of promotional activities on media, TV, mass and web media, social networks etc., thus enhancing their visibility in Italy and abroad.   During the 2013-2014 awards ceremony , which took place within the exhibition Food Hospitality China, the CICC also introduced and distribute the guide "Authentic Italian Food Quality Experience", including a dedicated page to each restaurant awarded. This guide has been distributed during this and other events organized by the CCIC.   SUBMIT THE APPLICATION OF YOUR RESTAURANT TO THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS:   Beijing: ospitalita.bj@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-10-85910545   Shanghai: ospitalita.sh@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-21-61351313   Guangzhou: ospitalita.gz@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-20-83652682 For more information about the initiative: Italian Hospitality  

Italian Hospitality

23 三月 2015
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform that the 2014-2015 edition of the project “ITALIAN HOSPITALITY, ITALIAN RESTAURANTS IN THE WORLD” has now officially started!   The project is supported by Unioncamere, in collaboration with 5 Italian Ministries, ENIT, FIPE, Assocamerestero, Federalimentare, Coldiretti, CIA, Confragricoltura and IS. NA.R.T.   Its aim is to promote the Italian restaurants abroad and Italian food, ensuring compliance with quality standards typical of Italian hospitality. In order to obtain the label “Italian Hospitality”, Italian Restaurants in the World”, the restaurants abroad must meet defined requirements concerning the menu, products, chef experience, wines, reception and so on.   We kindly invite Italian restaurants in China to participate to the project! Applying is very easy and completely free of charge. All you have to do is: fill in the application form and send it to the contacts below;   schedule an appointment to visit your restaurant and collect all the required documents. Thereafter, a specific Committee will examine documents and give the 2014-2015 certificate to those restaurants which will suit the required standards. Once awarded with Italian Hospitality Certificate, restaurants will also benefit from a series of promotional activities on media, TV, mass and web media, social networks etc., thus enhancing their visibility in Italy and abroad.   During the 2013-2014 awards ceremony , which took place within the exhibition Food Hospitality China, the CICC also introduced and distribute the guide "Authentic Italian Food Quality Experience", including a dedicated page to each restaurant awarded. This guide has been distributed during this and other events organized by the CCIC.   SUBMIT THE APPLICATION OF YOUR RESTAURANT TO THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS:   Beijing: ospitalita.bj@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-10-85910545   Shanghai: ospitalita.sh@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-21-61351313   Guangzhou: ospitalita.gz@cameraitacina.com Tel: 0086-20-83652682 For more information about the initiative: Italian Hospitality  

Last two weeks to apply for the awards - Italian Grand Gala Panda d`Oro Award

13 六月 2015
Awards and nominations: The following 8 prizes will be awarded: 1. “Panda d’Oro-Cina” Award 2. “The Best Project Panda” Award 3. “The Time-honoured Panda” Award 4. “The "2015 Milan EXPO Panda” Award 5. “The Best Italian SME” in China Panda Award 6. “The Innovative Panda” Award 7. “The Friendship Panda” Award 8. "The Ethic Panda" Award A Selection Committee and a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian institutions, business community and media, will be in charge of applications’ screening and assessment. Winners will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner to be held in Shanghai on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at the Jing An Shangri-La. Catch this opportunity to candidate your company for the “Panda d’Oro Award”! Fill in the questionnaire, specifying all details and the award(s) you would like your company to be considered for. Sponsorship categories: Take the chance to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Gala Dinner Sponsors: RMB 88,000 Supporting Sponsor RMB 50,000 Diamond Sponsor RMB 40,000 Gold Sponsor RMB 30,000 Silver Sponsor Please click here to know more about our Gala dinner and sponsorship opportunities.  

Last two weeks to apply for the awards - Italian Grand Gala Panda d`Oro Award

13 六月 2015
Awards and nominations: The following 8 prizes will be awarded: 1. “Panda d’Oro-Cina” Award 2. “The Best Project Panda” Award 3. “The Time-honoured Panda” Award 4. “The "2015 Milan EXPO Panda” Award 5. “The Best Italian SME” in China Panda Award 6. “The Innovative Panda” Award 7. “The Friendship Panda” Award 8. "The Ethic Panda" Award A Selection Committee and a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian institutions, business community and media, will be in charge of applications’ screening and assessment. Winners will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner to be held in Shanghai on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at the Jing An Shangri-La. Catch this opportunity to candidate your company for the “Panda d’Oro Award”! Fill in the questionnaire, specifying all details and the award(s) you would like your company to be considered for. Sponsorship categories: Take the chance to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Gala Dinner Sponsors: RMB 88,000 Supporting Sponsor RMB 50,000 Diamond Sponsor RMB 40,000 Gold Sponsor RMB 30,000 Silver Sponsor Please click here to know more about our Gala dinner and sponsorship opportunities.  

Last two weeks to apply for the awards - Italian Grand Gala Panda d`Oro Award

13 六月 2015
Awards and nominations: The following 8 prizes will be awarded: 1. “Panda d’Oro-Cina” Award 2. “The Best Project Panda” Award 3. “The Time-honoured Panda” Award 4. “The "2015 Milan EXPO Panda” Award 5. “The Best Italian SME” in China Panda Award 6. “The Innovative Panda” Award 7. “The Friendship Panda” Award 8. "The Ethic Panda" Award A Selection Committee and a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian institutions, business community and media, will be in charge of applications’ screening and assessment. Winners will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner to be held in Shanghai on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at the Jing An Shangri-La. Catch this opportunity to candidate your company for the “Panda d’Oro Award”! Fill in the questionnaire, specifying all details and the award(s) you would like your company to be considered for. Sponsorship categories: Take the chance to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Gala Dinner Sponsors: RMB 88,000 Supporting Sponsor RMB 50,000 Diamond Sponsor RMB 40,000 Gold Sponsor RMB 30,000 Silver Sponsor Please click here to know more about our Gala dinner and sponsorship opportunities.  

STAUFEN-Consulting Academy

18 三月 2015
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce its new agreement with STAUFEN Consulting Academy.   Thanks to our special agreement all CICC Members can enjoy the promotion 2 participants at the price of 1, or 20% discount for a single participant for the following trainings: 1- FUNDAMENTALS OF 6-SIGMA - Basic Level (Beijing, May 18thto 22nd) In this 5 day training you will learn how to apply the Six Sigma methodologies independently and successfully. The training is addressed to employees and managers in marketing, sales, manu facturing, purchasing, administration and quality department of manufacturing and service companies. For more information, please click here 2- INTELLIGENT FACTORY - LEAN MEETS INDUSTRY 4.0 (Shanghai, April 28th) Rising labor costs, high quality requirements, increasing diversity of customer needs, requests for ever-shorter lead times – these challenges are ever harder to tackle with traditional production methods.  The solution is the Intelligent Factory, which combines Lean production principles, modularized products and the application of Industry 4.0 elements. This seminar will provide participants with a clear understanding of the building blocks of an Intelligent Factory and how this “Intelligence” can lead to a competitive advantage. Practical examples throughout the seminar will give participants clear ideas about how to transform their own production and build an Intelligent Factory with a high level of connectivity (man-machine), collaboration, reliable and fast information and data flows, as well as other technology features. For more information, please click here Fill in the registration form and send it to infoshanghai@cameraitaliacina.com. Please, consider that only with this document you can enjoy the discounts reserved to our Members. We look forward to registering your participation! CICC Team

STAUFEN-Consulting Academy

18 三月 2015
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce its new agreement with STAUFEN Consulting Academy.   Thanks to our special agreement all CICC Members can enjoy the promotion 2 participants at the price of 1, or 20% discount for a single participant for the following trainings: 1- TOYOTA KATA - Developing people’s skills while doing continuous improvement (Shanghai, April 14th) Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata are a systematic approach primarily intended to develop people’s capability for improvement and leadership by the means of consistent daily practice.  Kata means way of doing, pattern or routine that over repeated practice becomes a second nature. Coaching Kata is the way to develop the leaders as internal coaches to teach the improvement kata every day, so that the expansion of kata “method” can be generated and a new culture reached in the whole company. The daily practice of improvement kata and coaching kata is done to develop people’s skills so that they solidly achieve improvements in the processes, either at the shop floor (production), indirect areas or services. For more information, please click here 2- INTELLIGENT FACTORY - LEAN MEETS INDUSTRY 4.0 (Shanghai, April 28th) Rising labor costs, high quality requirements, increasing diversity of customer needs, requests for ever-shorter lead times – these challenges are ever harder to tackle with traditional production methods.  The solution is the Intelligent Factory, which combines Lean production principles, modularized products and the application of Industry 4.0 elements. This seminar will provide participants with a clear understanding of the building blocks of an Intelligent Factory and how this “Intelligence” can lead to a competitive advantage. Practical examples throughout the seminar will give participants clear ideas about how to transform their own production and build an Intelligent Factory with a high level of connectivity (man-machine), collaboration, reliable and fast information and data flows, as well as other technology features. For more information, please click here Fill in the registration form and send it to infoshanghai@cameraitaliacina.com. Please, consider that only with this document you can enjoy the discounts reserved to our Members. We look forward to registering your participation! CICC Team

STAUFEN-Consulting Academy

18 三月 2015
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce its new agreement with STAUFEN Consulting Academy.   Thanks to our special agreement all CICC Members can enjoy the promotion 2 participants at the price of 1, or 20% discount for a single participant for the following trainings: 1- TOYOTA KATA - Developing people’s skills while doing continuous improvement (Shanghai, April 14th) Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata are a systematic approach primarily intended to develop people’s capability for improvement and leadership by the means of consistent daily practice.  Kata means way of doing, pattern or routine that over repeated practice becomes a second nature. Coaching Kata is the way to develop the leaders as internal coaches to teach the improvement kata every day, so that the expansion of kata “method” can be generated and a new culture reached in the whole company. The daily practice of improvement kata and coaching kata is done to develop people’s skills so that they solidly achieve improvements in the processes, either at the shop floor (production), indirect areas or services. For more information, please click here 2- INTELLIGENT FACTORY - LEAN MEETS INDUSTRY 4.0 (Shanghai, April 28th) Rising labor costs, high quality requirements, increasing diversity of customer needs, requests for ever-shorter lead times – these challenges are ever harder to tackle with traditional production methods.  The solution is the Intelligent Factory, which combines Lean production principles, modularized products and the application of Industry 4.0 elements. This seminar will provide participants with a clear understanding of the building blocks of an Intelligent Factory and how this “Intelligence” can lead to a competitive advantage. Practical examples throughout the seminar will give participants clear ideas about how to transform their own production and build an Intelligent Factory with a high level of connectivity (man-machine), collaboration, reliable and fast information and data flows, as well as other technology features. For more information, please click here Fill in the registration form and send it to infoshanghai@cameraitaliacina.com. Please, consider that only with this document you can enjoy the discounts reserved to our Members. We look forward to registering your participation! CICC Team

Blue collar staffing

26 三月 2015
                       Our keynote speaker is Mr. Marcel Flikweert from our International Business Department, assisted by Stephen Sun, FESCO Adecco’s Legal Specialist, who will particularly support answering questions during and at the end of the presentation. A review of the legal changes and the effect these have on situations at hand, a view on the labour market and trends and models of operation. Over the years the dispatch law has dramatically changed. With this seminar we recap what has been discussed in our previous seminar and will explain and debate about some of the alternatives. After this we will discuss the labour market and trends that can have an effect on attracting and retaining blue collar staff.   With this basis we will continue to look into how FESCO Adecco utilizes the legal changes and the labour market trends into its operating models. What the key factors of success and failure are and how we can influence these for the better.   Who should attend? - Human Resource Manager who are currently in front line dealing with this blue collar staff; - CEO’s, General Managers and CFO’s, as this topic implies strategic decisions; - Line managers who want to gain more insight in models of operation or gain new ideas; - Those managers with a healthy appetite! Date, time, location and price Date and time: The 26th of March starting at 13.30 to 15.00 - Closing with the opportunity to network. Location: FESCO Adecco’s Office – Training Room 4th floor – Jiu Shi Podium Building, No. 28 South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区中山南路28号久事大厦附楼(近东门路) Cost: Free of charge As the number of seats is limited, please register in advance using the following email address: jessica.liu@fescoadecco.com  


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