
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Concert of Maestro Vittorio di Lotti and “the Enchantment Quartet”

30 五月 2008
The Italian Institute of Culture, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Shanghai Times Square are glad to invite you to join the Concert of Maestro Vittorio di Lotti and "the Enchantment Quartet". Activity: Concert of Maestro Vittorio di Lotti and "the Enchantment Quartet"Location: Shanghai Times Square, L2 Lobby, 99 Huaihai Zhong LuDate & time: May 30th, 19.00pm onwardsAttendance to the event is subject to written confirmation, to be sent by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com within May 27th, 12.00pm. Given the limited availability of seats, the system applied to confirm attendance shall be "first in, first served": those members who reply first and have their seats assigned shall receive a written notification by return from our Chamber, confirming the availability. As a result, a formal paper invitation shall be delivered by post to the confirmed guest.Access to the concert shall thus only be made available upon presentation of such formal paper invitation.

Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China- Thermowatt

28 四月 2008
"I did it, we all can do it... but we can do it better if we share our knowledge and learn from each other". "Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China" is a new initiative promoted by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Chapter, with the aim of providing our Members and business partners with a real life insight on the experience of Italian companies investing in China.Unlike the standard seminars given by consultants on theoretical topics, the invited speakers are "one of us" - Managers and Entrepreneurs from the Italian community in China, who share with us their China experience, realistically made up not only of success and achievements, but more humanly of difficulties, hurdles and sometimes failures. EVENT DETAILS:Time: 18:00-20:30Venue: Z58 showroom - No. 58 Panyu Road, by Yan`An Road200052 Shanghai 200052 上海市番禺路58号,近延安路Conference Room, 4th Floor Tel. 电话: +86 21 52582701NOTE:  The seminar will be held in English Seats are limited (maximum 70 pax) participation must be confirmed within April 24th, 12.00pm (see confirmation form) A cocktail~buffet will be offered to the participants  Participation fee: RMB 200/pax for CICC Members paying at front desk on 28/04 RMB 250/pax for Non-Members paying at front desk on 28/04 Contact: 021-54075181infoshanghai@cameraitacina.comClick here to download the presentation of this seminar.

Heroes in Action – Histories of Italians doing Business in China

31 三月 2008
“Heroes in Action – Histories of Italians doing Business in China” e’ una nuova iniziativa promossa dalla Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina con lo scopo di mettere i nostri soci e partner commerciali a confronto con uno spaccato di vita reale sull`esperienza delle aziende italiane che stanno investendo in Cina.A differenza dei classici seminari tenuti da consulenti su tematiche di ampio respiro, in questo caso il relatore e’ “uno di noi” – dirigente d’azienda o imprenditore appartenente alla comunita’ d’affari italiana in Cina, che con estrema trasparenza condivide con la comunita’ la propria esperienza aziendale nel confronto quotidiano con questo paese, parlandoci di difficolta’, ostacoli, vicissitudini cosi’ come di vittorie, successi e soddisfazioni.Il primo seminario sara` tenuto dal Dott. Giuseppe Cattaneo, CEO della Pirelli Tyre China, sull`argomento “localizzazione”.Il seminario si terra’ presso i locali di Zhongtai Lighting Group, il partner di fiducia per soluzioni integrate di illuminazione d’ambiente.Dopo il seminario si terra` un cocktail per i partecipanti, offerto dal ristorante italiano “Da Marco Italian Restaurant”.Il secondo appuntamento del ciclo di seminari “Heroes in Action” e` previsto per il 28 Aprile, presso lo showroom Z58, insieme ad un altro eroe che condividera` la propria esperienza insieme a tutti noi - il Dott. Francesco Milicia , General Manager della Thermowatt, MTS Group Wuxi - sull`argomento “delocalizzazione”.“Io ce l’ho fatta e voi, come me, potete farcela;... se condividiamo le nostre esperienze e la nostra conoscenza il risultato sara’ migliore”.Contatti: +86 21 52582701, infoshanghai@cameraitacina.comNota: E’ richiesto pagamento all`ingresso

Heroes in Action – Histories of Italians doing Business in China

31 三月 2008
“Heroes in Action – Histories of Italians doing Business in China” is a new initiative promoted by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, with the aim of providing our Members and business partners with a real life insight on the experience of Italian companies investing in China.Unlike the standard seminars given by consultants on theoretical topics, the invited speakers are “one of us” - Managers and Entrepreneurs from the Italian community in China, who share with us their China experience, realistically made up not only of success and achievements, but more humanly of difficulties, hurdles and sometimes failures. The first seminar will be given by Mr Giuseppe Cattaneo, CEO of Pirelli Tyre China, on the topic “localization” (click here to download the presentation of the event).The location is provided by Zhongtai Lighting Group, a reliable partner for integrated lighting solutions.After the seminar, a cocktail will be offered to the participants, sponsored by Da Marco Italian Restaurant.“Heroes in Action” second appointment is scheduled on April 28th, at Z58, with another hero sharing his experience with us: Mr Francesco Milicia, General Manager of Thermowatt, MTS Group Wuxi, on the topic “delocalization”. “I did it, we all can do it… but we can do it better if we share our knowledge and learn from each other”. Contact: +86 21 52582701 infoshanghai@cameraitacina.comNote: Entrance fee is required

The 6th Beijing Int`l Food, Beverage Processing and Packaging Equipment Exhibition

09 四月 2009
Website:www.jingmaofood.com/jiagong/expo/ Tel:0086-10-84404867Organizzatore:Beijing Shuanglang Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd

2010 The 11th China International Food and Beverage Exhibition

09 四月 2009
Organizzatore: Shanghai Huimao Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. Tel: 0086-21-54620298Fax: 0086-21-54620109    


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