
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Sweets China 2008

03 九月 2008
Tel.:021-63906161Organizer/Sponsor: Koelnmesse GmbH                            Koelnmesse Pte. Ltd.

Shanghai Int`l Automotive Manufacturing Technology & Materials Show

13 八月 2008
Tel: 0086-21-63288899Organizer: Shanghai Society for Advanced Materials                World Expo Group Shanghai Modern International Exhibition Co., Ltd

International Sweet & Snacktec China 2008

03 九月 2008
Tel.:021-63906161Organizer/ Sponsor: Koelnmesse GmbH                             Koelnmesse Pte. Ltd.

China International Footwear Fair (CIFF) and Moda Shanghai

03 九月 2008
Tel.:(852) 28276211Organizer/ Sponsor: Asia Pacific Leather Fair Ltd.                             China Leather Industry Association

All China Leather Exhibition 2008

03 九月 2008
Tel.: 021-63906161 ext. 807Organizer/ Sponsor: Asia Pacific Leather Fair Ltd.                              China Leather Industry Association                             Messe Dusseldorf GmbH

World of Food China 2008

03 九月 2008
Tel.021-63906161 ext 807Organizer/ Sponsor: Koelnmesse GmbH;                             Koelnmesse Pte. Ltd.

2008 Shanghai Commercial Real Estate Show

07 八月 2008
Tel: 0086-021-62177777  Organizer: Shanghai STEO Exhibition CO,LTD                Shanghai SME International Exchange Centre.

Ferragosto Mid-Summer Party at Mao

15 八月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to "Ferragosto - Italian Mid-Summer Aperitif", on August 15th, from 6.30pm onwards at Mao. The event is an occasion for the Italian, Chinese and Western friends to get together and celebrate in the most typical way the Ferragosto day: an aperitif with food and beverage Italian style, some good Italian music, and great fun.The Ferragosto, from the Latin Feriae Augusti, is in the Italian tradition the mid-summer holidays, occasion with which since the Roman Empire we celebrated Diana Goddess and the cycle of fertility and ripening which closed the work in the fields and gave way to enjoying the fruits of the harvest. Nowadays the Ferragosto is a Catholic Holidays, but it is as well associated to the idea of relax, holidays and rest, in view of the imminent return to hectic life with the Autumn season.The event shall be characterized by the red, a color which evokes passion, fun, warmth and Italy itself.Event details:Date and time:               August 15th, 2008, 6.30pm to 10.30pmLocation:                       Mao                                    Yueyang Road 46, by Yongjia Road, ShanghaiTel.                               021. 64667662The participation to the event must be confirmed by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by Friday August 8th, 12.00pm, specifying the names of the attendees.The entry ticket costs RMB 170/pax, shall be paid at the reception desk at the entrance on the day of the event, and includes the consumption of the Italian buffet menu` and open bar (drinks included in the ticket price only until 00.55am), as per following details:Buffet - pasta salad, greens salad, assorted focaccia and Panini provided by Il Panino, tiramisu`, apple tart, fruitsOpen Bar - red/white/sparkling wine, Negroni, Americano, Sbagliato drinks, waterWe hope we will see your numerous participation, and wish you all a Happy Ferragosto!

Ferragosto Mid-Summer Party at Mao

15 八月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e` lieta di invitarvi a "Ferragosto - Italian Mid-Summer Aperitif", il 15 agosto, p.v., dalle ore 18.30pm al Mao. L`evento vuole essere un`occasione di ritrovo per gli amici italiani, cinesi e stranieri a Shanghai, per celebrare nella forma piu` tipica la giornata di ferragosto: un aperitivo all`insegna del mangiare e bere all`italiana, musica italiana e sano divertimento.Il Ferragosto, dal latino Feriae Augusti, e` nella tradizione italiana la festa di mezza estate, occasione in cui sin dai tempi dell`Impero Romano si celebrava la Dea Diana, e il ciclo di maturita` e fertilita` che chiudeva il lavoro nei campi e portava a godere i frutti del raccolto. Oggigiorno il Ferragosto e` una festivita` cattolica, ma continua a rimanere associato all`idea di relax, vacanza e riposo, in preparazione del ritorno al lavoro con l`imminente ripresa autunnale.La serata si festeggera` all`insegna del rosso, colore che evoca passione, divertimento, calore e italianita`.Dettagli dell`evento:Data e ora:                    15 agosto, 2008, dalle 6.30pm alle 22.30pmLuogo:                          Mao                                    Yueyang Road 46, by Yongjia Road, ShanghaiTel.                               021. 64667662La partecipazione all`evento va confermata con e-mail di ritorno a infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com entro il giorno 8 agosto p.v., ore 12.00pm, specificando i nomi dei partecipanti.Il biglietto di ingresso costa RMB 170/testa, sara` da versare direttamente al banco registrazione il 15 agosto, e include la consumazione di un menu` buffet all`italiana, e di open bar (consumazioni open bar incluse nel biglietto solo fino alle ore 00.55am), come da seguenti dettagli:Buffet - insalata di pasta, pinzimonio di verdure, focaccia e panini assortiti forniti da Il Panino, tiramisu`, torta di mele, fruttaOpen Bar - vino rosso/bianco/spumante, Negroni, Americano, Sbagliato, acquaAugurandoci di vedervi numerosi, auguriamo a tutti un Buon Ferragosto!

Ferragosto Mid-Summer Party at Mao

15 八月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to "Ferragosto - Italian Mid-Summer Aperitif", on August 15th, from 6.30pm onwards at Mao. The event is an occasion for the Italian, Chinese and Western friends to get together and celebrate in the most typical way the Ferragosto day: an aperitif with food and beverage Italian style, some good Italian music, and great fun.The Ferragosto, from the Latin Feriae Augusti, is in the Italian tradition the mid-summer holidays, occasion with which since the Roman Empire we celebrated Diana Goddess and the cycle of fertility and ripening which closed the work in the fields and gave way to enjoying the fruits of the harvest. Nowadays the Ferragosto is a Catholic Holidays, but it is as well associated to the idea of relax, holidays and rest, in view of the imminent return to hectic life with the Autumn season.The event shall be characterized by the red, a color which evokes passion, fun, warmth and Italy itself.Event details:Date and time:               August 15th, 2008, 6.30pm to 10.30pmLocation:                       Mao                                    Yueyang Road 46, by Yongjia Road, ShanghaiTel.                               021. 64667662The participation to the event must be confirmed by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by Friday August 8th, 12.00pm, specifying the names of the attendees.The entry ticket costs RMB 170/pax, shall be paid at the reception desk at the entrance on the day of the event, and includes the consumption of the Italian buffet menu` and open bar (drinks included in the ticket price only until 00.55am), as per following details:Buffet - pasta salad, greens salad, assorted focaccia and Panini provided by Il Panino, tiramisu`, apple tart, fruitsOpen Bar - red/white/sparkling wine, Negroni, Americano, Sbagliato drinks, waterWe hope we will see your numerous participation, and wish you all a Happy Ferragosto!


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