
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Shanghai and Hong Kong Investments – a mirroring perspective

23 六月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e` lieta di presentarVi una nuova iniziativa, Shanghai and Hong Kong Investments - a mirroring perspective. Il Seminario e` organizzato con il supporto dei due interlocutori di riferimento per quanto concerne gli investimenti stranieri ad Hong Kong e a Shanghai: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (SHETO) di Shanghai, l`organismo che nella Regione del Delta dello Yangtze coordina e promuove investimenti stranieri nella Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Hong Kong, e Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board (FID), l`ufficio della Municipalita` di Shanghai predisposto a gestire contatti e progetti di investimenti stranieri sul territorio.Il seminario nasce in risposta a molteplici richieste rivolte alla Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina da aziende italiane che guardano a questo paese, interessate ad investirvi, ma ancora incerte su come interpretare la co-esistenza di sistemi economici simili, eppure operativamente diversi.L`obiettivo del seminario e` fare chiarezza e fornire agli operatori commerciali italiani degli strumenti di analisi che permettano di evidenziare come alle condizioni attuali Hong Kong e Shanghai siano complementari al fine della massimizzazione di un investimento straniero in Cina, piuttosto che in competizione.La novita` di questa iniziativa sta nello spessore e nella qualita` dei professionisti invitati a tenere il seminario: i rappresentanti delle due massime autorita` di Hong Kong, Mike Rowse - Direttore Generale di Investment Promotion, Invest Hong Kong, e Liu JinPing - Direttore di FID,  saranno seduti allo stesso tavolo, offrendo ai presenti una visione sinergica e integrata di come le due economie si possono interfacciare e di come le aziende straniere possono, grazie a questa interazione, ivi ottimizzarne i propri investimenti.Il Seminario vedra` la partecipazione di aziende italiane che con la propria esperienza e la proria presenza nelle due economie, porteranno ai presenti una reale testimonianza relativamente ai temi trattati.Dettagli del seminario:Data e ora:                    23 Giugno, 2008                                    08:00 - 08:30am Registrazione                                    08:30 - 12:00pm Presentazione                                    12:00 - 12:30pm Q&A con pannello e pubblico in sala                                    12.40 - 14.30pm ColazioneLuogo:                          The Westin Bund Centre - Diamond I Conference Room                                    88 Henan Central Road, ShanghaiLingua:                          ingleseLa partecipazione al seminario e` a pagamento:                                    RMB 450/pax per Soci CICC                                     RMB 650/pax per Non-Soci Saremmo a chiedere la Vostra gentile collaborazione al fine di farci pervenire conferma scritta di partecipazione con e-mail di ritorno entro il 16 Giugno, 12.00pm.clicca qua per scaricare il profilo e il programma del seminario

Shanghai and Hong Kong Investments - a mirroring perspective

23 六月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is proud to present a new initiative, Shanghai and Hong Kong Investments - a mirroring perspective. The seminar is co-organized with the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai, which attracts and assists investments into Hong Kong from companies in the Yangtze River Delta region, and the Shanghai Foreign Investment Development Board (FID), responsible for the management of foreign investments in Shanghai.The Seminar aims to offer a response to the many enquiries received by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce from Italian investors, who are interested and would like to invest in China, but are uncertain about how to correctly interpret the co-existence of the two different economic systems in the Mainland of China and Hong Kong, which is now a special administrative region of China. It will provide participants an insight of how to make use of the advantages afforded by the two systems.The Seminar will clarify information and provide the Italian business community with some analysis tools which can evidence how, under present conditions, Hong Kong and Shanghai are complementary to each other, rather than in competition, in the context of optimizing foreign investment in China.The unprecedented aspect of this initiative lies in the quality and identity of the speakers invited to the forum: the senior representatives of the major investment promotion authorities from the two places, Mr Mike Rowse - Director General of Investment Promotion, Invest Hong Kong,  and Liu Jinping -  Director of  Shanghai FID,  are invited to sit at the same table and offer the audience a synergic and integrated perspective on how the two economies interface and how foreign companies can, thanks to this interaction, optimize their investments in China, including HKSAR.The Seminar will also have the participation of relevant professionals and Italian companies that have invested in both economies and will share their own experience to bring to the audience a real life evidence on discussed topics.Details of the event:Date and time:               June 23rd, 2008                                   08:00 - 08:30am Registration                                   08:30 - 12:00pm Presentation                                   12:00 - 12:30pm Q&A with panelists and audience                                   12.40 - 14.30pm LunchLocation:                       The Westin Bund Centre - Diamond I Conference room                                     88 Central Henan Road, ShanghaiLanguage:                      EnglishParticipation fee:             RMB 450/pax for CICC Members                                     RMB 650/pax for Non-CICC Members We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by June 16th, 12.00pm, or submitting confirmation form by fax to 021-54075182.Download the profile and programme of this seminar.

Italian Food Festival 4th edition

02 六月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e` lieta di invitarvi alla quarta edizione di Italian Food Festival, in occasione delle celebrazioni della Festa Nazionale Italiana, il 2 giugno, p.v. L`evento, diventato un appuntamento tradizionale per gli italiani e gli amici cinesi e stranieri a Shanghai, offre grazie alla collaborazione con ristoranti e importatori italiani, la degustazione di piatti, vini e prodotti tipici italiani per la delizia di ogni palato. Nella migliore tradizione italiana, il menu` comprendera` una selezione completa della tipica cena all`italiana, dagli antipasti, alla pasta, alla carne e al pesce, per continuare con dessert e finire con il classico espresso e squisite delizie dopo cena.Novita` rispetto alle precedenti edizioni, Italian Food Festival introduce quest`anno la Pizza all`italiana, e in risposta ai ritmi concitati della vita Shanghaiese, i piatti di gastronomia pronti al consumo, nella sezione "Heat & Eat".Il tutto naturalmente accompagnato da acqua e vini italiani, con vari profumi e colori regionali.Dettagli dell`evento:Data e ora:                    2 giugno, 2008, 6.00pm Luogo:                          The Regent Shanghai                                    1116 Yan`an West Road, ShanghaiTel.                               021. 61159988Vi aspettiamo numerosi, forchetta alla mano!

Italian Food Festival 4th edition

02 六月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the fourth edition of Italian Food Festival, in the occasion of the Italian National Day celebrations, on June 2nd, 2008.A traditional appointment for the Italian and the Chinese and foreigner friends in Shanghai, thanks to the support of the Italian restaurants and importers in Shanghai, the event offers typical dishes, wines and products of Italy for the joy of every palate.In the best of Italian tradition, the menu will include a complete selection of a typical Italian dinner, from appetizers, to pasta, meat and fish, to continue with dessert and end with a classical espresso coffee and exquisite after dinner delicacies.Unprecedented to previous editions, Italian Food Festival introduces this year the Italian Pizza, and as a reply to Shanghai hectic daily life rhythms, the ready to cook specialties of the "Heat&Eat" corner.All of the above enriched by Italian water and wines, with different colors and scents from our Regions.Event details:Date and time:               June 2nd, 2008, 6.00pmLocation:                       The Regent Shanghai                                    1116 Yan`an West Road, ShanghaiTel.                               021. 61159988Wish you all good appetite!


30 五月 2008
"I did it, we all can do it... but we can do it better if we share our knowledge and learn from each other". "Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China" is a new initiative promoted by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Chapter, with the aim of providing our Members and business partners with a real life insight on the experience of Italian companies investing in China.Unlike the standard seminars given by consultants on theoretical topics, the invited speakers are "one of us" - managers and Entrepreneurs from the Italian community in China, who share with us their China experience, realistically made up not only of success and achievements, but more humanly of difficulties, hurdles and sometimes failures. EVENT DETAILS:Time: 14:00-16:30Venue: Z58 showroom - No. 58 Panyu Road, by Yan`An Road200052 Shanghai 200052 上海市番禺路58号,近延安路Conference Room, 4th Floor Tel. 电话: +86 21 52582701NOTE: à The seminar will be held in Italian, with simultaneous translation in Chineseà Seats are limited (maximum 50 pax)à participation must be confirmed within May27th, 12.00pm (see confirmation form)à Afternoon refreshments and home-made Italian ice-cream will be offered to the participantsà Participation fee: RMB 200/pax for CICC Members paying at front desk on 30/05 RMB 250/pax for Non-Members paying at front desk on 30/05 Please confirm your attendance by completing the form below and return it to the CICC-Shanghai by fax (021.54075182) or e-mail (infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com) by Tuesday, May 27th 2008, h. 12:00pm.Transmit by Tuesday, May 27th,2008, h. 12:00pm. at: +86-21-54075182 or infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the seminar " Heroes in Action" on "Franchising" by ITMC/Gelato Italiano.Date______________________ Signature_______________________"The franchising as new model of business"Detailed seminar schedule:Time Speakerby 14,00 Front Desk Registration   14,40 Opening of the SeminarMr Giovanni Orgera CICC Vice President 14,50 ITMC SA Company introductionMr Fabio MagnaniSenior Partner ITMC SAITMC SA15,00Business opportunitiesMr Claudio BarellaSenior Partner ITMC SASupervisor Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA15,10 New and improved financial instruments to sustain business development Ms Zhu GangMPS Bank15,20 The adventure of franchising: the case history of "Gelato Italiano" Ms Antonella Lorenzini Senior Partner ITMC SAPresident Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA 15,30 To be part of a franchising projectAngelo CarmassiShareholder Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDGelato ItalianoShanghai LTD15,40Franchising in ChinaMr Nicola Aporti UGGC & Associés  15,50The techno-economic structure of franchisingMs Antonella Lorenzini Senior Partner ITMC SAPresident Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA16,05Q&A All participants 16,20 Final Comments and roundtable All participants16,30Refreshments   Click here to download the presentation.

Heroes in Action - Seminar on Franchsing, by ITMC SA/Gelato Italiano

30 五月 2008
"I did it, we all can do it... but we can do it better if we share our knowledge and learn from each other". "Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China" is a new initiative promoted by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Chapter, with the aim of providing our Members and business partners with a real life insight on the experience of Italian companies investing in China.Unlike the standard seminars given by consultants on theoretical topics, the invited speakers are "one of us" - managers and Entrepreneurs from the Italian community in China, who share with us their China experience, realistically made up not only of success and achievements, but more humanly of difficulties, hurdles and sometimes failures. EVENT DETAILS:Time: 14:00-16:30Venue: Z58 showroom - No. 58 Panyu Road, by Yan`An Road200052 Shanghai 200052 上海市番禺路58号,近延安路Conference Room, 4th Floor Tel. 电话: +86 21 52582701NOTE: à The seminar will be held in Italian, with simultaneous translation in Chineseà Seats are limited (maximum 50 pax)à participation must be confirmed within May27th, 12.00pm (see confirmation form)à Afternoon refreshments and home-made Italian ice-cream will be offered to the participantsà Participation fee: RMB 200/pax for CICC Members paying at front desk on 30/05 RMB 250/pax for Non-Members paying at front desk on 30/05 Please confirm your attendance by completing the form below and return it to the CICC-Shanghai by fax (021.54075182) or e-mail (infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com) by Tuesday, May 27th 2008, h. 12:00pm.Transmit by Tuesday, May 27th,2008, h. 12:00pm. at: +86-21-54075182 or infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the seminar " Heroes in Action" on "Franchising" by ITMC/Gelato Italiano.Date______________________ Signature_______________________"The franchising as new model of business"Detailed seminar schedule:Time Speakerby 14,00 Front Desk Registration   14,40 Opening of the SeminarMr Giovanni Orgera CICC Vice President 14,50 ITMC SA Company introductionMr Fabio MagnaniSenior Partner ITMC SAITMC SA15,00Business opportunitiesMr Claudio BarellaSenior Partner ITMC SASupervisor Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA15,10 New and improved financial instruments to sustain business development Ms Zhu GangMPS Bank15,20 The adventure of franchising: the case history of "Gelato Italiano" Ms Antonella Lorenzini Senior Partner ITMC SAPresident Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA 15,30 To be part of a franchising projectAngelo CarmassiShareholder Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDGelato ItalianoShanghai LTD15,40Franchising in ChinaMr Nicola Aporti UGGC & Associés  15,50The techno-economic structure of franchisingMs Antonella Lorenzini Senior Partner ITMC SAPresident Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA16,05Q&A All participants 16,20 Final Comments and roundtable All participants16,30Refreshments   Click here to download the presentation.

" Heroes in Action” on “Franchising” by ITMC/Gelato Italiano

30 五月 2008
"I did it, we all can do it... but we can do it better if we share our knowledge and learn from each other". "Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China" is a new initiative promoted by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai Chapter, with the aim of providing our Members and business partners with a real life insight on the experience of Italian companies investing in China.Unlike the standard seminars given by consultants on theoretical topics, the invited speakers are "one of us" - managers and Entrepreneurs from the Italian community in China, who share with us their China experience, realistically made up not only of success and achievements, but more humanly of difficulties, hurdles and sometimes failures. EVENT DETAILS:Time: 14:00-16:30Venue: Z58 showroom - No. 58 Panyu Road, by Yan`An Road 200052 Shanghai 200052 上海市番禺路58号,近延安路 Conference Room, 4th Floor Tel. 电话: +86 21 52582701NOTE: à The seminar will be held in Italian, with simultaneous translation in Chinese à Seats are limited (maximum 50 pax) à participation must be confirmed within May27th, 12.00pm (see confirmation form) à Afternoon refreshments and home-made Italian ice-cream will be offered to the participants à Participation fee: RMB 200/pax for CICC Members paying at front desk on 30/05 RMB 250/pax for Non-Members paying at front desk on 30/05 Please confirm your attendance by completing the form below and return it to the CICC-Shanghai by fax (021.54075182) or e-mail (infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com) by Tuesday, May 27th 2008, h. 12:00pm.Transmit by Tuesday, May 27th,2008, h. 12:00pm. at: +86-21-54075182 or infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the seminar " Heroes in Action" on "Franchising" by ITMC/Gelato Italiano.Date______________________ Signature_______________________"The franchising as new model of business"Detailed seminar schedule:Time Speakerby 14,00 Front Desk Registration   14,40 Opening of the SeminarMr Giovanni Orgera CICC Vice President 14,50 ITMC SA Company introductionMr Fabio MagnaniSenior Partner ITMC SAITMC SA15,00Business opportunitiesMr Claudio BarellaSenior Partner ITMC SASupervisor Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA15,10 New and improved financial instruments to sustain business development Ms Zhu GangMPS Bank15,20 The adventure of franchising: the case history of "Gelato Italiano" Ms Antonella Lorenzini Senior Partner ITMC SAPresident Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA 15,30 To be part of a franchising projectAngelo CarmassiShareholder Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDGelato ItalianoShanghai LTD15,40Franchising in ChinaMr Nicola Aporti UGGC & Associés  15,50The techno-economic structure of franchisingMs Antonella Lorenzini Senior Partner ITMC SAPresident Gelato Italiano Shanghai LTDITMC SA16,05Q&A All participants 16,20 Final Comments and roundtable All participants16,30Refreshments   Click here to download the presentation.

Concert of Maestro Vittorio di Lotti and “the Enchantment Quartet”

30 五月 2008
 L`Istituto Italiano di Cultura, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e Shanghai Times Square hanno il piacere di invitarVi al concerto del Maestro Vittorio di Lotti e "The Enchantment Quartet". L`evento si terra` al secondo piano, nella lobby di Shanghai Times Square, in 99 Huaihai Middle Road, il 30 maggio p.v., alle ore 19.00pm.Dato il numero limitato di posti, la partecipazione all`evento va preventivamente confermata con questo ufficio, con una mail di ritorno all`indirizzo infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, entro il 27 maggio alle ore 12.00pm.Il sistema applicato sara` "first in, first served": coloro i quali confermeranno per primi la propria partecipazione, riceveranno fino ad esaurimento posti disponibili una conferma da parte nostra, ed un invito cartaceo a mezzo posta/corriere per accedere alla sala.Vi ringraziamo per la collaborazione, e porgiamo a tutti


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