
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室





03 七月 2008
中国意大利商会-上海荣幸地邀请您参加今年的国际商会夏季晚会, 该晚会是与以下各商会联合举办的: - 澳大利亚商会;- 中国瑞士商会;- 苏州欧洲商会;- 上海美国商会;- 奥地利驻沪总领事馆商务处;- 荷比卢工商协会;  - 上海英国商会;- 上海加拿大商会; - 中国丹麦商会; - 中国欧盟商会;- 芬兰贸易理事会上海分会; - 中国法国工商会;- 德国工商总会;- 中国香港地区商会;- 爱尔兰商业论坛;- 挪威商会;- 上海新加坡商会;- 中国西班牙商会。晚会详情: 时间:2008年7月3日,星期四,19点到22点地点:上海龙之梦丽晶大酒店三楼 (签到处设置在二楼)业8号费用: 150元人民币(包括小吃及2杯饮料)更多相关情况,请见如下邀请函。如您有意参加本次活动,请于2008年6月30日,星期一,18点前通过传真(021-54075182)或电子邮箱(infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com)确认您的出席。***此次活动仅对会员开放,未预订的会员现场须额外支付50元人民币的费用。

Festa Internazionale dell’ Estate

03 七月 2008
Anche quest`anno, la CICC-Shanghai Chapter e` lieta di riproporre il classico appuntamento dell`estate, con la Festa Internazionale dell` Estate, organizzata in collaborazione con le seguenti Camere di Commercio:  - AustCham Shanghai, - SwissCham Shanghai, - DUSA European Association Suzhou,- The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai,- The Austrian Trade,- The Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, - The British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai,- The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, - The Danish Chamber of Commerce in China,- The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, - The Finnish Business Council Shanghai, - The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, - The German Chamber;- The Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China,- The Irish Business Forum, - The Norwegian Business Association, - The Shanghai Singapore Business Association,- The Spanish Chamber Shanghai. Dettagli dell`evento:Data e ora:   giovedi`  3 luglio 2008, dalle ore 19:00 alle ore 22:00Luogo:         3° piano, The Regent Shanghai, 1116 Yan An West Rd.                     ( la registrazione si terra` al 2° piano)Costo:         RMB150/persona (inclusivo di snacks e 2 bevande) Per ulteriori informazioni  in merito, Vi invitiamo a leggere l`invito in allegato.Confidando in una Vostra numerosa partecipazione, Vi invitiamo a confermare la Vostra presenza entro lunedi`, 30 giugno p.v. h. 18:00 via fax (021-54075182) o via e-mail (infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com). *** Si prega di notare che questo evento è strettamente limitato ai soci e 50 RMB vengono addebitati nel caso in cui ci si presenti senza preventiva prenotazione.

Inter Chamber Summer Mixer

03 七月 2008
Also this year the CICC-Shanghai Chapter is pleased to introduce the classical appointment with the Inter Chamber Summer Mixer, jointly organized with the following Chambers of Commerce:- AustCham Shanghai, - SwissCham Shanghai, - DUSA European Association Suzhou,- The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai,- The Austrian Trade,- The Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, - The British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai,- The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, - The Danish Chamber of Commerce in China,- The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, - The Finnish Business Council Shanghai, - The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, - The German Chamber,- The Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China,- The Irish Business Forum, - The Norwegian Business Association, - The Shanghai Singapore Business Association,- The Spanish Chamber Shanghai. Event details: Date and time:   Thursday, July 3rd 2008, from 19:00 to 22:00 Venue:              3rd Floor, The Regent Shanghai, 1116 Yan An West Rd.                         (registration desk will be set on the 2nd Floor.)Cost:                 RMB150/person (including snacks and two drinks)For further details on the event, please refer to the attached invitation.Should you wish to attend the event, please confirm your attendance via fax (021-54075182) or e-mail (infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com), by Monday, June 30th, 2008, h. 18:00. ***Please note that this event is strictly addressed to members and a 50RMB "walk in" fee will be charged in case you show up without a booking. 

Heroes in Action - Seminar on China market and global sourcing, by Natuzzi

30 六月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is proud to present you with a new seminar of the series Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China. Heroes in Action consists of a series of seminars where "one of us" will lead us, through his/her company experience as a Manager or Entrepreneur, to the analysis of issues of common and current interest for the Italian companies investing in China.The second seminar will be held on June 30th, and will be presented by Mr Valentino Blasone, China Corporate Purchasing Manager di Natuzzi S.p.A, on the topic "China market and global sourcing".We invite you to make reference to the presentation for further details.The aim is to share with those attending the seminar the daily business experiences we all live in China, in order to confront one`s story with each other and grow together.The participation to the seminar is open to the Italian, Chinese and international business and cultural community, so as to achieve a wider exchange of opinions and the development of multi-cultural synergies.With the partnership of Zhongtai Lighting Group, the seminar will take place in Z58 showroom (58 Panyu Road, Changning District, Shanghai, 200052 P.R. China), following below programme:Date and time:               June 30th, 2008                                    18:00 - 18:20pm Registration                                    18:20 - 19:10pm Presentation                                    19:10 - 19:40pm Q&A with panelists and audience                                    19:40 - 20:20pm Cocktail~Buffet offered by Da Marco CateringLanguage:                     EnglishParticipation to the seminar is subject to entrance fee, as follows:                                    RMB 200/pax for CICC Members paying at front desk on June 30th                                      RMB 250/pax for Non-Members paying at front desk on June 30th   We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by return e-mail within June 25th 12.00pm, or submitting confirmation form by fax.

Heroes in Action - Seminar on China market and global sourcing, by Natuzzi

30 六月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e` lieta di proporVi un nuovo seminario della serie Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China. Heroes in Action consiste in una serie di seminari in cui "uno di noi" ci guidera`, attraverso la propria esperienza aziendale in qualita` di manager o di imprenditore, all`analisi di tematiche di attualita` e comune interesse per le aziende italiane che investono in Cina.Il seminario si terra` il 30 giugno, p.v., e sara` tenuto da Valentino Blasone, China Corporate Purchasing Manager di Natuzzi S.p.A, sul tema "China market and global sourcing".Vi invitamo a fare riferimento alla presentazione per ulteriori dettagli.L`obiettivo dei seminari e` condividere con gli interlocutori presenti al seminario le esperienze di business quotidiano in questo paese, al fine di confrontarsi e crescere insieme.La partecipazione al seminario e` aperta a tutta la comunita` d`affari e culturale italiana, cinese e internazionale al fine di garantire un piu` ampio scambio di vedute, e lo sviluppo di sinergie multi culturali.Con la preziosa collaborazione di Zhongtai Lighting Group, il seminario si svolgera` presso lo showroom Z58 (58 Panyu Road, Changning District, Shanghai, 200052 P.R. China), secondo il seguente programma:Data e ora:                    30 giugno, 2008                                    18:00 - 18:20pm Registrazione                                    18:20 - 19:10pm Presentazione                                    19:10 - 19:40pm Q&A con pannello e pubblico in sala                                    19:40 - 20:20pm Cocktail~Buffet offerto da Da Marco CateringLingua:                          ingleseLa partecipazione al seminario e` a pagamento:                                    RMB 200/pax per Soci CICC pagando al banco registrazione il 30/06                                    RMB 250/pax per Non-Soci pagando al banco registrazione il 30/06Saremmo a chiedere la Vostra gentile collaborazione al fine di farci pervenire conferma scritta di partecipazione con e-mail di ritorno entro il 25 Giugno, 12.00pm.

Heroes in Action - Seminar on China market and global sourcing, by Natuzzi

30 六月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is proud to present you with a new seminar of the series Heroes in Action - Histories of Italians doing Business in China. Heroes in Action consists of a series of seminars where "one of us" will lead us, through his/her company experience as a Manager or Entrepreneur, to the analysis of issues of common and current interest for the Italian companies investing in China.The second seminar will be held on June 30th, and will be presented by Mr Valentino Blasone, China Corporate Purchasing Manager di Natuzzi S.p.A, on the topic "China market and global sourcing".We invite you to make reference to the presentation for further details.The aim is to share with those attending the seminar the daily business experiences we all live in China, in order to confront one`s story with each other and grow together.The participation to the seminar is open to the Italian, Chinese and international business and cultural community, so as to achieve a wider exchange of opinions and the development of multi-cultural synergies.With the partnership of Zhongtai Lighting Group, the seminar will take place in Z58 showroom (58 Panyu Road, Changning District, Shanghai, 200052 P.R. China), following below programme:Date and time:               June 30th, 2008                                    18:00 - 18:20pm Registration                                    18:20 - 19:10pm Presentation                                    19:10 - 19:40pm Q&A with panelists and audience                                    19:40 - 20:20pm Cocktail~Buffet offered by Da Marco CateringLanguage:                     EnglishParticipation to the seminar is subject to entrance fee, as follows:                                    RMB 200/pax for CICC Members paying at front desk on June 30th                                      RMB 250/pax for Non-Members paying at front desk on June 30th   We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by return e-mail within June 25th 12.00pm, or submitting confirmation form by fax. 

CITF 2008 - China Shanghai International Textiles Fabrics & Accessories Exhibition 2008

02 六月 2008
Spinning machinery & accessories, Knitting machinery & accessories, Hosiery machinery & accessories, Software for design & processing, Weaving machinery & accessories, Non-woven materials, Making-up industry machinery & accessories, Equipment for liquid, solid and air recycling, Sewing machines, Sewing-related equipment, Labeling & packaging, Materials & supplies, Sewing accessories, Lingeries, undergarment & sleepware, Finishing equipment & systems.


23 六月 2008
 为向在中国的意大利企业提供信息和协助,中国意大利商会将于6月23日主办题为"沪港投资深度透视"的研讨会。此次研讨会得到了协办方的大力支持,其一是香港特别行政区政府驻上海经济贸易办事处,该机构吸引和协助长三角地区的企业到香港投资;另一方为上海外国投资促进中心,负责投资上海的外资管理。此次研讨会是针对中国意大利商会收到的意大利投资者众多咨询的回应,这些投资者有兴趣有意愿在中国投资,但是对于如何正确解读共存于中国大陆和香港特别行政区的两种不同的经济体系感到没有把握。通过此次研讨会,与会者将对如何利用两种经济体系各自的优势有一个深刻的了解。借由向意大利经济体提供分析工具,研讨会将阐明一个观点,那就是当前在中国优化外国投资背景下,香港与上海之间呈现出来的更多是彼此互补,而非相互竞争的关系。与以往不同的是,受邀担任此次论坛的演讲嘉宾具备相当的资质和身份背景。他们为来自双方主要投资促进机构的高级代表,包括香港特区政府投资推广署署长卢维思(Mike Rowse)先生,以及来自上海市对外经济贸易委员会外资制造业处的田忠法处长。两位嘉宾将同台就坐,带给来宾一个协同、整合的视角,阐述两经济体系如何相互联系,以及在这种相互作用下,国外公司如何优化他们在中国包括香港特别行政区在内的投资。相关专家和在两地已有投资的意大利企业也将出席此次会议,并带来相关论题的真实案例,与到场人士分享他们的经验。"沪港投资深度透视"研讨会上海外滩中心威斯汀大饭店2008年6月23日上午8点~12点点击下载此次研讨会的详细介绍以及议程。 


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