
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




"Risk Management: How to handle labor disputes in China?", Shanghai, 5th June, 2012

05 六月 2012
                                     China has seen an increase in strikes, disputes and protests over the last few years. The labor environment generally remains favourable compared to many countries, but several factors suggest the trend of more frequent disputes is likely to continue:   • A new labor law since 2008 has given more rights to workers. • A tighter labor market (especially in manufacturing) gives workers more leverage. • Together with rising living costs, this fuels demands for better pay and conditions. • The economic downturn has simultaneously put stress on the export sector • Young workers are more rights-aware, more willing to protest and more connected With no independent unions or courts, workers sometimes feel they must resort to protests, strikes, or (more rarely) violence and intimidation to settle grievances. Drawing on a series of recent case examples, Control Risks will present how to resolve labor disputes when they involve serious threats and demands. We will discuss the common types of threats and demands, help you identify your negotiation objectives, and those of the perpetrators, demonstrate a methodology for assessing the risk to operations, security of personnel and assets and reputation, and provide tips and techniques for developing your negotiation and communication strategy. Roedl & Partner will provide you with an insight on how to deal with labor disputes in China. Especially, Roedl & Partner will focus on termination of labor contracts, mass layoffs as well as strikes within a company.   Speaker: JOHN MACPHERSON DIRECTOR OF CONTROL RISKS’ CRISIS AND SECURITY CONSULTING PRACTICE FOR THE GREATER CHINA REGION John assists clients to identify and manage strategic opportunities and operations in complex environments. He develops innovative and effective risk management strategies by facilitating the broad range of Control Risks Global Services, including political, operational and security risk analysis, crisis management and complex problem solving, stakeholder relations, business intelligence and due diligence, anti-corruption and travel security. He has extensive experience assisting clients to resolve crises, implementing crisis management plans, stakeholder mapping and management. He has worked with senior executive management teams in the financial, food and fast-moving consumer goods and resource sectors as they manage crises caused by product contamination, extortion, illegal detention, commercial disputes, and issue-motivated groups. Prior to his current role, John worked with Control Risks in Australia and with the Australian Government.   ALEXANDER FISCHER ATTORNEY AT LAW (GERMANY), DIPLOMA TRANLATOR FOR CHINESE AND KOREAN, MANAGING PARTNER OF ROEDL & PARTNER IN SHANGHAI Alexander Fischer has been working on China and Korea related projects for more than fifteen years. Mr. Fischer specializes in foreign direct investment in the People`s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea since 1998, and he has been regularly advising medium to large European enterprises for their international mergers and acquisitions and formation of joint ventures throughout China and South Korea. Especially in 2009 during the financial crisis, he spent most of his time on projects of mass layoffs, liquidations and dealing with strikes in Foreign Invested Enterprises. He speaks and writes Chinese, Korean, English and is a native German speaker.   Location: Sofitel Hyland No.505, East Nanjing Road, 上海南京东路505号

The Italian Gala Dinner in Shanghai - SAVE THE DATE/16 June 2012

16 六月 2012
Dear CICC Members and Friends,   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Fondazione Italia Cina are proud to inform you that the Italian Gala Dinner in Shanghai, hosting Premio Panda d’Oro – 2012 Edition, will be held on June 16th 2012 at the Langham Hotel in Xintiandi.   Save the date in your calendar! Information about tables and tickets bookings will follow soon.   Best regards,   CICC

The Italian Gala Dinner in Shanghai - SAVE THE DATE/16 June 2012

16 六月 2012
Dear CICC Members and Friends,   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Fondazione Italia Cina are proud to inform you that the Italian Gala Dinner in Shanghai, hosting Premio Panda d’Oro – 2012 Edition, will be held on June 16th 2012 at the Langham Hotel in Xintiandi.   Save the date in your calendar! Information about tables and tickets bookings will follow soon.   Best regards,   CICC

The Italian Gala Dinner in Shanghai - SAVE THE DATE/16 June 2012

16 六月 2012
Dear CICC Members and Friends,   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Fondazione Italia Cina are proud to inform you that the Italian Gala Dinner in Shanghai, hosting Premio Panda d’Oro – 2012 Edition, will be held on June 16th 2012 at the Langham Hotel in Xintiandi.   Save the date in your calendar! Information about tables and tickets bookings will follow soon.   Best regards,   CICC  

Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina, Shanghai, 9 Maggio, 2012

09 五月 2012
   The Speaker: Giovanni Pisacane e Daniele Zibetti, autori del volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina - Guida pratica all`M&A per gli operatori italiani", forniranno ai partecipanti indicazioni operative non solo sulle norme di riferimento ma anche sull`approccio, le procedure e le implicazioni pratiche da considerare quando ci si affaccia ad una operazione di acquisizione in Cina. La partecipazione è gratuita e a tutti i partecipanti all`evento verrà data in omaggio una copia del volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina - Guida pratica all`M&A per gli operatori italiani" link alla pubblicazione: http://www.milanofinanza.it/new/2010/promo_mifi.asp?id=201103251854427897 ll volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina" ha preso spunto dalla pluriennale esperienza in Cina e dai molti casi concreti di M&A affrontati dagli avvocati Giovanni Pisacane e Daniele Zibetti, soci di GWA-Greatway Advisory, Studio di consulenza legale e fiscale attivo in Cina dal 2004 e tra i vincitori nel 2011 dei prestigiosi China Awards organizzati dalla Fondazione Italia-Cina e Milano Finanza.   NUMERO massimo di partecipanti ammessi: 50   Luogo: sala riunioni n.1, 26 piano Xincheng Building Conference Center, Jiangning Road n. 167, Distretto di Jing`An 新城大厦第一会议室 静安区江宁路167号

Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina, Shanghai, 9 Maggio, 2012

09 五月 2012
   The Speaker: Giovanni Pisacane e Daniele Zibetti, autori del volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina - Guida pratica all`M&A per gli operatori italiani", forniranno ai partecipanti indicazioni operative non solo sulle norme di riferimento ma anche sull`approccio, le procedure e le implicazioni pratiche da considerare quando ci si affaccia ad una operazione di acquisizione in Cina. La partecipazione è gratuita e a tutti i partecipanti all`evento verrà data in omaggio una copia del volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina - Guida pratica all`M&A per gli operatori italiani" link alla pubblicazione: http://www.milanofinanza.it/new/2010/promo_mifi.asp?id=201103251854427897 ll volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina" ha preso spunto dalla pluriennale esperienza in Cina e dai molti casi concreti di M&A affrontati dagli avvocati Giovanni Pisacane e Daniele Zibetti, soci di GWA-Greatway Advisory, Studio di consulenza legale e fiscale attivo in Cina dal 2004 e tra i vincitori nel 2011 dei prestigiosi China Awards organizzati dalla Fondazione Italia-Cina e Milano Finanza.   NUMERO massimo di partecipanti ammessi: 50   Luogo: sala riunioni n.1, 26 piano Xincheng Building Conference Center, Jiangning Road n. 167, Distretto di Jing`An 新城大厦第一会议室 静安区江宁路167号

Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina, Shanghai, 9 Maggio, 2012

09 五月 2012
   The Speaker: Giovanni Pisacane e Daniele Zibetti, autori del volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina - Guida pratica all`M&A per gli operatori italiani", forniranno ai partecipanti indicazioni operative non solo sulle norme di riferimento ma anche sull`approccio, le procedure e le implicazioni pratiche da considerare quando ci si affaccia ad una operazione di acquisizione in Cina. La partecipazione è gratuita e a tutti i partecipanti all`evento verrà data in omaggio una copia del volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina - Guida pratica all`M&A per gli operatori italiani" link alla pubblicazione: http://www.milanofinanza.it/new/2010/promo_mifi.asp?id=201103251854427897 ll volume "Acquisizioni e Fusioni in Cina" ha preso spunto dalla pluriennale esperienza in Cina e dai molti casi concreti di M&A affrontati dagli avvocati Giovanni Pisacane e Daniele Zibetti, soci di GWA-Greatway Advisory, Studio di consulenza legale e fiscale attivo in Cina dal 2004 e tra i vincitori nel 2011 dei prestigiosi China Awards organizzati dalla Fondazione Italia-Cina e Milano Finanza.   NUMERO massimo di partecipanti ammessi: 50   Luogo: sala riunioni n.1, 26 piano Xincheng Building Conference Center, Jiangning Road n. 167, Distretto di Jing`An 新城大厦第一会议室 静安区江宁路167号  

How to Enforce your Intellectual Property Rights in China, Suzhou, 16th May, 2012

16 五月 2012
    Event Description Many companies that are active on the Chinse market find that their product, trademark or know-how has been copied or used by another company for profit. Companies often believe that these infringements are part of the business environment in China, and that it would be too difficult and expensive to take actions to stop the infringers. The China IPR SME Helpdesk and Dusa are delighted to invite you to a seminar which will addres the following issues: • Learn about the impact infringement can have on your business and how to spot infringement • Gain insight in the different options available to stop infringement and learn how to protect your business • Listen to real life case studies • Receive practical advice from a China IPR expert and have the opportunity to attend a one-on-one consultation session on your individual questions Speaker Biography Davide Follador has been practicing as attorney since 2001 and has extensive experience in the fields of intellectual property and commercial law. Follador specialises in Chinese commercial law and intellectual property law, and has been focusing on the Italian-Chinese business law scenario since 2007. He has a good understanding and experience of the Chinese economic environment and has handled cases in the automotive, electronics, food, luxury goods and other industries. Davide Follador gives legal advice to both Italian and international companies about patents, trademarks, geographical indications, copyright, unfair competition, licensing and online IPR. He is experienced in both out-of-court proceedings and court litigation. After cooperating with major IP law firms in Italy and serving as officer in the Italian Police, Davide Follador is currently in charge of the China Desk of Franzosi, Dal Negro, Setti Law Firm, operating in Beijing and Shanghai. He is a frequent speaker on seminars for local companies and administrative bodies on the subject of intellectual property. He also acts as a tutor at the Beijing School of Government. One-On-One Consultation Sessions If you would like to receive confidential one-on-one advice about your China IPR, sign up for a free, 20-minute consultation with our qualified IP lawyer. To ensure you have a chance to meet with the expert, please book your session in advance by indicating your interest when you register. The IPR one-on-one consultation is open to European SMEs on a first-come, first-served basis. Any information you provide to the China IPR SME Helpdesk with be treated as confidential. Registration and cancellation China IPR SME Helpdesk events are available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations ONLY. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing esther.yuste@dusa-eu.cn with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.   Locaion: Crowne Plaza Suzhou, 168 Xinggang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 苏州皇冠假日江苏省苏州市吴中区星港街168号  


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