






Creative life FIAT test drive

08 十一月 2008
FIAT Group Automotive China and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are glad to invite you to the "Creative life FIAT test drive" event, which will be held on November 8th, 2008 at the Beijing Aviation Museum (click here to download the map).Event schedule:                            TIME FOR SIGN    TEST DRIVE TIME    CLIENT QUANTITYFIRST GROUP         13:15                    13:45-15:00                 20 clientSECOND GROUP     14:15                    14:45-16:00                 20 clientTHIRD GROUP        15:15                    15:45-17:00                 10 client   Please find attached the invitation to the event, plus the directions to the venue. Due to the limited number of people allowed (maximun 50 people) to attend the event, the participation will be considered on the basis "first come, first served", for this reason we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance within Friday 31st October, to the following e-mail address: info@cameraitacina.comWe also remind you to bring a valid driver`s license.Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at the above mentioned address.

Creative life FIAT test drive

08 十一月 2008
FIAT Group Automotive China and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are glad to invite you to the "Creative life FIAT test drive" event, which will be held on November 8th, 2008 at the Beijing Aviation Museum (click here to download the map).Event schedule:                            TIME FOR SIGN    TEST DRIVE TIME    CLIENT QUANTITYFIRST GROUP         13:15                    13:45-15:00                 20 clientSECOND GROUP     14:15                    14:45-16:00                 20 clientTHIRD GROUP        15:15                    15:45-17:00                 10 client   Please find attached the invitation to the event, plus the directions to the venue. Due to the limited number of people allowed (maximun 50 people) to attend the event, the participation will be considered on the basis "first come, first served", for this reason we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance within Friday 31st October, to the following e-mail address: info@cameraitacina.comWe also remind you to bring a valid driver`s license.Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at the above mentioned address.

Beijing Interchamber Event @ Piazza Italia

12 十一月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the BenCham -Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China- and the Korea Chamber of Commerce in China are glad to invite you to the Inter-Chamber Networking event. One voucher includes: one welcoming drink (Italian sorbet), one drink (Italian wine or beer), one discount voucher for a lunch in Piazza Italia, finger foods, tuna canapés, Italian raw ham canapés, blue cheese canapés, stuffed white pizzas, omelettes, fruit cakes. The Chambers invite you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners, with the aim of expanding our network and find new members who want to join the team.Date: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 Time: 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Venue: Piazza Italia, 89 Jianguo Road, Room L02 Building 18, China Central Place Tower,  Jianguomen
 (next to Shin Kong place), BeijingEvent room 3rd floor.Tel: +86 010 5200 8080Price:Members: 100 RMBNon Members: 150 RMBPlease confirm your presence sending an email by the 7th of November at info@cameraitacina.com

Beijing Interchamber Event @ Piazza Italia

12 十一月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the BenCham -Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China- and the Korea Chamber of Commerce in China are glad to invite you to the Inter-Chamber Networking event. One voucher includes: one welcoming drink (Italian sorbet), one drink (Italian wine or beer), one discount voucher for a lunch in Piazza Italia, finger foods, tuna canapés, Italian raw ham canapés, blue cheese canapés, stuffed white pizzas, omelettes, fruit cakes. The Chambers invite you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners, with the aim of expanding our network and find new members who want to join the team.Date: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 Time: 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Venue: Piazza Italia, 89 Jianguo Road, Room L02 Building 18, China Central Place Tower,  Jianguomen
 (next to Shin Kong place), BeijingEvent room 3rd floor.Tel: +86 010 5200 8080Price:Members: 100 RMBNon Members: 150 RMBPlease confirm your presence sending an email by the 7th of November at info@cameraitacina.com


17 九月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, la Camera Malese e la Camera Svizzera sono liete di invitarvi al loro evento di Interchamber-networking.Le camere vi invitano a rivolgere questo invito ai vostri colleghi, amici e busines partner, così da espandere il nostro network! Data: Mercoledì 17 settembreOra: 18.30Luogo: 25 Degrees Restaurant @ Hotel G7 Gongtixilu                       工体西路7号Chao Yang District              朝阳区Beijing                               北京Tel: (86)10 65523600         电话:(86)10 65523600Prezzi: 100 RMB per Soci e 150 RMB per i non-Soci.Il prezzo include due bevande a scelta tra cocktail, vino, birra o bibite analcoliche e speciali canapés creati per la serata. Ogni cocktail addizionale verrà proposto con uno speciale sconto del 20%.Per prenotare un ingresso vi preghiamo di scrivere un email entro il 14 settembre all`indirizzo info@cameraitacina.com

Interchamber Networking con la Camera Malesiana e la Camera Svizzera

17 九月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, la Camera Malese e la Camera Svizzera sono liete di invitarvi al loro evento di Interchamber-networking.Le camere vi invitano a rivolgere questo invito ai vostri colleghi, amici e busines partner, così da espandere il nostro network! Data: Mercoledì 17 settembreOra: 18.30Luogo: 25 Degrees Restaurant @ Hotel G7 Gongtixilu                       工体西路7号Chao Yang District              朝阳区Beijing                               北京Tel: (86)10 65523600         电话:(86)10 65523600Prezzi: 100 RMB per Soci e 150 RMB per i non-Soci.Il prezzo include due bevande a scelta tra cocktail, vino, birra o bibite analcoliche e speciali canapés creati per la serata. Ogni cocktail addizionale verrà proposto con uno speciale sconto del 20%.Per prenotare un ingresso vi preghiamo di scrivere un email entro il 14 settembre all`indirizzo info@cameraitacina.com

Interchamber Networking with Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Chamber

17 九月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the Swiss Chamber, and the Malaysian Chamber are glad to invite you to the Inter-Chamber Networking event.The Chambers invite you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners, with the aim of expanding our network and find new members who want to join the team. Date: 17th SeptemberTime: 6.30 pmVenue: 25 Degrees  Restaurant @ Hotel G7 Gongtixilu                       工体西路7号Chao Yang District              朝阳区Beijing                               北京Tel: (86)10 65523600         电话:(86)10 65523600Price: 100 RMB for Members and 150 RMB for Non-MembersThe price includes two glasses of beverage (cocktails, wine, beer or juices) and special canapés. Any additional drinks will be offered with a special 20% discountTo reserve yourself an entry, please write by 14th of September, 2008 at info@cameraitacina.com

Pizzata Italians with Beppe Severgnini

25 八月 2008
Pizzata Italians with Beppe Severgnini!Click here to download the map to reach the venuePrice: 170 RMB to taste every special Maccheroni`s dishReservetions are already closedwww.corriere.it/solferino/severgnini/www.italiansonline.net

Pizzata Italians con Beppe Severgnini

25 八月 2008
Pizzata Italians con Beppe Severgnini!Cliccate qui per scaricare la mappa per raggiungere il ristorantePrezzo: 170 RMB per il menù speciale dedicato alla serata, che tra l`altro contiene cinque diversi tipi di pizzaN.B.: le iscrizioni sono chiuse!www.corriere.it/solferino/severgnini/www.italiansonline.net


31 七月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di invitarLa giovedì 31 luglio alle ore 8:30 presso Sala Polivalente Basement B1, JianWei Building, No.66 Nan Li Shi Lu, Xi Cheng District all’incontro formativo con SRCPA intitiolato "La politica fiscale in Cina".Relatore: Mr. Lin Kening, partner di SRCPA. Mr. Lin Kening e’ stato il direttore della divisione dei regolamenti legali della amministrazione statale fiscale e ha contribuito alla stesura delle attuali leggi cinesi sulla tassazione fiscale. A partire dal 1986, ha iniziato a formare il personale di diverse imprese circa le leggi cinesi sulla tassazione.TEMAL’incontro formativo è volto ad approfondire la politica fiscale in Cina in riferimento alla nuova legge sulla tassazione societaria.L’incontro è principalmente rivolto al personale cinese che segue gli aspetti legati alla contabilità aziendale. I temi che verranno affrontati riguarderanno l’applicazione pratica della nuova normativa sul reddito societario e la detassazione prevista dalla nuova politica fiscale.INFORMAZIONE E REGISTRAZIONEData & Ora: giovedì 31 luglio, ore 8:30Luogo: Rm. 902-906, JianWei Building, No.66 Nan Li Shi Lu, Xi Cheng DistrictLingua: CineseQuota di partecipazione: gratuitoTermine registrazione: per la registrazione all’incontro inviare una e-mail all’indirizzo info@cameraitacina.com entro lunedì 28 Luglio 2008. Le persone non registrate saranno ammesse all’incontro in base alla disponibilità dei posti in sala.


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