






Asta di Arte Contemporanea per Beneficienza - "Wenchuan is not alone!"

24 五月 2008
Insieme a China Charity Federation, l`Ambasciata d`Italia, e l’aiuto di molti artisti, gallerie ed esperti d’arte, la CCIC vi invita a partecipare a “CONTEMPORARY ART BID FOR CHARITY”, la quale sara’ tenuta presso Agrilandia – Italian Farm durante il fine settimana del 24 e 25 maggio, con lo scopo di dare in beneficienza i ricavati. Cliccate qui per scaricare la brochure dell`evento.Qui invece potete trovare la mappa per raggiungere Agrilandia.

Conteporary Art Bid for Charity - "Wenchuan is not alone!"

24 五月 2008
Together with China Charity Federation, the Italian Embassy in China, and the help of many artists and galleries, CICC invite you to the “CONTEMPORARY ART BID FOR CHARITY”, which will be held at Agrilandia – Italian Farm on the 24th and 25th of May.Join us, Wenchuan is not alone!Download here the brochure of the event.Click here to download the map to reach Agrilandia.

Beijing International Catering and Food Exhibition 2008

18 十月 2008
Caterina de` Medici di FIRENZE, con la stretta collaborazione della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, in esclusiva per l’Italia e per tutti i Paesi Europei organizza un PADIGLIONE nella Fiera “Beijing International Catering and Food Exhibition 2008 ” che si svolgerà dal 18 al 20 Ottobre 2008 presso il Beijing Exhibition Center di PECHINO (CINA). Beijing International Catering and Food Exhibition è organizzata dalla Company Super International Exhibition Co. LTD. I nostri espositori avranno l’opportunità di stipulare contratti importanti direttamente con i supermercati, principali fruitori della fiera, e numerosi importatori. La Mostra si svolgerà in un’area espositiva di 15.000 metri quadrati e l’edizione del 2007 ha registrato ben 50.000 visitatori. BEIJING INTERNATIONAL CATERING AND FOOD EXHIBITION Total Registered Visitors: 50.000 Total Business: R$ 3 Billion Total Exhibiting Companies: 259Per maggiori informazioni, visitate www.caterinademedici.com

Beijing International Catering and Food Exhibition 2008

18 十月 2008
Caterina de’ Medici Company, in cooperation with China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, arranges the European Pavilion at “Beijing International Catering and Food Exhibition 2008” taking place from 18th October to 20th October 2008 at Beijing Exhibition Centre – Beijing (China), as sole agent for Italy and Europe. “Beijing International Catering and Food Exhibition 2008” is organized by Company Super International Exhibition Co. LTD The Exhibitors will have the opportunity to meet the leading Chinese operators and to do business directly with important market agents such as importers and local G.D. managers, the main participants of the Exhibition. The Exhibition will take place on a ground of 15.000 sqm, OVER THAN 50.000 visitors have been recorded during last edition.   BEIJING INTERNATIONAL CATERING AND FOOD EXHIBITION Total Registered Visitors : 50.000 Total Business : R$ 3 Billion Total Exhibiting Companies : 259For further infomation, please visit www.caterinademedici.com

Seminar on "Managing Cross-Cultural Integration"

13 五月 2008
When we want to communicate with people coming from a completely different cultural background, we need to understand and manage behaviours which can seem unusual, often strange, sometimes even hostile. In order to succed in the communication and negotiation processes with chinese managers and entrepreneurs, we should know and understand those norms and values which guide and inspire them. In return we will receive the understanding and the respect of our own norms and values. Therefore learning how to understand the cultural roots that characterize our interlocutors’ behaviour (both clients, suppliers, competitors, partners and/or colleagues). Respecting chinese culture though, is not enough. The true challenge is learning to take advantage of a shrewd management of cultural differences. Starting to learn chinese culture is also an excellent opportunity to gain a better understanding of our own culture. This seminar provides some fundamental models and tools aimed at 1. improving communication between individuals belonging to different national or organizational cultures through the understanding, the acceptance and valorisation of diversities; 2. facilitating those negotiating processes requiring the integration of different national or organizational cultures in order to succed;3. developing one’s own communication and negotiation skills in China, thanks to a deeper understanding and valorisation of cultural diversities between Eastern and Western societies.


13 五月 2008
When we want to communicate with people coming from a completely different cultural background, we need to understand and manage behaviours which can seem unusual, often strange, sometimes even hostile. In order to succed in the communication and negotiation processes with chinese managers and entrepreneurs, we should know and understand those norms and values which guide and inspire them. In return we will receive the understanding and the respect of our own norms and values. Therefore learning how to understand the cultural roots that characterize our interlocutors’ behaviour (both clients, suppliers, competitors, partners and/or colleagues). Respecting chinese culture though, is not enough. The true challenge is learning to take advantage of a shrewd management of cultural differences. Starting to learn chinese culture is also an excellent opportunity to gain a better understanding of our own culture. This seminar provides some fundamental models and tools aimed at 1. improving communication between individuals belonging to different national or organizational cultures through the understanding, the acceptance and valorisation of diversities; 2. facilitating those negotiating processes requiring the integration of different national or organizational cultures in order to succed;3. developing one’s own communication and negotiation skills in China, thanks to a deeper understanding and valorisation of cultural diversities between Eastern and Western societies.


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