






What`s in a Name?

04 九月 2013
          What's in a Name? Branding and Trade Mark Protection in China   An interactive seminar on Branding and Trade Mark Protection in China, organised by IPR SME Helpdesk and Redstar Times Media.   The seminar is scheduled in two different dates and venues. The first meeting will be held in Qingdao on Wednesday 04 September 2013 and the next one in Dalian on Thursday 05 September 2013.   The workshop will address on the crucial importance of trade mark registration in China, focusing on registration procedure, license and enforcement of a trade mark in case of infringement.   The workshop will give you the opportunity to discuss IP issues with qualified expert and to ask questions throughout the presentation. It is also possible to book a private one-on-one IPR consultation session with the experts following the workshop.   Tentative Agenda 4:00pm - 4:30pm Registration 4:30pm - 4.45pm Welcome and Introduction to the Helpdesk Services - Judith van de Bovenkamp, China IPR SME Helpdesk 4.45pm - 5.15pm How to develop and protect your (Chinese) brand names - Maarten Roos, Managing Director, R&P China Lawyers 5.15pm - 6.00pm Interactive Group Exercise - Maarten Roos, Managing Director, R&P China Lawyers 6.00pm - 6.30pm Q&A Session 6.30pm - 7.30pm Networking with complimentary drink & snacks 6.30pm - 7.30pm IPR one-on-one consultation sessions (optional)     For more information, please refer to the following Qingdao flyer and Dalian flyer.     Thanks for your attention.   CICC  


23 九月 2013
                       意大利制造在创新行业中的竞争力 “绿色科技项目- 中国”   2013年9月23-27日 北京     中国意大利商会与意中商会和中国机电产品进出口商会协作,在外国商会协会和商会联盟的支持帮助下,推出了“意大利制造在创新行业中的竞争力”项目。                       在经济发展部的资助下,该项目包含了一系列的活动,其目的是评估和提高科技创新竞争力,该因素是中小企业发展的重要因素,同时促进意大利在绿色经济和可再生能源领域优秀技术在中国,罗马尼亚,瑞士,捷克和斯洛伐克等国的推广。 在中国,该项目将专注于可再生能源(风能,水能,太阳能)和废物处理等领域。一个由十七家企业组成的代表团将于九月二十三到二十七日来到北京参加此次活动。 此次计划的活动包括: “中国绿色能源”论坛,与中国在此领域的运营商的面对面会谈,在相关团体和商务考察中的教育宣讲活动。 如希望获得更多信息,请参考活动报道。 联系方式: 中国意大利商会 联系人:Giulia Ziggiotti 联系电话:0086 010 8591 0545 电子邮箱地址:info@cameraitacina.com  

“Competitività del Made in Italy nei settori innovativi”

23 九月 2013
                    “Competitività del Made in Italy nei settori innovativi” “Missione Green Tech Cina – Pechino, 23-27 Settembre 2013”   La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CICC), in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italo-Cinese e la China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products ed il supporto operativo di Assocamerestero e Unioncamere, promuove il progetto“Competitività del Made in Italy nei settori innovativi”.       Finanziato dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MiSE), il progetto prevede una serie di attività e azioni finalizzate a valorizzare e accrescere la competitività, come principale fattore di crescita delle PMI, promuovendo l’eccellenza italiana nelle tecnologie della green economy e delle energie rinnovabili in paesi target quali Cina, Romania, Svizzera, Repubblica Ceca e Slovacca.   In Cina, il progetto è focalizzato sui settori delle energie rinnovabili (eolico, idrico, solare) e del trattamento dei rifiuti. Una delegazione composta da diciassette imprese italiane prendera’ parte alla missione di outcoming prevista a Pechino per il periodo 23-27 Settembre 2013. Il programma della missione comprende: il forum “Green Energy in China”, incontri business to business con operatori cinesi del settore, educational tour presso enti di interesse e visite aziendali.   Per maggiori informazioni riguardo al programma della missione e alle aziende partecipanti, Vi preghiamo di scrivere un’e-mail a info@cameraitacina.com   Per maggiori dettagli consultare la nota informativa. Contatti: Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina: Giulia Ziggiotti tel. 0086 010 8591 0545  

“Competitività del Made in Italy nei settori innovativi”

23 九月 2013
                    “Competitività del Made in Italy nei settori innovativi” “Missione Green Tech Cina – Pechino, 23-27 Settembre 2013”   La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CICC), in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italo-Cinese e la China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products ed il supporto operativo di Assocamerestero e Unioncamere, promuove il progetto“Competitività del Made in Italy nei settori innovativi”.       Finanziato dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MiSE), il progetto prevede una serie di attività e azioni finalizzate a valorizzare e accrescere la competitività, come principale fattore di crescita delle PMI, promuovendo l’eccellenza italiana nelle tecnologie della green economy e delle energie rinnovabili in paesi target quali Cina, Romania, Svizzera, Repubblica Ceca e Slovacca.   In Cina, il progetto è focalizzato sui settori delle energie rinnovabili (eolico, idrico, solare) e del trattamento dei rifiuti. Una delegazione composta da diciassette imprese italiane prendera’ parte alla missione di outcoming prevista a Pechino per il periodo 23-27 Settembre 2013. Il programma della missione comprende: il forum “Green Energy in China”, incontri business to business con operatori cinesi del settore, educational tour presso enti di interesse e visite aziendali.   Per maggiori informazioni riguardo al programma della missione e alle aziende partecipanti, Vi preghiamo di scrivere un’e-mail a info@cameraitacina.com   Per maggiori dettagli consultare la nota informativa. Contatti: Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina: Giulia Ziggiotti tel. 0086 010 8591 0545  

Aero Electromechanics Summit 2013

22 十月 2013
              Aero Electromechanics Summit 2013   Aero Electromechanics China 2013 is the annual meeting aimed to promote the work of major special projects of China`s commercial aircrafts and to share insights about design, comprehensive technology, testing and customer service of electromechanical system and devices.   The Event will be held in October 22nd-24th, 2013 and will take place at Grand Park Hotel in Xi`an, Shaanxi Province, China.   Aimed to promote the exchanges and cooperation between experts and relevant companies, the forum will give you the opportunity to discover the advantage of Chinese aviation market growth, to discuss new technologies and new business opportunities.   Through keynote speeches, business meetings, shows and exhibitions, the event will boost and improve the industry chain development of electromechanical system for Chinese civil aircraft.   The summit thus could represent the best opportunity for updating your knowledge and skills, understanding the evolution in the aircraft industry and prepare for the future. Conference Agenda October 22nd, 2013 Session I : Policy Update and Market Outlook Session II : Hydraulic and Fuel System Session III : Electric and Power System   October 23rd, 2013 Session IV : Airworthiness Certification Requirements Session V : Environmental Control and Lifesaving System   For more information, send an e-mail to marketing@galleonevents.com; contact@galleonevents.com   For booking your attendance at the Summit, please fill the registration form and fax it by October 8th, 2013.     Organizing Committee:   Organizer China Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd Co-organizer AVIC JINCHENG AVIC Shaanxi Aero Electric Co., Ltd AVIC AEROSPACE LIFE-SUPPORT INDUSTRIES. Ltd AVIC QINGAN GROUP Co., Ltd AVIC WUHAN AVIATION INSTRUMENT CO., Ltd BEIHANGUNIVERSITY Hosted by AVIC QINGAN GROUP Co., Ltd GALLEON   Website:http://www.galleonevents.com/Electromechanics2013/en/home.html Contact Person: Victoria ZHANG Email: marketing@galleonevents.com Tel: 86-21-51555218 Fax:86-21-51559049     Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC 

Aero Electromechanics Summit 2013

22 十月 2013
              Aero Electromechanics Summit 2013   Aero Electromechanics China 2013 is the annual meeting aimed to promote the work of major special projects of China`s commercial aircrafts and to share insights about design, comprehensive technology, testing and customer service of electromechanical system and devices.   The Event will be held in October 22nd-24th, 2013 and will take place at Grand Park Hotel in Xi`an, Shaanxi Province, China.   Aimed to promote the exchanges and cooperation between experts and relevant companies, the forum will give you the opportunity to discover the advantage of Chinese aviation market growth, to discuss new technologies and new business opportunities.   Through keynote speeches, business meetings, shows and exhibitions, the event will boost and improve the industry chain development of electromechanical system for Chinese civil aircraft.   The summit thus could represent the best opportunity for updating your knowledge and skills, understanding the evolution in the aircraft industry and prepare for the future. Conference Agenda October 22nd, 2013 Session I : Policy Update and Market Outlook Session II : Hydraulic and Fuel System Session III : Electric and Power System   October 23rd, 2013 Session IV : Airworthiness Certification Requirements Session V : Environmental Control and Lifesaving System   For more information, please send an e-mail to marketing@galleonevents.com; contact@galleonevents.com   For booking your attendance at the Summit, please fill the registration form and fax it by October 8th, 2013.     Organizing Committee:   Organizer China Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd Co-organizer AVIC JINCHENG AVIC Shaanxi Aero Electric Co., Ltd AVIC AEROSPACE LIFE-SUPPORT INDUSTRIES. Ltd AVIC QINGAN GROUP Co., Ltd AVIC WUHAN AVIATION INSTRUMENT CO., Ltd BEIHANGUNIVERSITY Hosted by AVIC QINGAN GROUP Co., Ltd GALLEON   Website:http://www.galleonevents.com/Electromechanics2013/en/home.html Contact Person: Victoria ZHANG Email: marketing@galleonevents.com Tel: 86-21-51555218 Fax:86-21-51559049     Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC 

Aero Electromechanics Summit 2013

22 十月 2013
              Aero Electromechanics Summit 2013   Aero Electromechanics China 2013 is the annual meeting aimed to promote the work of major special projects of China`s commercial aircrafts and to share insights about design, comprehensive technology, testing and customer service of electromechanical system and devices.   The Event will be held in October 22nd-24th, 2013 and will take place at Grand Park Hotel in Xi`an, Shaanxi Province, China.   Aimed to promote the exchanges and cooperation between experts and relevant companies, the forum will give you the opportunity to discover the advantage of Chinese aviation market growth, to discuss new technologies and new business opportunities.   Through keynote speeches, business meetings, shows and exhibitions, the event will boost and improve the industry chain development of electromechanical system for Chinese civil aircraft.   The summit thus could represent the best opportunity for updating your knowledge and skills, understanding the evolution in the aircraft industry and prepare for the future. Conference Agenda October 22nd, 2013 Session I : Policy Update and Market Outlook Session II : Hydraulic and Fuel System Session III : Electric and Power System   October 23rd, 2013 Session IV : Airworthiness Certification Requirements Session V : Environmental Control and Lifesaving System   For more information, please send an e-mail to marketing@galleonevents.com; contact@galleonevents.com   For booking your attendance at the Summit, please fill the registration form and fax it by October 8th, 2013.     Organizing Committee:   Organizer China Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd Co-organizer AVIC JINCHENG AVIC Shaanxi Aero Electric Co., Ltd AVIC AEROSPACE LIFE-SUPPORT INDUSTRIES. Ltd AVIC QINGAN GROUP Co., Ltd AVIC WUHAN AVIATION INSTRUMENT CO., Ltd BEIHANGUNIVERSITY Hosted by AVIC QINGAN GROUP Co., Ltd GALLEON   Website:http://www.galleonevents.com/Electromechanics2013/en/home.html Contact Person: Victoria ZHANG Email: marketing@galleonevents.com Tel: 86-21-51555218 Fax:86-21-51559049     Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC 

China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013

03 十二月 2013
            China Aeronautical Materials and Manufacturing Equipment Summit 2013   China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013 is the annual meeting aimed to promote the work of major special projects of China's commercial aircrafts, and share insights about aeronautical materials, processing technology and design ability of aero engine and civil aircraft   The event will be held in December 3rd-4th, 2013 and will take place at Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, China.   Many notable speakers are invited to support a series of Panel Discussions which will provide you an overview of China aerospace and aviation industry’s opportunities.   The disconnection among designer, manufacturer and aeronautical material researcher has become the most critical factor that restricts the development of China aviation industry. After the issue of “long-term development plan of China Civil aviation industry (2013-2020)” on May 22th, supporting industrial development of civil aerospace manufacturing industry has been listed as top priority for the first time.   China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013 could represent the best opportunity to update your knowledge and skills, understand the evolution of aerospace materials development in the industry, and prepare for the future.   For more information, send an e-mail to marketing@galleonevents.com   For booking your attendance at the Summit, please fill the registration form and fax it by November 18th, 2013     Organizing Committee:   Organizer GALLEON Co-organizer AVIC Group, Committee of Science and Technology AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Official Host Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Website:http://www.galleonevents.com/CAMS2013/2013email/email_02.html Contact Person: Victoria ZHANG Email: marketing@galleonevents.com Tel: 86-21-51555218 Fax: 86-21-51559049     Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC 

China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013

03 十二月 2013
              China Aeronautical Materials and Manufacturing Equipment Summit 2013   China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013 is the annual meeting aimed to promote the work of major special projects of China's commercial aircrafts, and share insights about aeronautical materials, processing technology and design ability of aero engine and civil aircraft   The event will be held in December 3rd-4th, 2013 and will take place at Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, China.   Many notable speakers are invited to support a series of Panel Discussions which will provide you an overview of China aerospace and aviation industry’s opportunities.   The disconnection among designer, manufacturer and aeronautical material researcher has become the most critical factor that restricts the development of China aviation industry. After the issue of “long-term development plan of China Civil aviation industry (2013-2020)” on May 22th, supporting industrial development of civil aerospace manufacturing industry has been listed as top priority for the first time.   China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013 could represent the best opportunity to update your knowledge and skills, understand the evolution of aerospace materials development in the industry, and prepare for the future.   For more information, send an e-mail to marketing@galleonevents.com   For booking your attendance at the Summit, please fill the registration form and fax it by November 18th, 2013     Organizing Committee:   Organizer GALLEON Co-organizer AVIC Group, Committee of Science and Technology AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Official Host Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Website:http://www.galleonevents.com/CAMS2013/2013email/email_02.html Contact Person: Victoria ZHANG Email: marketing@galleonevents.com Tel: 86-21-51555218 Fax: 86-21-51559049     Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC 

China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013

03 十二月 2013
            China Aeronautical Materials and Manufacturing Equipment Summit 2013   China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013 is the annual meeting aimed to promote the work of major special projects of China's commercial aircrafts, and share insights about aeronautical materials, processing technology and design ability of aero engine and civil aircraft   The event will be held in December 3rd-4th, 2013 and will take place at Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, China.   Many notable speakers are invited to support a series of Panel Discussions which will provide you an overview of China aerospace and aviation industry’s opportunities.   The disconnection among designer, manufacturer and aeronautical material researcher has become the most critical factor that restricts the development of China aviation industry. After the issue of “long-term development plan of China Civil aviation industry (2013-2020)” on May 22th, supporting industrial development of civil aerospace manufacturing industry has been listed as top priority for the first time.   China Aeronautical Materials Summit 2013 could represent the best opportunity to update your knowledge and skills, understand the evolution of aerospace materials development in the industry, and prepare for the future.   For more information, send an e-mail to marketing@galleonevents.com   For booking your attendance at the Summit, please fill the registration form and fax it by November 18th, 2013     Organizing Committee:   Organizer GALLEON Co-organizer AVIC Group, Committee of Science and Technology AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Official Host Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Website:http://www.galleonevents.com/CAMS2013/2013email/email_02.html Contact Person: Victoria ZHANG Email: marketing@galleonevents.com Tel: 86-21-51555218 Fax: 86-21-51559049     Thanks for your attention, looking forward to receiving your bookings! Best Regards CICC 


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