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Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce the launch of the new brochure "Italy & China For Health" (中意医疗保健合作) from Healthcare Working Group (CICC HCWG).
CICC HC is a network of Italian hospitals, universities and product/service providers, coming from:
VALUE AND VISION: The network’s companies represent the best excellences of the Italian Healthcare industry, in every area of expertise: hospital architecture and design, healthcare management, scientific research, digital health, medical and wellness equipment and devices, pharma and legal/strategic consultancy. At the same time, they propose to the Chinese hospitals, healthcare authorities and other healthcare stakeholders as a strategic partner for the implementation of supply-chain pilot projects in key areas such as assistance to the elderly/people with disabilities and in medical specialties including oncology, cardiology, neurology, and primary care, aimed at the implementation of innovative, effective and technologically advanced health models, based on the principles of integration, inclusiveness and sustainability.
Below, you can find more information in the brochure, sponsored by ICE “Italy & China for Health - Pilot Projects to promote Sino-Italian Health Care Cooperation.
You can also know more about the relative key organizations involved in the project by looking at Key Organizations ( 部分重要组织结构).
Best regards,
CICC Team.
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