Call for tender

10 四月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is looking for vendors that, by providing Services, Venue and Media coverage, will be able to contribute to the success of the most important Italian Week in Shanghai, to be held in July 2019.

04 四月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing the True Italian Taste Masterclass in Guangzhou in May 2019, the event aims to promote the Italian Food and Beverage in China, and it is supported directly by the Italian Government Ministry of Economic Development.

What is the “True Italian Taste”?

28 三月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is looking for vendors that, by providing services, will be able to contribute to the success of the most important Italian Excellence Awarding Ceremony in China.

In particular, the CICC is looking for different vendors that can provide the following services:

11 四月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing the second edition of the Guangzhou Career Day on April 11th, 2019, the event aims to provide a match-making platform between companies and students.

15 三月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that its annual Italian Grand Gala Panda D`Oro Award 2019  will be held on 1st of June 2019 in Shanghai.


CICC is looking for the following service provider:

  • Graphic Design Company to create the Panda logo and Key Visuals 


12 三月 2019

中国意大利商会(CICC)很高兴的通知大家,商会将参加 “真正的意大利味道” – 意大利经济发展部(MiSE)促进和赞助的项目 ,旨在推广纯正的意大利食物和饮料产品。



我们正在寻找能够创建吸引人眼球短片的媒体公司/自由视频创作者。这项服务包含拍摄和编辑视频。视频设计必须符合中国大众口味,能够吸引中国受众,将其可见度最大化 。



12 三月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The CICC is going to launch a series of monthly events in Guangzhou, including seminars and networking that will take place in the upcoming months.

We are looking for venue sponsors for seminars in March, April, May.

For the series of seminars in March, please send us your application within Mar 15th, 2019; for seminars in April, please send your registration within Mar 22nd, 2019; for those in May, please apply within Mar 29th, 2019.

19 二月 2019

Dear Members and Friends,


The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to share the events in program for the upcoming months. 

We are looking for top speakers with a good knowledge of the following topics:



- Training: “Hiring and recruitment, methodology and issues” - March 6th, 2019

- Morning Talk: “Made in China” - March 14th, 2019

- Seminar: “Relocation strategies in China” - March 20th, 2019

11 二月 2019

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,


The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to welcome you to the first Morning Talk Seminar, on February 26th, focused on

Strategic branding in China: challenges and implication for international brands in an evolving consumer
goods market.


21 十二月 2018



Dear Members and Friends,

The CICC is organizing the seminar "Instruction for customs clearance" aimed to inform about customs regulation in China.

The seminar will give an overview on customs clearance, which involves preparation and submission of documentations required to facilitate export or imports into the country.


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