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China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing the True Italian Taste Masterclass in Guangzhou in May 2019, the event aims to promote the Italian Food and Beverage in China, and it is supported directly by the Italian Government Ministry of Economic Development.
What is the “True Italian Taste”?
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce engages in the promotion of the authentic Italian agricultural food products through the project “True Italian Taste”. This project is promoted and funded by the Ministry of Economic Development and carried out by Assocamerestero (the Association of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Worldwide) in cooperation with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad. “True Italian Taste” is part of the program "The Extraordinary Italian Taste".
CICC is looking for an Italian Chef with extensive experience in the field related to the Italian Cuisine, possibly with previous experience in hosting a Masterclass or Live Cooking Show, able to introduce the recipes, the food culture and the background of the Italian dishes in front of the public.
Please, send us the specific idea & recipe you would like to propose, together with a presentation, including also your CV and a short biography about your past experience in the field.
Evaluation Criteria:
The Chef shall be excluded from the Call:
Send your proposal and CV before April 12th, 2019 at 12:00 to the following email address: infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com
We are looking for venue sponsors for the True Italian Taste Masterclass to be held in Guangzhou in May 2019.
Please, send us your proposal with an introduction, photos and available kitchen equipment of the venue (evaluation criteria below).
Evaluation Criteria
The Venue sponsors shall be excluded from the Call:
Send your proposal before April 12th, 2019 at 12:00 to the following email address: infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com
Kind regards,
成为我们超过850个意大利及外国企业这个网络体系中的一员. 通过赞助商、合作以及在我们的官方网站上投放广告从而使您获得更高的知名度.
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