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CALL FOR SPEAKERS – Career Day 11th April, 2019, Guangzhou
CALL FOR SPEAKERS – Career Day 11th April, 2019, Guangzhou
Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing the second edition of the Guangzhou Career Day on April 11th, 2019, the event aims to provide a match-making platform between companies and students.
CICC is looking for speaker with experience and/or academic background in the field related to the topic of Hiring and Recruitment, possibly an expert from recruitment industry or headhunting companies with knowledge about the current employment situation in the Southern part of China from a deep perspective.
Please, send us the specific topic you would like to propose, together with a presentation and the application form filled in. Include also your CV and a short biography.
Evaluation Criteria:
The selection of the speakers will be made according to the contents relevant to the seminar.
The Chamber will give priority to the members of the Chamber first and will select the first submitted bid that will meet the standards indicated.
If no applications are submitted by the members of the Chamber, the Chamber has the right to select the most appropriate application submitted by one of the non-member companies present on the vendor list, giving priority to the “partners” of the Chamber.
The Speaker shall be excluded from the Call:
in case of not meeting conditions of the call process;
in case of non-conformity with the hereby open call;