
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室





31 十二月 2013
  Please note that CICC is collecting the questions for Q&A session. In order to submit your questions regarding the workplace safety regulation, please send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com.    Best wishes CICC SH Office

Italian Language Course - A1 beginners

07 一月 2014
  Dear Members and Friends, Learn and improve your Italian easily joining our Chamber! Thanks to the successful collaboration between the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and Linguaviva Educational Group, CICC is glad to offer all its members, their families and employees new Italian classes in Shanghai.    ITALIAN LANGUAGE – EVENING COURSE Course Structure Lessons 4 lessons per week (each lesson lasts 45 minutes), 80 lessons in total Duration 20 weeks Schedule Tue & Thu from 7 to 8:30 pm Start date January 7th, 2014 End date June 3rd, 2014 (classes will be suspended for National Holidays on January 30th and on February 4th and 6th) Levels A1 – beginners Group size Min. 5 max. 12 participants   GENERAL CONDITIONS  • No cancellation: if the student decides not to attend classes or to shorten the course, he/she is not entitled to any refund • Tuition fees are not transferable to another person • Textbooks are not included in the tuition fee: their price is 50 rmb and can be bought at school • In order to open this course a minimum of 5 students is required • In the event of insufficient applications for this course, the school reserves the right to offer an alternative course of equal value • CICC, Linguaviva and SJTU are not liable for any loss of property or damages caused on the premises   HOW TO PAY  Before the course starting date you should pay the global tuition fee. Payments must be made at:  Shanghai Jiao Tong University  Continuing Education School  Shanghai, Xuhui District, Huashan Road 1954 Haoran Building, Room 509 上海交通大学浩然科技大厦509室,上海徐汇区华山路1954号(靠近广元西路55号校门) Following methods of payment are possible:  • Cash  • Credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Union Pay) or cash card  • Bank transfer  Please indicate the reason of payment: ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE, student’s name, the chosen course and the starting date of the course.  Payment must be received in full. Students are liable for all bank charges and will be billed for such charges if necessary.  Jiao Tong University will issue a payment receipt after receiving the payment, in order to take part to the Italian language class; this receipt must be carefully kept and shown to Linguaviva Shanghai Admission Office on the first day of course. Location Classes are held at Linguaviva School inside Shanghai Jiao Tong University main campus in Xuhui District: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Continuing Education School Shanghai, Xuhui District, Huashan Road 1954 Haoran Building, Room 509 上海交通大学浩然科技大厦509室,上海徐汇区华山路1954号(靠近广元西路55号校门)   For Terms and conditions please click here (booking guide and application form) and send your application form to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by 6th January 2014.   Best Wishes CICC SH Office

Italian Career Day

06 十二月 2013
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, in collaborazione con ICE – Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, l’Universita’ Tongji e con il patrocinio del Consolato Generale d’Italia a Shanghai, promuove la quarta edizione dell’ITALIAN CAREER DAY, che si svolgera’ il giorno 6 Dicembre 2013 presso l’Universita’ Tongji, Campus di Siping Road.   Le prime tre edizioni si sono svolte con successo nel 2011-2012, confermando la validita’ di tale iniziativa quale fattore di supporto per le imprese italiane in Cina. Oltre 150 aziende italiane e 1000 candidati hanno infatti preso parte a questa iniziativa con circa 2000 colloqui di lavoro e il 20% di assunzioni. Anche questa edizione, indirizzata ai candidati cinesi ed italiani delle piu’ prestigiose universita’ locali, rappresenta una valida opportunita’ di incontro fra domanda ed offerta di lavoro.   Per rendere possibile la realizzazione dell’evento, a copertura delle spese organizzative sostenute dall’Universita’ Tongji, e’ previsto un contributo di partecipazione di RMB 1000 ad impresa, che dovra’ essere versato direttamente all’Universita’ Tongji. Le modalita’ saranno comunicate in seguito. Ciascuna impresa avra’ a disposizione un desk personalizzato per i colloqui e per la distribuzione di materiale informativo.   Di seguito si riportano gli estremi bancari per effettuare il pagamento: beneficiario: 同济大学 n.ro del conto: 033267-08017004675 banca: 农行上海市五角场支行营业部 Si prega di mettere "中意学院 SINO - ITALIAN CAMPUS" nella nota di pagamento.   Se interessati a cogliere questa opportunita’, vi invitiamo a visitare il seguente link ed effettuare l’iscrizione on-line per favorire il successivo matchmaking con i candidati.   The China Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Italian Trade Commission – ICE, Tongji University and, under the patronage of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, is glad to introduce the 4th ITALIAN CAREER DAY to be held on December 6th at Tongji University, Siping Road Campus.   The previous editions in 2011 and 2012 have been very successful with more than 150 Italian companies involved, 1000 candidates, over than 2000 job interviews with 20% of hiring. The Italian Career Day is an exchange point between Italian companies and local talents, it provides an opportunity for Italian and Chinese students to have face-to-face communication with the well-known Italian companies, to understand the companies’ development in China and Italy, company culture and all-rounded useful information about the professional fields.   In order to cover the expenses of realization of the event incurred by the Tongji University, the Italian companies who want to take this opportunity to introduce their China business strategy and get in touch with potential candidates, have a registration fee of RMB1000 to address directly to the Tongji University. Each company will have its own personalized desk for job interviews and for the distribution of informative materials.   Please see the detailed bank data to accomplish the payment: beneficiary: 同济大学 account number: 033267-08017004675 bank: 农行上海市五角场支行营业部 Please put the "中意学院 SINO - ITALIAN CAMPUS" in the note of the payment.   Please find the following link to submit your application.   Best wishes CICC SH Office  


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