
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




CICC Cooking Classes - Aggiungi un posto a tavola! A Practical & Fun Course to cooking "the Italian Way"!

21 三月 2009
   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, with the support of OTTO Restaurant & Wine Bar, Kohler Kitchens, Bormioli Rocco and De`Longhi has the pleasure of inviting you to discover the delicacy of Italian home cooked food:     Are you an Italian food lover, but you are not a pro in the kitchen?Do you wish to invite friends over for dinner, but you don`t know where to start from with the ingredients choice?Do you have an ayi who doesn`t exactly match your taste, when it comes to cooking even a simple spaghetti plate?  We have all the answers, and the solutions, to give you an appetite! Join now our cooking classes, to experience the real flavour of cooking the Italian way and be part of the Italian connection worldwide!Classes are open to Members and non-Members, Italian, Chinese and foreign nationals...because everybody likes Italian food and all of you can have a chance to learn how to cook it! The cooking course, at its first edition, will consist of five classes: Each class will focus on the preparation of 3 easy to make dishes that can be replicated back home, selected according to a theme Otto Chef will demonstrate how to prepare the dish and actively engage the audience to assist her, in English and Chinese An Attendance Certificate will be presented at the end of the course to all the students attending the class, and attendance gifts will be offered, courtesy of Kohler, Bormioli Rocco and De`Longhi ... and during each class, a coffee break courtesy of De`Longhi will be offered, to enjoy the taste of a freshly brewed Italian coffee or dip into the foam of a traditional cappuccino, home-made! EVENT DETAILS: Date & Time: March 21st onwards, every other Saturday, from 3.00pm to 5.00pmVenue: The Kohler Showroom, No.456 Nanjing (West) Road, Shanghai  NOTE:- the courses will be held in English, with Chinese translation for Chinese speakers- minimum attendance guarantee: 10pax- participation must be confirmed by Mar. 10th, 12.00pm noon (see confirmation form)- for further details please refer to attached profile    Information and Registration Date & Time: Participation must be confirmed by Mar. 10th, 12.00 pm noon Venue:  The Kohler ShowroomNo.456 Nanjing (West) Road, Shanghai上海市南京西路456号  Language: English, with Chinese translation for Chinese speakers Participation Fee:  RMB 1750/pax for CICC Members (5 classes course)RMB 2000/pax for non CICC Members (5 classes course) Registration Deadline: Payment to be settled in cash with CICC Shanghai office or bank t/t before Mar. 10th REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the "CICC Cooking Class" to be held on March 21st onwards, 2009.Name :Position :Company :Tel :Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   Download the profile of this seminar  

CICC Cooking Classes - Aggiungi un posto a tavola! A Practical & Fun Course to cooking "the Italian Way"!

21 三月 2009
   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, with the support of OTTO Restaurant & Wine Bar, Kohler Kitchens, Bormioli Rocco and De`Longhi has the pleasure of inviting you to discover the delicacy of Italian home cooked food:     Are you an Italian food lover, but you are not a pro in the kitchen?Do you wish to invite friends over for dinner, but you don`t know where to start from with the ingredients choice?Do you have an ayi who doesn`t exactly match your taste, when it comes to cooking even a simple spaghetti plate?  We have all the answers, and the solutions, to give you an appetite! Join now our cooking classes, to experience the real flavour of cooking the Italian way and be part of the Italian connection worldwide!Classes are open to Members and non-Members, Italian, Chinese and foreign nationals...because everybody likes Italian food and all of you can have a chance to learn how to cook it! The cooking course, at its first edition, will consist of five classes: Each class will focus on the preparation of 3 easy to make dishes that can be replicated back home, selected according to a theme Otto Chef will demonstrate how to prepare the dish and actively engage the audience to assist her, in English and Chinese An Attendance Certificate will be presented at the end of the course to all the students attending the class, and attendance gifts will be offered, courtesy of Kohler, Bormioli Rocco and De`Longhi ... and during each class, a coffee break courtesy of De`Longhi will be offered, to enjoy the taste of a freshly brewed Italian coffee or dip into the foam of a traditional cappuccino, home-made! EVENT DETAILS: Date & Time: March 21st onwards, every other Saturday, from 3.00pm to 5.00pmVenue: The Kohler Showroom, No.456 Nanjing (West) Road, Shanghai  NOTE:- the courses will be held in English, with Chinese translation for Chinese speakers- minimum attendance guarantee: 10pax- participation must be confirmed by Mar. 10th, 12.00pm noon (see confirmation form)- for further details please refer to attached profile    Information and Registration Date & Time: Participation must be confirmed by Mar. 10th, 12.00 pm noon Venue:  The Kohler ShowroomNo.456 Nanjing (West) Road, Shanghai上海市南京西路456号  Language: English, with Chinese translation for Chinese speakers Participation Fee:  RMB 1750/pax for CICC Members (5 classes course)RMB 2000/pax for non CICC Members (5 classes course) Registration Deadline: Payment to be settled in cash with CICC Shanghai office or bank t/t before Mar. 10th REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the "CICC Cooking Class" to be held on March 21st onwards, 2009.Name :Position :Company :Tel :Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   Download the profile of this seminar  

CICC Cooking Classes - Aggiungi un posto a tavola! A Practical & Fun Course to cooking "the Italian Way"!

21 三月 2009
   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, with the support of OTTO Restaurant & Wine Bar, Kohler Kitchens, Bormioli Rocco and De`Longhi has the pleasure of inviting you to discover the delicacy of Italian home cooked food:     Are you an Italian food lover, but you are not a pro in the kitchen?Do you wish to invite friends over for dinner, but you don`t know where to start from with the ingredients choice?Do you have an ayi who doesn`t exactly match your taste, when it comes to cooking even a simple spaghetti plate?  We have all the answers, and the solutions, to give you an appetite! Join now our cooking classes, to experience the real flavour of cooking the Italian way and be part of the Italian connection worldwide!Classes are open to Members and non-Members, Italian, Chinese and foreign nationals...because everybody likes Italian food and all of you can have a chance to learn how to cook it! The cooking course, at its first edition, will consist of five classes: Each class will focus on the preparation of 3 easy to make dishes that can be replicated back home, selected according to a theme Otto Chef will demonstrate how to prepare the dish and actively engage the audience to assist her, in English and Chinese An Attendance Certificate will be presented at the end of the course to all the students attending the class, and attendance gifts will be offered, courtesy of Kohler, Bormioli Rocco and De`Longhi ... and during each class, a coffee break courtesy of De`Longhi will be offered, to enjoy the taste of a freshly brewed Italian coffee or dip into the foam of a traditional cappuccino, home-made! EVENT DETAILS: Date & Time: March 21st onwards, every other Saturday, from 3.00pm to 5.00pmVenue: The Kohler Showroom, No.456 Nanjing (West) Road, Shanghai  NOTE:- the courses will be held in English, with Chinese translation for Chinese speakers- minimum attendance guarantee: 10pax- participation must be confirmed by Mar. 10th, 12.00pm noon (see confirmation form)- for further details please refer to attached profile    Information and Registration Date & Time: Participation must be confirmed by Mar. 10th, 12.00 pm noon Venue:  The Kohler ShowroomNo.456 Nanjing (West) Road, Shanghai上海市南京西路456号  Language: English, with Chinese translation for Chinese speakers Participation Fee:  RMB 1750/pax for CICC Members (5 classes course)RMB 2000/pax for non CICC Members (5 classes course) Registration Deadline: Payment to be settled in cash with CICC Shanghai office or bank t/t before Mar. 10th REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the "CICC Cooking Class" to be held on March 21st onwards, 2009.Name :Position :Company :Tel :Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   Download the profile of this event.  

Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations

12 三月 2009
   Location sponsored by:  Refreshments sponsored by: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, and the Service Providers Work Group (SPWG), with the support of Haworth Organic Workspace, are pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations Liquidation, especially in these hard times, is more and more an issue for foreign investors in China. While entering PRC market is relatively easy, the way out might not be as simple and a lot of concerns must be carefully evaluated. The seminar will go through the main issues arising from bankruptcy procedure and ordinary liquidation of the typical forms of foreign investment means in China (from representative offices to foreign-invested enterprises), analyzing the different steps of the procedures as well as identifying some sensitive issues, such as tax and labour liabilities, to be dealt with.  The seminar is organized with the support and expertise of Eversheds LLP and UGGC Associes, and will be presented by Mr. Marco Vinciguerra and Mr Nicola Aporti respectively. For more details, please refer to attached seminar profile. Speakers:Nicola Aporti: Based in Shanghai since beginning of 2006, Mr. Aporti is active in the field of foreign investments with main accent on corporate, tax and labour issues in China, and heads the China Italian Desk of UGGC Law Firm.Marco Vinciguerra: Very early in his career he started working on cross-border transactions involving Asia and China and spent most of his professional life in Hong Kong and Shanghai.  Marco is now established with Eversheds in Shanghai where he assists European clients in their foreign investment activities in China, mainly focusing on M&A, commercial agreements, anti-trust and financial services. Information and Registration Date & Time: Thursday, March 12th, 2009, registration at 18:00, the workshop will start at 18:30 until 19:30 (refreshments will be provided) Venue:  Haworth Organic Workspace 16F, Shanghai World Financial Center100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 China上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号上海环球金融中心16楼  Language: English Entrance Fee:  RMB 200/pax for CICC MembersRMB 250/pax for non CICC Members*Entry fees settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer, before Mar. 6th, 2009 will be reduced 50RMB (RMB 150/Member and RMB 200/Non-Member). Registration Deadline: Friday, March 6th, 2009, 18.00 Cancellation policy: If you cancel your reservation informing us by e-mail 36 hours before the event, no fee will be applied and you shall be refunded.No show: If you make a reservation and do not cancel 36 hours ahead in writing, you must pay the fee in order to attend other CICC events. No refund will be given. REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the seminar "Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations" to be held on March 12th, 2009.Name :Position :Company :Tel :Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Access is limited to 40 people only, based on e-mail registration date.   Download the profile of this seminar.  

Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations

12 三月 2009
   Location sponsored by:  Refreshments sponsored by: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, and the Service Providers Work Group (SPWG), with the support of Haworth Organic Workspace, are pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations Liquidation, especially in these hard times, is more and more an issue for foreign investors in China. While entering PRC market is relatively easy, the way out might not be as simple and a lot of concerns must be carefully evaluated. The seminar will go through the main issues arising from bankruptcy procedure and ordinary liquidation of the typical forms of foreign investment means in China (from representative offices to foreign-invested enterprises), analyzing the different steps of the procedures as well as identifying some sensitive issues, such as tax and labour liabilities, to be dealt with.  The seminar is organized with the support and expertise of Eversheds LLP and UGGC Associes, and will be presented by Mr. Marco Vinciguerra and Mr Nicola Aporti respectively. For more details, please refer to attached seminar profile. Speakers:Nicola Aporti: Based in Shanghai since beginning of 2006, Mr. Aporti is active in the field of foreign investments with main accent on corporate, tax and labour issues in China, and heads the China Italian Desk of UGGC Law Firm.Marco Vinciguerra: Very early in his career he started working on cross-border transactions involving Asia and China and spent most of his professional life in Hong Kong and Shanghai.  Marco is now established with Eversheds in Shanghai where he assists European clients in their foreign investment activities in China, mainly focusing on M&A, commercial agreements, anti-trust and financial services. Information and Registration Date & Time: Thursday, March 12th, 2009, registration at 18:00, the workshop will start at 18:30 until 19:30 (refreshments will be provided) Venue:  Haworth Organic Workspace 16F, Shanghai World Financial Center100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 China上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号上海环球金融中心16楼  Language: English Entrance Fee:  RMB 200/pax for CICC MembersRMB 250/pax for non CICC Members*Entry fees settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer, before Mar. 6th, 2009 will be reduced 50RMB (RMB 150/Member and RMB 200/Non-Member). Registration Deadline: Friday, March 6th, 2009, 18.00 Cancellation policy: If you cancel your reservation informing us by e-mail 36 hours before the event, no fee will be applied and you shall be refunded.No show: If you make a reservation and do not cancel 36 hours ahead in writing, you must pay the fee in order to attend other CICC events. No refund will be given. REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the seminar "Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations" to be held on March 12th, 2009.Name :Position :Company :Tel :Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com Access is limited to 40 people only, based on e-mail registration date.   Download the profile of this seminar.  

Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations

12 三月 2009
   Location sponsored by:  Refreshments sponsored by: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, and the Service Providers Work Group (SPWG), with the support of Haworth Organic Workspace, are pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Leaving China: Liquidation of foreign Operations Liquidation, especially in these hard times, is more and more an issue for foreign investors in China. While entering PRC market is relatively easy, the way out might not be as simple and a lot of concerns must be carefully evaluated. The seminar will go through the main issues arising from bankruptcy procedure and ordinary liquidation of the typical forms of foreign investment means in China (from representative offices to foreign-invested enterprises), analyzing the different steps of the procedures as well as identifying some sensitive issues, such as tax and labour liabilities, to be dealt with.  The seminar is organized with the support and expertise of Eversheds LLP and UGGC Associes, and will be presented by Mr. Marco Vinciguerra and Mr Nicola Aporti respectively. For more details, please refer to attached seminar profile. Speakers:Nicola Aporti: Based in Shanghai since beginning of 2006, Mr. Aporti is active in the field of foreign investments with main accent on corporate, tax and labour issues in China, and heads the China Italian Desk of UGGC Law Firm.Marco Vinciguerra: Very early in his career he started working on cross-border transactions involving Asia and China and spent most of his professional life in Hong Kong and Shanghai.  Marco is now established with Eversheds in Shanghai where he assists European clients in their foreign investment activities in China, mainly focusing on M&A, commercial agreements, anti-trust and financial services. Information and Registration Date & Time: Thursday, March 12th, 2009, registration at 18:00, the workshop will start at 18:30 until 19:30 (refreshments will be provided) Venue:  Haworth Organic Workspace 16F, Shanghai World Financial Center100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 China上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号上海环球金融中心16楼  Language: English Entrance Fee:  RMB 200/pax for CICC MembersRMB 250/pax for non CICC Members*Entry fees settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer, before Mar. 6th, 2009 will be reduced 50RMB (RMB 150/Member and RMB 200/Non-Member). Registration Deadline: Friday, March 6th, 2009, 18.00 Cancellation policy: If you cancel your reservation informing us by e-mail 36 hours before the event, no fee will be applied and you shall be refunded.No show: If you make a reservation and do not cancel 36 hours ahead in writing, you must pay the fee in order to attend other CICC events. No refund will be given.   Download the profile and presentation of this seminar.  


30 三月 2009
组织者: 上海艾展展览服务有限公司 电话:0086-21-65929965/65928673 传真:0086-21-65282319 网站:http://www.asiasolarexpo.com/ 电子邮箱:info@aiexpo.com.cn

2009 The Fourth Asiasolar Energy PV Exhibition and Forum

30 三月 2009
Settori: energia solari, prodotti PV, prodotti e tecnologie, ecc Organizzatore: Shanghai Aiexpo Exhibition Service Co. Ltd. Tel: 0086-21-65929965/65928673  Fax: 0086-21-65282319 Website: http://www.asiasolarexpo.com/ e-mail: info@aiexpo.com.cn

2009 The Fourth Asiasolar Energy PV Exhibition and Forum

30 三月 2009
Sectors: solar power, products PV, products and technology, ecc. Organizer: Shanghai Aiexpo Exhibition Service Co. Ltd. Tel: 0086-21-65929965/65928673 Fax: 0086-21-65282319 Website: http://www.asiasolarexpo.com/ e-mail: info@aiexpo.com.cn


29 三月 2010
组织者:上海博华国际展览有限公司上海闻展展览有限公司  电话:0086-21-64371178 传真:0086-21-64370982 网站:http://www.cmpsinoexpo.com/clean/ 电子邮箱:seansong@cmpsinoexpo.com 电子邮箱:seansong@cmpsinoexpo.com


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