
Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Pearl River West

22 四月 2015
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the 2015 Forum on the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Pearl River West on April 22nd in Beijing, organized by the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce of the P.R.C. The forum will discuss the new opportunities of manufacturing industry in Pearl River West, under the state strategy of equipment manufacturing industry and such development plans as Guangdong Free Trade Zone and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Integration.   Li Jia, member of standing committee of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee, and Wang Qingli, vice Mayor of Zhuhai, will communicate directly with attending company representatives, to further explore potential market chances and cooperations.   Agenda:   14:00-14:05 Introduction  14:05-14:15 Speech delivered by the Official of the Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM 14:15-14:40 Analysis on relevant planning in 2025, introduction to the state strategy on the development of equipment manufacturing industry and opportunities brought to the industry in South China and Pearl River West by Shi Yong, vice director of the Mechanic Industry Information Academy 14:40-15:00 Description of the latest development of Zhuhai, introduction of the relevant policies on promoting the development of Guangdong Free Trade Zone and resources optimization of Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao and market opportunities in marine engineering, intelligent manufacturing and aerospace industry, by Wang Qingli, vice mayor of Zhuhai 15:00-15:30 Speech given by Li Jia, member of standing committee of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee 15:30-17.00 Free exchange of opinions For further information please contact Mrs. Yu Tong:  Tel: 010-64404533/18611829860 Email:  

Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Pearl River West

22 四月 2015
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the 2015 Forum on the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Pearl River West on April 22nd in Beijing, organized by the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce of the P.R.C. The forum will discuss the new opportunities of manufacturing industry in Pearl River West, under the state strategy of equipment manufacturing industry and such development plans as Guangdong Free Trade Zone and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Integration.   Li Jia, member of standing committee of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee, and Wang Qingli, vice Mayor of Zhuhai, will communicate directly with attending company representatives, to further explore potential market chances and cooperations.   Agenda:   14:00-14:05 Introduction  14:05-14:15 Speech delivered by the Official of the Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM 14:15-14:40 Analysis on relevant planning in 2025, introduction to the state strategy on the development of equipment manufacturing industry and opportunities brought to the industry in South China and Pearl River West by Shi Yong, vice director of the Mechanic Industry Information Academy 14:40-15:00 Description of the latest development of Zhuhai, introduction of the relevant policies on promoting the development of Guangdong Free Trade Zone and resources optimization of Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao and market opportunities in marine engineering, intelligent manufacturing and aerospace industry, by Wang Qingli, vice mayor of Zhuhai 15:00-15:30 Speech given by Li Jia, member of standing committee of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee 15:30-17.00 Free exchange of opinions For further information please contact Mrs. Yu Tong:  Tel: 010-64404533/18611829860 Email:  

Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Pearl River West

22 四月 2015
  The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the 2015 Forum on the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Industry in Pearl River West on April 22nd in Beijing, organized by the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce of the P.R.C. The forum will discuss the new opportunities of manufacturing industry in Pearl River West, under the state strategy of equipment manufacturing industry and such development plans as Guangdong Free Trade Zone and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Integration.   Li Jia, member of standing committee of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee, and Wang Qingli, vice Mayor of Zhuhai, will communicate directly with attending company representatives, to further explore potential market chances and cooperations.   Agenda:   14:00-14:05 Introduction  14:05-14:15 Speech delivered by the Official of the Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM 14:15-14:40 Analysis on relevant planning in 2025, introduction to the state strategy on the development of equipment manufacturing industry and opportunities brought to the industry in South China and Pearl River West by Shi Yong, vice director of the Mechanic Industry Information Academy 14:40-15:00 Description of the latest development of Zhuhai, introduction of the relevant policies on promoting the development of Guangdong Free Trade Zone and resources optimization of Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao and market opportunities in marine engineering, intelligent manufacturing and aerospace industry, by Wang Qingli, vice mayor of Zhuhai 15:00-15:30 Speech given by Li Jia, member of standing committee of Guangdong Province and Secretary of Zhuhai municipal Party committee 15:30-17.00 Free exchange of opinions For further information please contact Mrs. Yu Tong:  Tel: 010-64404533/18611829860 Email:  


13 五月 2015
  尊敬的商会会员:   第十八届中国北京国际高科技工业博览会(CHITEC)将于2015年5月13-17日在北京举行。我们诚邀您参加本次博览会!   届时,中国意大利商会将在国际馆设立一个展台,为会员提供有偿宣传服务。若贵司希望进一步宣传并增进业务,获得更多商机,不要错过这次机会,请联系商会报名!   您只需:   - 填写报名表,并将填好的表格以电子邮件的形式在4月30日之前发送至 - 将您的宣传材料(如,公司宣传册、名片等)在5月6日之前快递至商会(建议采用中文材料,英文也可。如需笔译服务,请联系我们。) - 服务费:人民币1,000元(报名后7日内缴纳) (备注:商会地址和账户见报名表。)   我们的服务内容包括:   - 在商会展台展示您的宣传材料 - 两位双语商会人员在展台接受咨询,并收集潜在客户的联络信息 - 展会结束后,汇总并发送给您我们在展会上收集到的所有有价值的信息   点击查看展品大类。   此外,您还可免费参观本次科博会。   了解更多详情,请联系我们:   联系人: 张焕女士/吴艳女士 电话:010-85910545-616 Website:


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