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Call for Expert | Guidelines Update: Sales Contracts
The EU SME Centre is looking for one expert in the field of international sales contracts, to update existing guidelines in the field written by the EU SME Centre in 2016. Specifically:
Content of the report
The Guidelines were written in 2016 and are available at: https://www.eusmecentre.org.cn/guideline/drafting-sales-contracts-when-exporting-china.
The Guidelines need to be updated to make them aligned with recent regulatory as well as business developments in both the EU and China. The updated Guidelines can reflect the same structure as the previous ones, although changes and/or expansions are welcome, for instance including data-related provisions, case studies, etc.
A first draft of the guidelines must be submitted to the EU SME Centre by Friday 30 September 2022. The EU SME Centre will revert within two weeks with feedback and requests. The final version of the guidelines is expected to be published by the end of October 2022.
Following the publication of the guidelines, a launch webinar will be organised by the EU SME Centre during which the expert will introduce the content of the guidelines. No logistics/organisational efforts will be needed from the expert.
Application process
Interested applicants should write an email to the EU SME Centre’s Business Advisor Alessio Petino at: alessio.petino@eusmecentre.org.cn, including:
The EU SME Centre will choose the most competitive proposal. The quality of each application will be evaluated based on the three bullet points above and each candidate will receive a reply from the EU SME Centre.
Application deadline
Friday 12 August 2022
About the EU SME Centre
The EU SME Centre (www.eusmecentre.org.cn) is an EU-funded initiative that provides a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European SMEs, getting them ready to do business in China. Collaborating with external experts worldwide, the Centre converts valuable knowledge and experience into practical business tools and services easily accessible online. From first-line advice to in-depth technical solutions, we offer services through:
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