RsA - China's Personal and Corporate Tax Planning, Apr 24

14 四月 2021

Dear Members and Friends, 

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to share an article published by our member RsA Asia.


China's Personal and Corporate Tax Planning - Apr 24

We are pleased to inform you about the lecture “China's Personal and Corporate Tax Planning” organized by RsA Asia and the EBA program which will be held on April 24th 2021.


China's Personal Tax has been in changed in 2019 and the tax policy on allowances, bonus and stock options will change again in 2022. In recent years, China has implemented numerous reforms of the corporate and individual tax systems which have created a new environment for foreign investments in various strategic sectors for the country. This seminar aims to provide the insights on the main principles and overview of how to structure a business in China and internationally and of Chinese tax system with updates and tax reforms in China.


1) Personal Tax 2021-2022

2) Tax Policy on Benefits, Bonus and Stock Options 2021-2022

2) Tax Planning and Worldwide Tax

3) Corporate Income Tax

4) Tax Treaties

【Course Highlights】

The course gives the key tools to understand how to structure a business a new country with a specific focus on China and how to consider the tax impact on business income. The course covers Chinese tax system as a whole and the main taxes on companies in China.


Lorenzo Riccardi

Managing Partner RsA Asia, Head of EBA

EBA Program

The Global Elite of Business Administration (EBA), a course supported by RsA asia, has been designed to provide professionals with a thorough understanding of how to conduct business in China. The course offers candidates practical know-how and expertise in multiple disciplines, with a focus on finance and taxation, and aims to provide concrete knowledge and case studies which will prepare students for the challenges of doing business in China.

Lorenzo Riccardi

Lorenzo Riccardi is the Managing Director of RsA Asia (; he is a CPA specialized in international taxation and has covered roles in the governance of non-profit organizations and multi-national companies including the largest Italian groups in luxury, food and mechanical sectors. He has published extensively on foreign investments in developing and frontier economies (


Campus / on-line


April 24, 2021 14:00 - 17:00 China time



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