Latest News

11 七月 2024

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a participation at the 15th China...

09 七月 2024

On July 4th, on the occasion of the mission to China of the Italian Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), Sen. Adolfo Urso, the ...

09 七月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce that a new Networking Lunch took place on Thursday, July 4th, at La Platea (CBD...

Post Event:中意联谊晚餐会 - 7月3日 - 成都
03 七月 2020


POST EVENT: 意大利企业家返程中国的航班 ——2020年7月3日
03 七月 2020



意大利企业家返程中国的航班 ——2020年7月3日
03 七月 2020


Results Italy-China Travel Club (ICTC) and Sport Working Group (SWG) Elections
02 七月 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the results of the Italy-China Travel Club (ICTC) and Sport Working Group (SWG) elections held on June 15th 2020.

POST EVENT: Interchamber Business Networking - Shenzhen, 30th June 2020
30 六月 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the Interchamber Business Networking in Shenzhen was held on June 30th at Langham Shenzhen Hotel. With more than 130 participants attending, the event represented  a special opportunity for guests from different Chambers of Commerce in Guangzhou to exchange contacts.

Aggiornamento sul ritorno degli imprenditori italiani in Cina - 28 giugno 2020
28 六月 2020

Cari Colleghi e Amici,

Facendo seguito a quanto comunicato in data 23 giugno 2020: "Procedura di acquisto pacchetto servizi per rientro in Cina_2 luglio 2020 MXP – NKG", la presente per fornire un aggiornamento in merito al progetto rientro degli imprenditori italiani in Cina. 

POST EVENT - 2020求职日
28 六月 2020

Cari Soci e Amici,

L’Ambasciata d’Italia nella R.P.C., la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) e l’Associazione Giovani Italiani in Cina (AGIC) sono lieti di informarvi che il Career Day 2020 si è tenuto con successo in data 26 giugno.

L’evento è stato realizzato con il supporto di ITA Italian Trade Agency e la promozione da parte di China Hub, Fondazione Italia Cina, Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese, Italian Chinese Professional Network e Istituto Italiano di Cultura.

POST EVENT: Interchamber Business Networking - Guangzhou, 23rd June 2020
23 六月 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

On June 23rd at China Hotel, more than 160 participants attended the Interchamber Business Networking in Guangzhou, a special occasion for guests from different Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou to exchange contacts.

POST EVENT: 北京会员大会 - 2020年6月22日
23 六月 2020



Procedura di acquisto pacchetto servizi per rientro in Cina_2 luglio 2020 MPX – NKG
23 六月 2020

Cari Amici e Colleghi,

La presente per fornire un aggiornamento in merito al progetto rientro degli imprenditori e manager italiani in Cina.

Comunichiamo che è possibile procedere fin da subito con la prenotazione del volo aereo operato da NEOS con partenza prevista per il giorno 2 luglio da Milano Malpensa (MPX) alle ore 16:15 e arrivo a Nanchino (NKG) il giorno 3 Luglio alle ore 9:50 (orario locale).


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