Latest News

28 六月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is looking for a Web Development and Web Design Provider to redevelop its website.

27 六月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to a new Networking Lunch in Beijing that will be held on Thursday,...

27 六月 2024

On June 25, 2024, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) was delighted to participate in the grand ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of ...

Ass. Gen. Elettiva: Giacomo Bove eletto Consigliere di Suzhou
18 六月 2021

L'Assemblea, tenutasi esclusivamente online, ha eletto il Candidato Giacomo Bove, General Manager di Ponzini, con 93 voti a favore e 34 astenuti.

election for the new EEEEPWG Coordinator and Vice-coordinators, July 16th, 2021
16 六月 2021

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

This is to inform that the elections for the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators for the Energy and Environmental Protection Working Group (EEPWG) will be held online on 16/07/2021 at 3PM (Beijing time).

Election for the new EEPWG Coordinator and Vice-coordinators, July 16th, 2021
16 六月 2021

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

This is to inform that the elections for the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators for the Energy and Environmental Protection Working Group (EEPWG) will be held online on 16/07/2021 at 15:00 (Beijing time).

11 六月 2021


Corporate Event: Mixed Reality Webinar, Holomaintenance by Würth
09 六月 2021

Corporate Event: Mixed Reality Webinar, Holomaintenance by Würth

Post News | “中国西南部对意大利企业的潜在机会”网络研讨会 - 2021年6月9日,成都
09 六月 2021

中国意大利商会(CICC)很高兴与您分享,由意大利驻重庆总领事馆和意大利展览集团主办的中国西南部对意大利企业的潜在机会网络研讨会在中国意大利商会的支持下于2021年6月9日在成都倍朗科技发展有限公司(四川省成都市天府新区汉州路969号中交国际中心1104)成功举办,意大利驻重庆总领事馆总领事毕岚祺先生(Guido  Bilancini)和中国意大利商会西南地区董事张卢卡先生(Gianluca Luisi)出席了论坛并发言,张卢卡先生指出中国意大利商会正积极地促进意大利企业在西南地区的合作与发展,增进中国意大利商会的知名度的同时为更多的意大利团体提供商业机会。

Shanghai-Pudong Appreciation Meeting Debuted on Monday
08 六月 2021


CICC Chengdu Desk - Spaces for Organizing Events Available to Companies and Members
07 六月 2021


Post Event | 第三届意大利品牌设计展-西南特展- “风格与可持续性”-6月4日-6日, 2021, 重庆
06 六月 2021


Career Day 2021 - Matchmaking in progress
01 六月 2021



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