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As for previous communication, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to remind you of the “Through Waters – Art & Water keeping aside desert” a photograph exhibition highlighting the cultural value of water which will run at the Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing on 14-28 September 2012, under the auspices of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China.
His Excellency Mr. Ambassador Attilio Massimo Iannucci will inaugurate the event on September the 14th. The evening will start at 4 pm.
Speakers at the event include:
Mr. Ma Jun Guest of Honour _ Director of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) (公众 环境 研究 中心);
Christina Sasayiannis _ Responsible and curator of Through Waters Project - RCMA;
Ms. Mina Guli _ Thirst4Water;
Besides, during the evening there will be the following shows:
"The WELL voices from Ethiopia" _ Paolo Barbieri-Mario Michelini-Richard Russo;
"Cry Sea" _ Luke Cusani;
"I Cuccioli", the cartoons H2Ooooh! have been kindly granted by the Alcuni Group in collaboration with UNESCO and RAI FICTION;
The exhibition runs from 15 September to 28 September from 10 am to 6 pm free entrance
For further Information please contact Mrs. Christina Sassayannis at: or 0086 13810356423.