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Summary of updated official policies and news on the COVID-19, 9/03/2020
Summary of updated official policies and news on the COVID-19, 9/03/2020
Dear Members and Friends,
To keep you up to date with the updated official information, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce prepared the weekly summary of official policies (3rd - 9th of March 2020) and news on the COVID-19 divided by districts, click HERE to read it.
Should you be interested in reading further details, please visit InfoMercati Esteri’s website.
We highlight the latest document gathering all the most recent policies by the Chinese government.
The document is a joint effort of Italian institutions in China, namely the Embassy of Italy in Beijing, the Consulate General in Shanghai, Canton and Chongqing, the Trade & Investment Agency and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. The document collects all the measures (financial, fiscal, access to credit, customs, and social benefits and welfare) adopted by the Chinese authorities to support the domestic economy and the activities of the enterprises located in China, both Chinese and foreign.