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Results Italy-China Travel Club (ICTC) and Sport Working Group (SWG) Elections
Results Italy-China Travel Club (ICTC) and Sport Working Group (SWG) Elections
Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the results of the Italy-China Travel Club (ICTC) and Sport Working Group (SWG) elections held on June 15th, 2020:
Coordinator: Simone Sturla
Vice-Coordinators: Juan Simoni, Florian Hajzeri
The Coordinator Simone Sturla and Vice-Coordinators Juan Simoni and Florian Hajzeri will inform you about the next meeting and activities.
CICC Board and Team want to thank Simone, Huan and Florian for their availability and commitment as new leaders of ICTC and SWG.