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Publication of the performance ranking of the CCIE
Publication of the performance ranking of the CCIE
Dear Members,
On September 8th 2015, the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE) published the performance ranking (“score”) of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad approved – in accordance with the art. 6, c. 3 of Ministerial Decree 04/24/2014 - by the Commissione elected with the Legislative Decree 06/09/2014.
The Chamber “score” of each Chamber is calculated, considering the triennium 2012-2014, upon 16 reliability parameters from L.D. 9/06/2014 and is a correcting percentage for the calculation of MiSE contribution.
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) obtained 11,17, the ninth position among the 72 Italian Chambers abroad and first in East Asia. Benchmarks: the leading Chambers 12,02 and the lowest 5,47. For your information in attachment the whole ranking.