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POST EVENT - Interchamber Autumn Mixer, September 25 - Shanghai
POST EVENT - Interchamber Autumn Mixer, September 25 - Shanghai
Dear Members and Friends,
On 25th September 2019 at eat n work, Super Brand Mall, took place the InterChamber Autumn Mixer, organized in cooperation with 23 international Chambers in Shanghai.
This event represented a fantastic and exclusive networking opportunity, since all the participants had the chance to meet the Members of the Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai and expand their professional connections worldwide.
The InterChamber Mixer was also an important moment for the staff of the Chambers of Commerce to build up their relationship and have an update of their past and future agenda.
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce wants to thank all the Chambers who organized and supported the event and all the participants for making the event a success.
We hope to see you all in the next edition of InterChamber!