POST EVENT | II Session, Mentorship Program 2024

07 三月 2024

On March 1st, the Young Professionals Network (中Y意) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in collaboration with Gi Group Holding, successfully hosted the second session of the Mentorship Program 2024 on Career Development for China.

The main topic of discussion has been the skills needed for the Chinese job market.



Our Mentor, Daniele Merlerati, Regional Head at Gi Group Holding, analyzed the main features of the Chinese job market spanning from current sectors of interest and demographic trends to important skills for fresh graduates and young professionals and practical solutions for job hunting.

Throughout his presentation, our mentor explored the recent evolution of the Chinese market by focusing on the growing demand for technical skills, the relevance of the IT sector and the excessive number of graduates compared to job availabilities. However, young professionals have access to a series of resources that can effectively improve their position in the job market, such as online and post-graduation trainings or proactive engagement with relevant professionals.

Additionally, Mr. Merlerati has provided practical suggestions on how to effectively do job hunting by drawing examples from his experience as manager, mentor and professional in the job market. His presentation stressed the role of responsibility, hard work and patience as key skills for Young Professionals’ career development and concluded the second edition of the CICC Mentorship Program.


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