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Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the CICC Italian Week – in the framework of Just Italy 2019 organized by Nihao Italy – was successfully held from July 12th to 21st 2019, at IP Mall, Shanghai.
The event aimed at presenting a genuine Italian lifestyle creating the most effective ecosystem for Italian IP Industry through masterclass performances, international celebrities, craftsman and arts, designs and shows, immersive experiences and exclusive gourmets.
The opening ceremony was held on July 12th 2019 with the participation of Mr. Michele Cecchi, Consul General of Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai and Ms. Alessandra Vismara, CICC Board Member and the exhibition spaces were inaugurated.
During the Just Italy 2019 IP Festival a lot of events were held and the CICC organized the "Italian Hospitality 2019 Awarding Ceremony", on July 14th and the "Istituto Marangoni Workshop: Italian Style Identities", on July 19th.
The "Italian Hospitality 2019 Awarding Ceremony" - organized by the CICC with the support of Istituto Nazionale Ricerche Turistiche - IS.NA.R.T. and of Unioncamere - aimed at awarding and certifying the authenticity of Italian restaurants in Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang and at promoting the traditions of Italian agri-food products.
The "Istituto Marangoni Workshop: Italian Style Identities” - organized by Istituto Marangoni and co-organized by the CICC - was held by the lecturer Mr. Matteo Lenzotti, a fashion designer with years of experience in the industry. Mr. Lenzotti focused on what makes the Italian identity unique, with key roles being played by the environment, the local production as the craftsmanship, creativity, heritage and storytelling, carrying a similitude with the diversity among the Chinese provinces.
The CICC would like to thank IP Mall for hosting our events and all the companies and participants for the success of the CICC Italian Week.
Best regards,
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