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Post Event: "CICC Food&Beverage Working Group Open Meeting", March 5th
Post Event: "CICC Food&Beverage Working Group Open Meeting", March 5th
Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the online meeting of the “CICC Food&Beverage Working Group" was successfully held on Thursday, 5th of March.
The Members of the CICC F&B working group had the opportunity to deepen all the aspects related on how to deal with the current situation, in terms of transportation, logistics, customs operations, import&export difficulties, the suspension of trade fairs and exhibitions, policies and case studies, analyzing how the F&B sector has been impacted.
The meeting was moderated by Cristina Corsini, CICCF&B WG Coordinator and featured the following topics and speakers:
- "Legal Guideline of COVID-10 Outbreak" by Nicola Aporti, Partner at HFG Law & IP Practice.
- "Crisis and Opportunity in the F&B sector" by Cristina Corsini, CICC F&B Working Group Coordinator.
- "How to operate your China Business remotely in 2020" by Ervis Micukaj, Partner at JET IT Services.
- "The Social Media platform Douyin" by Edoardo Noce, Marketing Specialist at Fabbri.
- "Domestic transportation recovery: updated situation", by Marco Leporati, Managing Director of Savino Del Bene (Shanghai).
The webinar was followed by a Q&A session, during which participants had the opportunity to address their questions to the speakers.