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Post Event - 3 May, Roadshow: CICC comes to Ningbo!
Post Event - 3 May, Roadshow: CICC comes to Ningbo!
On May 3rd 2017, in Ningbo, the CICC hosted the first event of its Roadshow at the Ningbo International Exhibition center.
The Roadshow is part of the Chamber’s new activities and is seen as an opportunity to reach beyond the usual frontiers.
The initiative is particularly aimed at expanding and fostering the network of Sino-Italian companies in the Chinese Eastern Provinces and wishes to represent an opportunity to enhance the dialogue between the Chamber and local actors.
The meeting has represented an important moment of reciprocal exchange and mutual listening. The Chinese and Italian companies who attended, had the opportunity to share perspectives, needs, difficulties and advantages of operating in an important commercial area such as the one of Ningbo.
The Chamber could moreover present its activities and services, together with the report “Made in China 2025”. We wish to remind you that it is possible to purchase a paperback copy of the report by simply writing to (100 RMB for CICC members, 400 RMB for non-members).
Additionally, during the meeting the Chamber’s most important upcoming events were presented:
the Suzhou Appreciation Meeting - May 12th,Suzhou and,
the Gala Dinner Panda d’Oro (June 17th, Shanghai)
A special thanks goes to NIIPB for hosting the event and to FLENCO for the organizational support.
We wish to also thank those who took part in this initiative and we look forward to meeting new companies during the upcoming events of the Roadshow!