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New Headquarters of System China Technology Co. Ltd.
New Headquarters of System China Technology Co. Ltd.
Dear Members,
China Italy Chmaber of Commerce is pleased to inform you about the opening of a new headquarters of System (China) Technology Co. Ltd.
The new headquarters of System China , Chinese entity belongs to the Italian company System S.p.A. of Fiorano Modenese (MO) will be inaugurated on Friday, June 14th, in Suzhou, a city famous for the ancient tradition of silk and one of the areas with the highest economic development in China today.
Systen China is a manufacturing company using the state of the art Italian technology to develop solutions and automations for ceramic, packaging and logistic industries for its customers located both in China and in Asia.
The new System facilities are in Suzhou Industrial Park n°18 Xinfa Road, Jiangsu Province.