ISIC 2017 – Italian Scale-up Initiative in China 2017 - Best3 ScaleUps

31 七月 2017

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The ISIC 2017 – Italian Scale-up Initiative in China 2017 is now in its final stage. The Best3 ScaleUps have been selected:



The final award ceremony and the meeting session among Chinese stakeholders, partners of the initiative, and the representatives of the Best3 companies will take place in Beijing, during the event set up in September. In addition, the companies of ISIC 2017 will benefit from:

  • Complimentary CICC membership and CICC services;
  • Tailor-made assistance in soft-landing and internationalization program;
  • Mentorship and human resources support, provided by the high level network of academic and professional sectors in China;
  • Round-trip flight tickets;
  • A dedicated free desk at Innoplanet Space

For more information:

Tech Silu - ISIC2017: The Italian technologies which win in China

Startup Business - ​Tech Silu porta in Cina l’innovazione di D-Orbit, e X-Next


Best regards,


The CICC Team

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