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Dear Members and Friends,
The 5th Edition of CICC MEWG Business Networking Event was held on September 16th in Shanghai.
Over 30 people in the manufacturing engineering sector participated in the informal dinner aimed at discussing the topic "Containers and Shipping: Current Situation, Issues and Perspectives". It was a real chance for members and potential new ones to meet and interact.
The participants shared suggestions and insights during the discussion led by the Coordinator of the Logistic Working Group (LWG), Mr Mario Tasso, head of JAS FORWARDING (CHINA) Co., Ltd. Together with Mr Flaminio Rizzi, Italy-based Business Development Manager at RifLine Italy S.p.a., Mr Tasso shared the latest updates on maritime traffic and increase in container costs.
The event was also an occasion to network with companies in the field.
The CICC would like to express our special thanks to all the participants and Palatino Roman Cuisine for providing the venue for the event and a rich buffet with drinks. Furthermore, we would like to thank Royi Fine Wines for the wine sponsorships as well.
The CICC also kindly invites you to take part in the next MEWG Business Networking Event scheduled on September 28th in Suzhou.
Know more about MEWG:
The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base.
MEWG Objectives
▪ Coordinate and promote all Italian members' needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …);
▪ Promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities;
▪ Coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of "Technology Made in Italy";
▪ Inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses;
▪ Become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market.
For more information about the MEWG Group please contact the email address below:
MEWG Group: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com
The CICC team
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