Exhibition: "Fonda and the Great Journey" 2020.11.12-12.28

13 十一月 2020


Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce the opening of the exhibition “FONDA AND THE GREAT JOURNEY”, a solo show of the artist Lorenzo Fonda, organized by the Italian Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Institute of Culture and hosted by the Yuan Art Museum in Beijing,

Lorenzo Fonda has long been inspired by two ancient Greek myths that were absorbed by the Roman world and have crossed through Mediterranean over the centuries. Fonda’s works on mythological themes raise the question of the journey that awaits each one of us when we find the courage and determination to abandon the apparent safety of our small ports to venture into the open sea, like Ulysses, towards the incomparable adventure of a life truly lived.

This event of Italian contemporary art is the first great Italian exhibition organized in Beijing since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and will be followed in the next months by other important exhibitions and live events organized by the Italian Embassy of Italy in the PRC and the Italian Institute of Culture.


Fonda and the Great Journey 

Mediterranean Myth and Reality:

Ulysses and Prometheus




From Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-5:30pm


Yuan Art Museum

112 Lizexiyuan, Wangjing, Chaoyang District, Beijing




Kind Regards,



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