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EUCOSH (EU-China Occupational Safety and Health) Project
EUCOSH (EU-China Occupational Safety and Health) Project
Dear Members,
We would like to inform you about EUCOSH Project. Its overall objective is to support China achieve effective standards of work safety and health in high risk sectors (Coal Mining sector, the Non-Coal Mining sector and the Chemical Industry), comparable to those in the EU by developing the capacity to design and enforce effective OSH strategies based on the principles of prevention and the direct involvement of workers in risk management.
The project operates in partnership with the State Administration for Workers Safety (SAWS).
The project is currently beginning the implementation of the last annual work plan and one of the main activities entails the organisation of a series of Awareness Raising events in different parts of the country.
The project intends to outsource the implemntation of the these Awareness Raising activities that will be awarded through a restricted tender that will follow the EU procurement rules.