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CICC Networking Dinner at Bella Napoli, 29th August 2023
CICC Networking Dinner at Bella Napoli, 29th August 2023
Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the CICC Monthly Networking Dinner was successfully held on the 29th of August at Bella Napoli.
More than 50 people gathered together and made connections in a lively and joyful atmosphere.
CICC would like to thank everyone who contributed to the event: all the participants at Bella Napoli.
The event is part of a series of networking dinners that we are hosting monthly in Shanghai, to give people a chance to mingle and network in a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
There is no better setting than good food and good wine to accompany conviviality!
We hold these dinners each time at a different venue picking from Italian restaurants in Shanghai.
All the networking dinners are open both for CICC Members and Non-Members!
Stay tuned on our channels to discover when the next dinner will be held: hope to see you there!