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The event “Seizing Opportunities in the Chinese Petrochemical Sector with Two Market Leaders: Hengli & Hengyi” was held yesterday, September 28th, online.
Organized by SACE, the Embassy of Italy in Beijing and Confindustria, the webinar took the opportunity to present the recently signed cooperation within SACE’s “Push Strategy” with two of China’s most relevant companies operating in the petrochemical sector: Hengli Petrochemical International and Hengyi Industries International.
Opening speeches were provided by representatives of the Sistema Italia in China: Mr Marco Midolo, First Counsellor and Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy to the P.R.C., Mr Donato Morea, Head of SACE Shanghai Office, Mr Giovanni Maresca, Asia and Financial Tools Specialist at Confindustria, Mr Gianpaolo Bruno, Italian Trade Commissioner and Coordinator of ITA Offices in China and Mongolia, and Mr Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.
Chairman Bazzoni highlighted that despite the current difficulties that the Chinese market is going through in terms of internal demands, it still represents a strong potential in terms of opportunities for our enterprises. Italian SMEs approaching the Chinese market shall operate with attention, caution and a selective approach in order to prioritize innovation, quality and the creation of high value, which represent the pillars of the Italian value proposition.
The concrete support of the Sistema Italia is nowadays fundamental in order not to jeopardize economic and financial resources and ensuring sustainable results.
Representatives of credit institutes also contributed to the discussion: Alessandro Mazzi of HSBC, Fabio de Rosa of Banco BPM and Luigi Martani of Crédit Agricole shared useful information on the support offered by SACE’s “Push Strategy” in the Chinese market.
The event saw also the participation of representatives of Hengli Petrochemical International and Hengyi Industries International, who offered an overview of the operations of the two giant Chinese enterprises. Following the plenary session, both companies were then engaged for future business opportunities with Italian counterparts.
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