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CICC HCWG Meeting - Coordinator and Vice-coordinator election May 29th, 2018
CICC HCWG Meeting - Coordinator and Vice-coordinator election May 29th, 2018
Dear Members,
I invite you to join the next meeting of the CICC Healthcare Working Group (HCWG) scheduled on May 29th, 2018.
During the meeting, the election of the Vice-Coordinator of the HCWG will be carried on
a) To candidate as Coordinator:
1 - Supporting Members only can apply
2 - Send your candidacy to by May 18th, 2018.
Here you can find general rules and voting procedures.
b) To attend:
Send your confirmation to by May 28th, 2018 noontime specifying if you will attend in person or not.
The meeting will be held in Italian/English.
During the meeting members will elect the HCWG Coordinator.