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China-Italy Young Professional Talk #3 - Professionalism as the foundation for becoming global-caliber
China-Italy Young Professional Talk #3 - Professionalism as the foundation for becoming global-caliber
The China-Italy Young Professional Talk #3 was held online on April 29th, 2022 in Suzhou. The talk was organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU).
Mr Douglas Shearer, Business Engagement Manager of XJTLU, welcomed the attendees and introduced the two speakers.
Mr Lorenzo Riccardi, Treasurer of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and Managing Partner & CPA of RsA Asia, underlined the importance of an international career in East Asia, motivated by the coexistence of factors such as the presence of the main financial hubs in the world, the volume of trade and investments and the future economic trends between the Far East and rest of the world.
Mr Larry Wang , Talent & Leadership Development Trainer, presented that becoming a global-caliber professional begins with having a good understanding of what this means and what this looks like. During his talk on How to Stand Out As A Global-Caliber Professional, Larry Wang emphasized professionalism as the foundation for becoming global-caliber. This includes developing high standards and a solid approach to doing things, along with building your value and ability to support the success of others.